Cross-Linking Exogenous Bifunctional Peptides into Fibrin Gels with

Bioconjugate Chem. , 1999, 10 (1), pp 75–81 ... Bioconjugate Chemistry 2015 26 (10), 1984-2001 ... Journal of the American Chemical Society 0 (proof...
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Bioconjugate Chem. 1999, 10, 75−81


Cross-Linking Exogenous Bifunctional Peptides into Fibrin Gels with Factor XIIIa Jason C. Schense†,‡ and Jeffrey A. Hubbell*,‡ Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125, and Department of Materials and Institute for Biomedical Engineering, ETH-Zu¨rich and the University of Zu¨rich, Moussonstrasse 18, CH-8044, Zu¨rich, Switzerland. Received June 26, 1998; Revised Manuscript Received October 13, 1998

Bi-domain peptides with a factor XIIIa substrate in one domain and a bioactive peptide in another domain were covalently incorporated into fibrin gels during coagulation through the action of the transglutaminase factor XIIIa. The cross-linking characteristics were determined for two bi-domain peptides with factor XIIIa substrates based on fibrinogen, dYRGDTIGEGQQHHLGG-NH2, and dLRGDGAKDV-NH2, as well as one bi-domain peptide with a substrate sequence based on R2-plasmin inhibitor, dLNQEQVSPLRGD-NH2, and another with a nonbiological, oligolysine substrate, dLRGDKKKKG-NH2 (substrate domains in italic). Each of these peptides was able to cross-link into the fibrin gels during coagulation, with the peptide containing the factor XIIIa substrate based on R2-plasmin inhibitor being incorporated at levels in excess of 8 mol/mol fibrinogen. The structural characteristics of these peptide-modified gels proved to be the same as those for a native fibrin gel. The bioactivity of the incorporated active factors was tested in a neuronal culture model with day 8 chicken dorsal root ganglia using two bioactive sequences, RGD and DGEA, and one inactive control sequence, RDG. Each of these peptides influenced the extension of neurites from the ganglia as expected, indicating that the incorporated factors retained their activity. With the use of soluble competitive inhibitors, it was shown that this effect was due to the covalently incorporated peptides. Through exploiting the role of factor XIIIa in coagulation, we have developed a method by which to impart the character of nonfibrin proteins, such as extracellular matrix proteins, to fibrin, a biological material with many potential therapeutic and academic applications.


Fibrin is a biopolymeric gel that plays an important role in natural wound healing and medicine. Fibrin is formed by the enzymatic polymerization of fibrinogen at most sites of injury, and fibrin can be formed for therapeutic purposes either from purified fibrinogen or from processed blood plasma. Such therapeutic applications include use as an adhesive and sealant and as a vehicle for the local delivery of drugs (1, 2). A special feature of fibrin, both formed naturally and therapeutically, is that it is degraded and remodeled by cellassociated enzymatic activity during cell migration and wound healing (3, 4). As such, the material differs qualitatively from most synthetic biomaterials employed in medicine, in that there exists an active feedback from the cells in the healing response to the material (leading to degradation of the material) as well as from the material to the cells (providing a mechanical scaffold with biospecific adhesion sites for cell infiltration) (5). Our interest in fibrin relates to its use as a therapeutic material, and this report addresses methods by which to harness the enzymatic processes of coagulation to incorporate exogenous bioactive signals into the fibrin network. The processes by which fibrinogen is polymerized into fibrin and by which this fibrin is subsequently * To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: +41 1 632 45 75. Fax: +41 1 632 12 14. E-mail: [email protected]. † California Institute of Technology. ‡ ETH-Zurich and the University of Zurich.

