Correction to Thermodynamic Characterization of a Thermostable

Two monomer subunits are colored red and green. ... are colored blue, and Mg-AMPCPP molecules are colored yellow (Protein Data Bank entry 1KNY).14...
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Correction to Thermodynamic Characterization of a Thermostable Antibiotic Resistance Enzyme, the Aminoglycoside Nucleotidyltransferase (4′) Xiaomin Jing, Edward Wright, Amber N. Bible, Cynthia B. Peterson, Gladys Alexandre, Barry D. Bruce, and Engin H. Serpersu* Biochemistry 2012, 51 (45), 9147−9155. DOI: 10.1021/bi301126g


age 9148. A corrected version of the Figure 2 legend appears here: Figure 2. Backbone of the ANT D80Y variant in ribbon representation. Two monomer subunits are colored red and green. Bound kanamycin A molecules are colored blue, and Mg-AMPCPP molecules are colored yellow (Protein Data Bank entry 1KNY).14 Page 9148 (last line). The sentence should read, “A thermostable variant of ANT, T130K, was obtained from thermophilic cyanobacterium T. elongatus.”

Received: July 8, 2015 Published: August 7, 2015 © 2015 American Chemical Society


DOI: 10.1021/acs.biochem.5b00760 Biochemistry 2015, 54, 5120−5120