Correction: Theoretical Basis of the Bouguer-Beer Law of Radiation

Correction: Theoretical Basis of the Bouguer-Beer Law of Radiation Absorption. F. Strong. Anal. Chem. , 1952, 24 (12), pp 2013–2013. DOI: 10.1021/ ...
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NO. 1 2 , D E C E M B E R 1 9 5 2

oils containing pour point depressants under fluctuating temperature conditions. Close cooperation has been established between Committee D-2 and the Standardization Committee of the Institute of Petroleum (United Kingdom) with the object of promoting international standards and test methods for petroleum and its products.

Semimicro Qualitative Analysis. Paul Arthur and Otto X . Sntzth. Third ed. xi 285 pages. McGraiv-Hill Book Co., Inc., 330 West 42nd St., S e w York 36, 9.T., 1952. Price, $1.00.


The authors have somewhat revised and rearranged the inaterial in the second edition of their text in preparing this edition. The first half of the book is devoted to a capable treatment of chemical theories and background material. Chapters on revie\\- of elementary principles, heterogeneous equilibrium and solubility product, colloids and coprecipitation, hydrogen sulfide and metal sulfides, ionization of water, pH and hydrolysis, complexion and amphoteric substances, and oxidation-reduction reactions are included. Many examples of typical numerical problems are worked out in detail. The summary a t the end of each chapter is folloived by a set of revieTv questions and problems, many with answers given. The experimental section of the book is introduced by a short section on semimicrotechnique. The cation analysis procedure folloivs the conventional hydrogen sulfide system. Thp anion analysis divides the anions into four groups and occupies about 20% of the section. *4listing of chemical properties and a set of preliminary experiments precede the outline of each group analysis. Sumerous notes and questions on the procedure and a complete set of net ieactions conclude the presentation. The test gives good directions for the manipulntions required and in addition presents a, clear picture of the theory behind the analysis schemes. The principal objection to the text lies in its format. 1llustr:itive problems, revielv questions and problems, chemical charactriistics, group analysis schemes, and notes on the analysis are all set in small print. This format consolidates a large amount of information into a relatively small book which is useful for reference material but is not convenient for an everyday text. Severtheless the authors have managed to include a m ~ d t hof material in a book which should be carefully considered by anyone selecting a tevt in this field. IV. V - A Y ~~EI E I U K E

2013 phases. The book is written to serve as a concise handbook of techniques and applications. It is well illustrated and should be available in every metallography laboratory. W. C. MCCRONE Ammonium Dichromate Safety Data Sheet. Important physical and chemical properties of ammonium dichromate are given in this safety data sheet. Instructions for the safe handling and use of the compound are included. A section on health hazards and their control outlines first aid measures, personal protective equipment, and precautions to be observed by workers who come in contact with the chemical. Manufacturing Chemists’ Association, Inc., 15th and H Sts., Washington 5, D. C. Price, 25 cents. Sodium, Sodium Metal, Metallic Sodium Safety Data Sheet. Sodium can be used safely if a number of hazards and dangers involved in its handling, in both its solid and molten forms, are known to the user. This safety data sheet outlines these dangers and gives specific directions for coping with sodium in its various forms. llanufacturing Chemists’ Association, Inc., 15th and H Sts., IT-ashington 5, D. C. Price, 25 cents.

N E W BOOKS Acid-Base Titrations in Nonaqueous Solvents. James S. Fratz. 47 pages. The G. Frederick Smith Chemical Co., 867 McKinley Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Paper-backed copy gratis. Board~boundcopies $1 .OO.

Theoretical Basis of the Bouguer=Beer law of Radiation Absorption-Correction I n the article on “Theoretical Basis of the Bouguer-Beer Law of Radiation Absorption” [IXAL. CHEM.,24, 338 (1952)] several errors were made in the equations. The correct forms of Equations 9, 10, 12, 22, 25, 2 i , and 28 are given here.

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Polarized Light in Metallography. G. K . T . Conn and F . J . Bradshaia, Editors. xi 130 pages. ,%cademicPress, Inc.. 125 East 23rd St., S e w Tork 10, 1.Y., 1952. Price, $3.80


This book is the first in the neglected field of polarized light microscopy of metals. The basic theory, procedures, and application of this tool arc’ carefully discussed in seven chapters prepared by a group of experts in this field. The book covers the various optical phenomena such as reflection, refraction, and depolarization that occur a t the surfaces of either metals or the nonmetallic inclusions in metals. The minor modifications required to adapt the usual metallograph or metallographic microscope are covered in detail. Finally many applications of these methods to the identification of inclusions are illustrated. The methods are generally useful for the identification of alloy phases and inclusions as vie11 as orientation studies on these

The equations on page 310, second column, should be:
