Creative problem solving. Your Manville Celite extra. Bob Zilli, Technical Service Market Manager, a 27-year Manville veteran with well-rounded experience in filtration and minerals, certainly has the qualifications to understand problems involving diatomite. Plus the ability to solve them. For example, one customer had a continuing problem with waste stream filtration. It had never been solved and finally threatened to shut down the entire operation. After weeks of testing, Bob recommended a particular grade of Celite diatomite filter aid and suggested the installation of some additional equipment. The final on-location test proved successful, and an effective new filtration process was installed. Because Bob's experience includes sales and market ing, he was also able to show the client how to save money on freight by using different shipping procedures. So when you have a problem with diatomite or car tridge filtration, fiber glass air filter media, or diatomite filler products, consider Manville technical service capabilities. Our marketing, manufacturing, sales, and R & D teams will work to assist you, and maybe save you some money, toot. For your nearest U.S. sales representative or distributor, call toll-free: 1-800-243-8160 (in CT, 1-800-842-0225) or contact Manville, Filtration & Minerals, Ρ Ο. Box 5108, Denver, Colorado 80217 U.S.A. Phone: 303-978-2656.
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