Additions and Corrections
Chemical Reviews, 2011, Vol. 111, No. 1 251
Two pieces of cover art, for manuscripts cr100032b and cr900323b, were inadvertently switched between the August and September 2010 issues of Chemical ReViews. These two pieces of cover art were both featured on the lower left-hand side of the front cover of their respective issues. The proper cover art for cr900323b by Kolpashchikov (p 4709) now appears on the revised August 2010 (v110, i008) cover, and the proper cover art for cr100032b by Florio and Luisi (p 5128) now appears on the revised September 2010 (v110, i009) cover, both available on the Web. Additionally, on the September cover, two typographical errors were introduced in the cover art for cr900291g by Basavaiah et al. (p 5447), which appears on the upper right-hand side of the front cover. These have also been corrected in the revised version of the September cover art. CR100365N 10.1021/cr100365n Published on Web 12/02/2010