Crane Co. - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Crane Co. Anal. Chem. , 1977, 49 (3), pp 353A–353A. DOI: 10.1021/ac50011a772. Publication Date: March 1977. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Anal. Chem...
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Editors' Column

Too Many Meetings? "There have been occasional com­ ments made t h a t the number of ana­ lytical symposia held this year has been much greater t h a n usual and per­ haps should be curtailed in the future because of duplication." L. T. Hallett made this statement in T h e Analyst's Column in the J u n e 1948 issue of AN­ ALYTICAL C H E M I S T R Y [Anal. Chem., 20 (6), 17A (1948)]. T h e column con­ tinued, "Although without attending these meetings we might agree, by at­ tendance we have been impressed with the large numbers always present, the interest, and the enthusiasm. We must conclude therefore t h a t these meet­ ings are filling a need not heretofore realized." Following a discussion of why these local, mainly ACS sectionsponsored symposia are attended by young chemists who do not usually frequent national meetings, the argu­ ment ended with t h e statement, "Until evidence to the contrary is re­ ceived, we must conclude t h a t these meetings should be encouraged." A

reader responding in a later Analyst's Column [Anal. Chem., 20 (8), 19A (1948)] suggested t h a t "even local symposia have an interest which tran­ scends local and regional interest", and t h a t since "a number of these symposia have subjects of broad inter­ est to analytical chemists and because members of the analytical chemistry profession may wish to attend several of these symposia, it would be an ad­ vantage not to have conflicting dates." By 1950, Walter J. Murphy, then editor of A N A L Y T I C A L


called attention to " T h e Expanding Program of Special Symposia" in an editorial [Anal. Chem., 2 2 , 1 (1950)]. He stated, "Analytical chemists will not lack opportunities during the first half of 1950 to exchange scientific and technical information." After a discus­ sion of some of the more interesting upcoming symposia, the editorial con­ cluded with the following statement, " W h a t a contrast these activities pro­ vide when comparison is made with



the situation prevailing but a few years ago, when analytical chemistry was looked down upon by most of the chemical profession and avoided as one would a plague. T h e continued successes of special symposia demon­ strate conclusively t h a t analytical chemistry is no longer destined for a Cinderella role. Analysts are to be congratulated for the initiative and leadership required to operate so many and varied symposia." But, pos­ sibly, the reflection of analytical chemistry's new image in the growing number of special symposia was being clouded by the number of symposia. It was noted as early as 1948 [Anal. Chem., 20 (1), 13A (1948)] t h a t the "Pittsburgh symposium in February is expanding to the point where it can no longer be considered local. Thirty pa­ pers have been received so far cov­ ering all branches of analytical chem­ istry." In 1950 the Pittsburgh Confer­ ence on Analytical Chemistry and Ap­ plied Spectroscopy incorporated the

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