Crescent Chemical Co., Inc. - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

May 29, 2012 - Crescent Chemical Co., Inc. Anal. Chem. , 1982, 54 (7), pp 840A–840A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00244a770. Publication Date: June 1982. ACS Lega...
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Books for the detailed characterization of the organic components of geologic mate­ rials are not discussed. In the section dealing with carbon determination, the absence of automated elemental analysis is a notable omission. The discussion of high blank values on ρ 285 is confusing. The monograph will be useful as a laboratory procedures reference to those analysts involved in sampling and elemental analysis of geologic ma­ terials including rocks, minerals, soils, and sediments. Comparisons of Fused Silica and Other Glass Columns in Gas Chromatogra­ phy. Walter Jennings, vii + 80 pp. Dr. Alfred Huethig GMBH, Postfach, 102869, 6900 Heidelberg I., FRG. 1981. $19

Reviewed by Milton Lee, Department of Chemistry, Brigham Young Uni­ versity, Provo, Utah 84602 The rapid increase in the use of cap­ illary columns in gas chromatography can be attributed mainly to the devel­ opment of flexible fused silica col­ umns. Until nearly three years ago, glass was the preferred material from

which capillary columns were fabricat­ ed. Although glass is considered to be fairly inert, much research has been done during the last 20 years to physi­ cally and chemically modify the sur­ face for improved chromatographic performance at trace analyte levels. The advent of the fused silica capil­ lary column stimulated much early re­ sistance and controversy over the ad­ vantages and disadvantages of this material. It appears that the purpose of this monograph was to evaluate and compare both glass and fused silica capillary columns for gas chromatog­ raphy. The subject matter is written at a level and style easily readable by anyone concerned with chemical anal­ ysis and is useful as a basic introduc­ tion to column technology in capillary column gas chromatography. This short monograph has a number of desirable features. The chapter on column evaluation is particularly use­ ful. It is one of the best-condensed treatments of this topic available and provides a clear picture of the impor­ tant aspects of column testing. The chapters on materials of construction and pretreatment of the capillary col­

umn are also good reviews of silica surface chemistry as applied to capil­ lary column preparation. The deficiencies in the monograph lie in several areas. The major criti­ cism is that although the book title implies a comparison of fused silica and glass, there is very little specific information about fused silica itself. The book is principally a review of * glass capillary column technology. The introduction and applications chapters are very brief and sketchy and are not particularly informative for those already practicing capillary gas chromatography. I found the chapter on cost comparisons some­ what inappropriate since many factors are involved in the proper assessment of production costs, and these vari­ ables can change drastically from sit­ uation to situation. Furthermore, one feels like one is reading an advertise­ ment for a product. Although the bib­ liography is quite extensive, several key references from which much of the material in the book was taken were omitted. In conclusion, the reviewer would recommend this monograph to new-

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