Correction to “Electrical Conductances of Aqueous Na2SO4, H2SO4

Jan 24, 2017 - Correction to “Electrical Conductances of Aqueous Na2SO4, H2SO4, and Their Mixtures: Limiting Equivalent Ion Conductances, Dissociati...
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Correction to “Electrical Conductances of Aqueous Na2SO4, H2SO4, and Their Mixtures: Limiting Equivalent Ion Conductances, Dissociation Constants, and Speciation to 673 K and 28 MPa” Lubomir Hnedkovsky, Robert H. Wood,* and Victor N. Balashov J. Phys. Chem. B 2005, 109 (18), 9034−9046. DOI: 10.1021/jp045707c Recently, a set of errors was found in our paper. In section 3.3, the correct units of the coefficient Av in eqs 6 and 7 are m3 kg1/2 mol−3/2. In section 4.2, eq 17 for the Walden product must be represented in a more accurate version with coefficients having three digits after the decimal point ln(Λ 0[NaCl]η)LT = −2.031 − 1.607d − 2.131d 2 − (0.223 − 0.923d)t + 0.054t 2

Unfortunately, the published coefficients of eq 18 were rounded in an unacceptable degree for Λ0NaClη calculations. To reproduce the results of our paper, eq 18 must be represented in the next form ln(Λ 0[NaCl]η)HT = −13.4462 + 605.1314d 2 − 0.194κ + 0.0375κ 2 + (12.766 − 158.772d − 2009.5673d 2 − 268.9247d3 − 108.5363d 4)t + (276.8208d + 2260.5051d 2 + 349.9d3 + 142.0021d 4)t 2 − (4.1152 + 159.8458d + 1058.2d 2 + 114.031d3 + 46.5058d 4)t 3 + (1.1622 + 30.5424d + 176.4228d 2)t 4

where κ = −(∂ln VH2O)/∂P is the compressibility of water in MPa−1 (not in Pa−1). In the References and Notes section, in refs 6 and 17, the correct author name is Gruszkiewicz, M. S.

Published: January 24, 2017 © 2017 American Chemical Society


DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.7b00078 J. Phys. Chem. B 2017, 121, 912−912