which strength should y o u b u y ? suitable equipment hand.
Here are the facts to help you decide which saves you more—50% or 73% Can you save by switching from 50 to Ί^ψο liquid caustic? Your answer will depend o n : 1. Your caustic soda freight rate. 2. Your facilities for handling caustic. 3. The amount of caustic you use. Advantages of 73°/o liquid 1. With 7 3 % , there is a substantial saving in freight charges. 63% less water is shipped per unit weight of dry caustic soda. 2. You will place fewer orders. This cuts down on your billing work.
already on
Use this table to see if you can save with 73%> Use the table a t right to find your approximate saving on freight charges with 7 3 % liquid caustic. T h e table balances two cost factors . . . lower freight charges and the higher initial price of 7 3 % liquid caustic. T o estimate your yearly savings, multiply the figure in the right-hand column which applies to you by your annual consumption in tons (dry basis). From these savings you will have to deduct the cost of equipment for diluting to 50%? while unloading.
Freight rate per hundred, weight in cents (including taxes)
5 10 15 16 20 25 30 35 40 45
Net savings per ton (dry basis) in dollars
minus 1.40 minus .80 minus .10 0 .60 1.20 1.80 2.40 3.00 3.70
HERE'S HELP—WITHOUT COST You gain m u c h by choosing the and help you figure your exact right strength for your conditions. savings. Why not phone o r write In coming to a decision, why not him today at the nearest Hooker give yourself the advantage of office? unbiased expert technical help? A call to your nearest Hooker sales office puts at your disposal, "CAUSTIC SODA BUYER'S GUIDE" is the without obligation, the experi title of a new pocket-size booklet w e ence gained in 50 years of supply will be glad to send you. Contains helpful facts on the economics of 5 0 % ing caustic soda to industry. and 739& solutions; other forms of Your Hooker technical service caustic soda; capacities of tank cars man can show you what equip and other containers; useful ship ment you need for converting, ping information. Write for a copy.
Disadvantages of 73°fo liquid 1. I t is priced $2.00 more per ton (dry basis) than 5 0 % because of higher manufacturing costs. 2. If you store it as 73 % liquid, you will need heated, nickel-clad steel storage tanks. 3. If you dilute 7 3 % to 50% while unloading, you will need a cooler and other equipment. This repre sents a considerable investment which can be reduced if you have
1905—Halfa HOOKER
Century of Chemicals From the Salt of the Earth—1955 Ε L EC Τ R O C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y
3 3,