Correction: The Emission-To-Jobs Ratio - A Tool for Evaluating

Correction: The Emission-To-Jobs Ratio - A Tool for Evaluating Pollution Control Programs. Paul Templet. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1993, 27 (10), pp 19...
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&a1 industry capital outlay relative to U.S. average by

chemical industry spent well above the average in 1990, will lower its emissions faster than Louisiana, >>~.i whose chemical industry is spending well below the average. The analysis predicts that Louisiana will remain the largest discharger of toxic chemicals with the attendant environmental and economic risks (7)and retain its number one rank until its state policies and industry pollution abatement spending rise toward the national norm.


Note The figures given in a sentence in the author’s May 1993 ESBT article need lo be corrected. On page 812, the second sentence in the first full paragraph should read, “Since 1987 the Louisiana chemical industry EIJ ratio has decreased from approximately 30,000 Ib per job to the current 14,108, or about 51%, while the U.S. chemical industry EIJ ratio has declined from 3416 to 1859 Ib per job, or 46%, in the same period.”

References (11 Templet, P. H. Envimn. Sci. Technol. 1€393,27[5), 810-12. (21 “Todcs in the Community, National and Local Perspectives, The 1990

Toxics-releaseInventory National Report”; U S . Environmental Protection Agency. U S . Government Printing Office: Washington, DC. 1992; EPA 7WS-92-002. I31 “1990 Annual Survey of Manufac-

’ GJRC 3 I990 State chemical industry pollution spending versus thi ?missions-to-jobsratio (E/J)

tures, Geographic Area Statistics”; U S . B m a u of the Census. U S . Department of Commerce. Economics and Statistics Administration: Washington, DC, 1992. (41 “Current Industrial Reports. Pollution Abatement Costs and Expenditures”; U.S. Bureau of the Census: Washington, DC,1992; MA200(90]-1. (51 Ennron. Sci. Technol. 1993. 27l51. 771. I61 Hall, B.; Kerr. M. L. G m n Index, 1991-1992: Island h s s : Washington, DC,1993. I71 Templet, P. H.; Faher, S. Ecological

Economics. Elsevier Science Publishem,in press.

State chemical industiy E/J (Ibhob)

Paul H. Templet is on associate professur a t Louisiana Stnte University’s Institute for Environmental Studies. He has an M.S. deg r e e in p h y s i c a l chemistry from D u k e Universitv and o Ph.D. in chemical physics from Louisiano State University. His research interests are in economic-environmental interactions, program evoluation. pollution prevention, and policy anolysis. Templet was Secretmy of the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality from March 1988 to lanuary 1992. Envimn. Sci. Technol.. Vol. 27, No. IO. 1993 1986