Correction to Angstrom-Size Defect Creation and Ionic Transport

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Addition/Correction Cite This: Nano Lett. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Correction to Angstrom-Size Defect Creation and Ionic Transport through Pores in Single-Layer MoS2 Jothi Priyanka Thiruraman, Kazunori Fujisawa, Gopinath Danda, Paul Masih Das, Tianyi Zhang, Adam Bolotsky, Neś tor Perea-Loṕ ez, Adrien Nicolaï, Patrick Senet, Mauricio Terrones, and Marija Drndic*́

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Nano Lett.; 2018, 18 (3), pp 1651−1659. DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.7b04526 wo data points for conductance G (nanosiemens) versus effective defect diameter D (nanometers), cited from ref 7 [Feng et al. Nat. Mater. 2016, 15 (8), 850−855] and ref 8 (Feng et al. Nature 2016, 536, 197−200), were plotted incorrectly in Figure 5c. The first data point of 10 nS is estimated from Figure 4e in ref 7 for a pore of diameter 1 nm, and the second data point of 20 nS is estimated from Figure 2a


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in ref 8 for a pore diameter 2 nm. We have wrongly plotted their respective conductances as 1 and 2 nS, and the correct values from the references are 10 nS (pink triangle with red outline) and 20 nS (pink triangle with blue outline), respectively. Please note that this does not affect the discussion of the paper. This correction is shown in the revised Figure 5c below:


DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.8b04901 Nano Lett. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX