Could an improvement in your P. I. (profit index) hinge on one of these

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P A N A F L E X BN-1 Plasticizer Description

Could an improvement in your P. I. (profit index)

hinge on one of these products?

A low-cost hydrocarbon plasticizer. It offers the advantages of reduced finished product costs and improved processing. In large volume applications where a small cost savings per pound of material used, can result in a big P. I. improvement, PANAFLEX BN-1 Plasticizer warrants examination.

P A N A R E Z H y d r o c a r b o n Resins Description PANAREZ Hydrocarbon Resins are a series of petroleum-derived solid polymers. They impart easier processing, lower materials costs, and b e t t e r q u a l i t y to t h e f i n i s h e d products in which they are used.

P A N A R E Z Resin S o l u t i o n s P A N A P O L Liquid Polymers Description

The profit index improves if materials costs go down while product quality is maintained or upgraded. Here are five products from Amoco Chemicals worth investigation if you are seeking to step up your P. I. Check over these products and their properties. If you wish to have a sample or literature about the product and its use in applications in which you are interested, check the coupon. Your request will receive immediate attention. A representative will call upon request.

The solutions of PANAREZ Resins are the p e t r o l e u m - d e r i v e d p o l y m e r s in aliphatic solvents. P A N A P O L Hydrocarbon Polymers are lower molecular weight polymers of the same type as PANAREZ Resins.

P A N A S O L Aromatic Solvents Description

Eleven solvents comprise this series. They have the degree of solvency and solvent r e l e a s e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s n e e d e d t o acc o m m o d a t e a f u l l range of f o r m u l a t i n g requirements.




Department 5 5 0 0 1 3 0 East Randolph Drive • Chicago 1 , Illinois

T y p i c a l Properties Uses



10%, °F... 50%, °F

Excellent for use with primary plastîcizers in vinyl wire coating and other vinyl extrusions. Has good to excellent electrical properties.

599 616

9 0 % , °F FBP,°F Specific Gravity, 6 0 / 6 0 , °F Weight I b s . / U . S . Gallon Color, G a r d n e r — 1 9 3 3 Viscosity @ 100°F. f SSU Refractive Index, Ν 2 5 / D

650 715 0.946 7.88 4 230 1.559


Uses Typical Properties

Products in which PANAREZ Resins have found application include: protective coatings, rubber products, floor tile, printing inks, adhesives and sealing compounds.

PANAREZ Type Color, G a r d n e r — 1 9 3 3 Color, Coal Tar Scale Softening Point, ASTIVTF Iodine N u m b e r Specific Gravity, 6 0 / 6 0 ° F

7-210 Reactive —

6-210 Reactive 12 — 215 145 1.11

9-210 Reactive 14

7 210 160

210 170



Typical Properties PANAREZ Resin Solutions (in Mineral Spirits) Viscosity, SSU @ 100°F S S F ® 100°F Color, Gardner Color, Coal Tar Scale Iodine N u m b e r , Wijs Specific Gravity, 6 0 / 6 0 ° F Non-Volatile Matter, Wt. % PANAREZ Resin % Resin M i n i m u m


Both products find applications in protective coatings, foundry core oils, concrete curing compounds, wallboard saturants and printing ink formulations.

6-60 610 — 12 — 105 0.979 67 6-210 60

6-70 — 360 12 — 120 1.00 76 6-210 70

7-70 45~0

6 121 0.984 72 7-210 70

Typical Properties PANAPOL Polymers Viscosity, SSU @ 100°F SSF © 1 0 0 ° F . . . . Color, A S T M D 1 5 5 Iodine N u m b e r , Wijs Specific Gravity, 6 0 / 6 0 ° F Non-Volatile Matter, Wt. %

FM-7659 — 325 8 104 1.017 91

FM-7705 725 4 Dil. 1

136 0.991 66

Typical Properties Uses


Extensive uses are found for Solvents in the paint, insecticide formulat­ ing and chemical process industries. PANASOL

IBP, °F EP, °F DP, °F

Flash, TCC, °F Flash, COC, °F DDT Solubility

Please send me additional information about: PANAFLEX BN-1 Plasticizer PANAREZ Hydrocarbon Resins PANAREZ Solutions P A N A P O L Liquid Polymers P A N A S O L Aromatic Solvents

RX-4 282 — 320

RX-5 R X - 2 1 RX-22 A N - 1 A N - 2 A N - 2 K AN-3 AN-5 AN-5K 355 316 368 400 420 398 450 450 440 — _ _ 494 520 525 534 720 705 415 348 420 — — — — — —

82 —

85 —

137 —

105 —

144 —

— 190

— 210

— 200

— 225










Aromatics, Vol. %.... 76 94 70 98 98 98 99 82 99 Gravity, API 36.4 32.1 32.0 30.6 26.2 13.7 12.0 17.5 10.4 Mix. A. P., °C D-1012 29 15 34 16 15 13 12.5 24 12 K-B Value, T-105 75.5 93 68.5 94 96 108 102 — 98 @32°F. Wt. %


RX-3 276 _ 360

1 should like information about their use in


Ο Please have a representa­ tive call.

99 71 9.2 18.5 12 38 — —

— 230

— 220