Crinkle test shows superiority of N e w Emerez 1537 . . . first polyamide resin to combine ethanol solubility and wet pack resistance Now, for the first time, you can obtain a polyamide resin with that special combination of excellent ethanol solubility and superior wet pack resistance . . . Emerez 1537 (formerly 3877-D). It offers a new opportunity to even further improve your flexographic inks. The crinkle test* shows how well inks containing new Emerez 1537 (specimen at left) resist ice water deterioration. They also maintain good low temperature gel resistance and adhesion and possess excellent gloss and solvent release. New Emerez 1537 also offers a fine balance of properties not found in currently available ethanol soluble polyamide resins. Tests show it has low resin odor characteristics together with outstanding color, nitrocellulose compatibility, and pigment wetting. It also provides excellent blocking and smearing resistance. What's more, detergent and oil resistance of inks based on Emerez 1537 is significantly superior to those based on other ethanol-soluble polyamide resins. Emerez 1537 is supplied in an exclusive new easy-to*Eualuated on treated polyethylene after holding printed 16 hours atO°C. 8 C&EN
handle, free-flowing pellet form. Check coupon for further details and evaluation samples. Typical Performance Characteristics of Emerez 1537 and Competitive Alcohol-Soluble Resin Compatibility and Solubility 1 Anhydrous Ethanol, 200 proof % Volumetric reduction Industrial Alcohol, 190 proof % Volumetric reduction Nitrocellulose Compatibility Adhesion (Treated Polyethylene)-' Cold Pack, Crinkle/Scotch Tape (Ice Pack) 4° F Dry Crinkle/Scotch Tape 70° Blocking, 122° F, 16 hours, 5^ psi, 75% RH Face/Face Face/Back
Competitive Resin A
> 600
> 600
Very good Good to very good
Very poor Good
Very good to excellent Very good to excellent
Very good to excellent Very good to excellent
Product Résista nee Detergents—5 minutes, 70° F 20% Wisk (Lever Bros.) Good to very good Poor 20% Mr. Clean (P&G) Good to very good Poor Oil Resistance—16 hours, 70° F Cottonseed Excellent Fair Odor Very slight Slight Solid Resin Printed Film-' Very slight Strong ι Varnish formulation: n-Propanol 60 parts, Polyamide resin 40 parts. 2 Ink formulation: Polyamide resin 25 parts, Rutile T1O2 35 parts, n-Propanol 40 parts. Note: All tests run in accordance with test procedures listed in EmerezPolyamide Resin Bulletin Number 446A
Should you switch to D O Z LT Plasticizer
Quality epoxy curing agent produces tougher cast resin systems,
just to save 20C a pound?
offers economy, price stability
Certainly. Because with Plastolein1^ 9058 DOZ (di-2ethylhexyl azelate) you're absolutely sure of maintain ing the same high quality for your vinyls. It provides the ultimate in low temperature performance, with other performance features comparable or superior to those of DOS (dioctyl sebacate). See comparison data below. Plastolein 9058 gives outstanding drape, softness, and "hand" to vinyl film, sheeting, and, particularly, coated fabrics. It also possesses excellent heat and light stability and unusual resistance to soapy water extraction. Consider these advantages, then add in DOZ's price saving of 20c-plus per pound, and you have good reasons for investigating this top quality LT plasticizer as soon as possible. Complete and return coupon for further information and an evaluation sample.
The Cg structure of Emery 3455-D Polyazelaic Polyanhydride (PAPA) offers an excellent balance of tensile strength and flexibility. This combination produces a toughness in cast epoxy resin systems which is con siderably greater than that produced with even carbon length dibasic acid derived poly anhydrides. In addition, PAPA offers an attractive price advan tage over polysebacic poly anhydride (PSPA) and a dependable record of price stability (it has remained firmly at the price at which it was introduced in 1963). This highly efficient curing agent has been accepted for use in printed circuitry, transformer weather covers, potting and encapsulation compounds, in the aerospace program, and other applications requiring high tem perature electrical properties and high thermal shock resistance. Send for sample and further information.
Organic Chemicals Division Dept. 610, Carew T o w e r Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Performance Characteristics of DOZ and DOS DOZ
Plastolein 9058 Efficiency Cone. ASTM D-746 Brittle Point ° C Masland ° C Clash Berg ° C Tioooo T45000 T135000
Roll Spew Extractions Soapy Water 50° C % Loss 1 day Mineral Oil 25° C % Loss 1 day Volatility 70° C % Loss 1 day Heat Stability Min. 1st Color/Final Degrad. 350° F 400° F
B-60 —55
— 7
DOS 48
B-60 —55
—26 —49
0 —27 —50
0.4 8.2 1.1
75/90 15/25
45/90 15/25
Western Operations, Santa Fe Springs, California Emery Industries (Canada) Ltd., London, Ontario Unilever-Emery N. V. Gouda, The Netherlands Export Division, Cincinnati Please send: Q Data sheet describing new Emerez 1537 Π and sample. Π Plastolein Plasticizers brochure Π and sample of 9058 DOZ Π "Polyazelaic Polyanhydride" Bulletin 78A Π and sample Name
Company Address City
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