Correction: The Conversion of Fibrinogen to Fibrin. XVIII. Light

Correction: The Conversion of Fibrinogen to Fibrin. XVIII. Light Scattering Studies of the Effect of Hexamethylene Glycol on Thermodynamic Interaction...
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Dec., 1956

A. A. Miller, E. J. Lawton and J. S. Balwit. The Radiation a h e m i s t r y of Hydrocarbon Polymers: Polyethylene, Polymethylene and Octacosane.

Page 603. In col. 1, line 20, transpose the words “then the formation” to begin the line below the second formula equation, that is, to precede the words “of trans-viny1ene.”A. A. MILLER. Edward F. Casassa. The Conversion of Fibrinogen to Fibrin. XVIII. Light Scattering Studies of the Effect of Hexamethylene Glycol on Thermodynamic Interactions in Fibrinogen Solutions. Page 927. In section 111, line 12, for “A’, A’,” read “As’, A3”” and in line 15 for “A2 and A2” read “Az and AZ,’.”


.I Page 930. Az’




In column 2, lines 21-22, read “with


= 1,

d Page 932. In column 2, line 35, read ‘LA3‘/(A2‘)2ii/‘= Aa/APM = ~.O.”-EDWARD F. CASASSA. M. Spiro. The Transference Numbers of Iodic Acid and the Limiting Mobility of the Iodate Ion in Aqueous Solution a t 25”. Page 977. I n col. 1, the equations for AV,, AVZ, and

AVa the sign should be omitted in all combinations “+ and -.” Equs;)ion (1) should read “t~oa(Z= Z) t~oa(Z = 0) = f(Z/crc) Two lines above Fig. 1, for “-”



read “ ( I / ~ ~ C ) ~The J . ” legend for the vertical ( ZZ) - t I 0 3 ( 1 = O)] X scale of Fig. 1 should read “ [ t ~ o ~ =

‘ ‘


Page 978. I n the 14th line of the text the factor should read “ l / ( t ~ t103).” Equation (5’) should have a bracket ‘‘1” a t the end.


Page 980. I n term should read

!F long equation a t the bottom, the first 2.”-M.



I Gert Ehrlich. ’sten Surface.

The Interaction of Nitrogen with a Tung-

Page 1390. I n col. 1, Eq. (1) the letter “T” should be above the integral sign. In text line 8 below Fig. 2, insert “TD” above the integral sign, substitute 7 for X as the variable of integration, and read “depends only.” I n Eq;, insert “m” over the integral sign and in Eq. (3) +E similarly. I n Eq. (3) omit the - sign before “SE”and in Eq. (4)and (5) omit the - sign after the equal sign. In col. 2, Eq. (6) after the term ‘ ‘ 5 ~ the ” sign should be In Eq. (7) after the term “ 5 ~ ”the sign -, and in thesecondline of Eq. (8) after ‘‘FA dt” the - sign should be +.--GERT EHRLICH.



