Correspondence - The use of Nearly Neat - American Chemical Society

of the 02 bondingin oxyhemoglobin was carried out with the same 160180 sample, and ... Energy, under Contract W-31-109-Eng-38. (2) Klotz, I. M.; Kurtz...
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CORRESPONDENCE The Use of Nearly Neat l a 0 1 8 0 in Spectroscopic Studies of Oxyhemerythrin and Oxyhemoglobin'

cently isolated fluoroxysulfate ion?' SOIF-, and we anticipate that this uniquely labeled oxygen molecule will now find application in a variety of spectroscopic measurements.

In their interesting article on hemerythrin,2Klotz and Kurh mention the use of nearly neat l6o180in a resonance Evan H. Appelman Raman spectroscopic study of the bonding of O2 in oxyhemerythyrin, citing unpublished work in a di~sertation.~ Chemistry Division Your readers may be interested to learn that a prior study Argonne National Laboratory of the O2bonding in oxyhemoglobin was carried out with Argonne, Illinois 60439 the same leOlaOsample, and led to a similar conclusion, i.e., that the O2 was bonded in such a way that the two (1) Based on work performed under the auspices of the Office of oxygen atoms were not eq~ivalent.~To the best of our Energy Research, Division of Chemical Sciences, US.Department of knowledge, this work constituted the first preparation of Energy, under Contract W-31-109-Eng-38. neat 1e0180 and its first use in spectroscopy. The work (2) Klotz,I. M.; Kurtz, D. M., Jr. Acc. Chem. Res. 1984, 17, 16. (3) Weddell, L. L. D. Ph.D. Dissertation, Northwestern University, represents a collaboration between the group at NorthEvanston, IL,1981. western and my group at Argonne National Laboratory, (4) Duff, L. I.; Appelman, E. H.; Shriver, D. F.; Klotz, I. M. Biochem. was prepared by a rather laborious where the 160180 Biophys. Res. Cornrn. 1979,90, 1098. procedure that entailed the intermediate synthesis of (5) Appelman, E. H.; Thompson, R. C.; Engelkemeir, A. G. Inorg. Chem. 1979,18,909. 180-enrichedhypofluorous acid.5 (6) Appelman, E. H.; Bade, L. J.; Thompson, R. C. J. Am. Chem. SOC. We have subsequently developed a more convenient 1979,101,3384. synthesis of nearly neat lSO1*Othat makes use of the re(7) Thompson, R. C.; Appelman, E. H. Znorg. Chem. 1980,19,3248.

0001-4842/85/0118-0002$01.50/00 1985 American Chemical Society