and what we have learned through the development of the ... 50 am — ACS International Research Experiences for Undergraduates (IREU) Program. ...
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CPT symposium

An International View on Chemistry Education

AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY COMMITTEE ON PROFESSIONAL TRAINING Moscone Center, North Bldg. Room 121 San Francisco August 12, 2014 Cindy Larive, Department of Chemistry, University of California, Riverside Edgar Arriaga, Deparment of Chemistry, University of Minnesota

This symposium focuses on best practices in chemistry education, with an International theme. Invited speakers will include those from the United States, participants in the European Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Education Network 2 (EC2E2N 2), along with others who are interested in sharing ideas and best practices in chemistry education.


8:30 am — Introductory Remarks. Cindy Larive and Edgar Arriaga 8:35 am — ACS Committee on Professional Training and the approval of bachelor's degree programs: Who we are, what we do, and what we have learned through the development of the 2014 Guidelines. Anne McCoy, Ohio State University, ACS CPT Chair and Lee Park, Williams College 8:55 am — Post-secondary undergraduate chemistry and science education in Canada: Accreditation standards and new directions. Glen R. Loppnow, University of Alberta 9:15 am — Chemistry programs in European countries: Eurobachelor and Euromaster frameworks. Anthony K. Smith, University of Lyon, EC2EN2 9:35 am — Teaching chemistry at university: Challenges for Latin America. Gabriela Lorenzo, University of Buenos Aires 9:55 am — Intermission. 10:10 am — Chemistry education in a knowledge-based economy driven by open innovation. Andy T. S. Hor, National University of Singapore, Federation of Asian Chemical Societies 10:30 am — International research training in natural products and environmental health: A unique interdisciplinary research experience. Isai T. Urasa, Hampton University 10:50 am — ACS International Research Experiences for Undergraduates (IREU) Program. Bradley Miller, ACS 11:10 am — NSF programs to support international collaboration activities. Timothy Patten, NSF 11:30 am — Discussion.