degraded have been well characterized. Initially, the protease thrombin cleaves the dimeric fibrinogen molecule at two symmetric sites. Once the fibrinogen is cleaved, a self-assembly step occurs in which the fibrinogen monomers come together and form a noncovalently cross-linked polymer gel via the proteolytic exposure of binding sites (1). Factor XIIIa, proteolytically activated from factor XIII by thrombin, may then covalently crosslink this polymer network (see below). Once a crosslinked fibrin gel is formed, the subsequent degradation of the fibrin network is tightly controlled. One of the key molecules in controlling the degradation of fibrin is R2plasmin inhibitor (6). This molecule is cross-linked to the R chain of fibrin through the action of factor XIIIa (7). By attaching to the gel, a high concentration of inhibitor can be localized to the gel. The inhibitor then acts by preventing the binding of plasminogen to fibrin (8) and by inactivating plasmin (6). The enzyme factor XIIIa plays an important role in the formation and degradation of fibrin gels (9). Factor XIIIa is a transglutaminase, and the specific cross-linking mechanism has been elucidated (10, 11). Initially, the zymogen factor XIII is activated by thrombin cleavage to form the active transglutaminase factor XIIIa. This enzyme then proceeds to create primarily intermolecular cross-links between the γ chains in the fibrin network (12, 13). These covalent cross-links provide the fibrin gel with significantly greater stability and resistance to protease degradation. Furthermore, factor XIIIa has been shown to cross-link other proteins, including fibronectin to both fibrin (14) and collagen (15). For several proteins,

10.1021/bc9800769 CCC: $18.00 © 1999 American Chemical Society Published on Web 12/08/1998

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the exact amino acid sequence of the factor XIIIa substrate domain has been elucidated, including for fibrin (12), fibronectin (16), and R2-plasmin inhibitor (17). Fibrin is a very useful material in several biomedical applications. Its usefulness could be extended further, however, if one could alter the biological character of the fibrin by incorporating within it the biological activity of other proteins, such as those from extracellular matrix proteins including fibronectin, vitronectin, laminin, and collagen (18-20). In many cases, the bioactive domains, i.e., the regions of the proteins that bind to cell-surface receptors, are known, and these domains can be mimicked with synthetic linear and cyclic peptides (21, 22). Two such sequences that were employed in this study were the tripeptide RGD, derived from many extracellular matrix proteins (23), which binds to a variety of integrin receptors (24), and the tetrapeptide DGEA, derived from collagen, which binds to the R2β1 integrin (25). Bi-domain peptides were designed and evaluated, with a factor XIIIa substrate in one domain and a bioactive region from fibronectin or collagen in another domain. The extent of incorporation of the exogenous peptide was determined, and the biological activity of such exogenous peptides was examined in the context of nerve regeneration. This technique has provided the ability to transfer biological activity from sources that are usually exogenous to fibrin gels, such as from extracellular matrix proteins, to create three-dimensional matrixes with numerous medical and biological applications. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES

Peptides and Proteins. Peptides were synthesized on solid resin using an automated peptide synthesizer (9050 Pep Plus Synthesizer, Millipore, Framingham) with standard 9-fluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl chemistry (26). All peptides were labeled with a fluorescent probe by including an R-dansylated leucine (Sigma, St. Louis) at the amino terminus of the peptide, except for dYRGDTIGEGQQHHLGG-NH2, which was dansylated off-line using dansyl chloride (27). All other reagents employed in peptide synthesis were purchased from Novabiochem (San Diego). A series of bifunctional peptides was synthesized that contained an RGD sequence coupled to a factor XIIIa substrate sequence (for clarity, the factor XIIIa substrate domains are always shown in italics). These peptides included dYRGDTIGEGQQHHLGG-NH2 (d ) dansylated amino acid; sequence from fibrinogen), dLRGDGAKDV-NH2 (sequence from fibrinogen), dLNQEQVSPLRGD-NH2 (sequence from R2-plasmin inhibitor), and dLRGDKKKKG-NH2 (nonbiological sequence including an oligomer of lysine). Two additional peptides were synthesized with the cross-linking domain from R2plasmin inhibitor, one containing a bioactive domain from collagen, dLNQEQVSPLDGEA-NH2, and the other containing a biologically inactive control sequence, dLNQEQVSPLRDG-NH2. Hydrophobic scavengers and cleaved protecting groups were removed by precipitation of the peptide in cold diethyl ether and dissolution in deionized water. After lyophilization, peptides were redissolved in 0.03 M Tris-buffered saline (TBS, pH 7.0) and analyzed using HPLC (Waters; Milford) on a size-exclusion column with TBS. Fibrinogen solutions were prepared by dissolving fibrinogen (Fluka; Ronkonkoma) in deionized water at 8 mg/mL for 4 h. Dialysis (Spectrum, 6000-8000 MWCO; Laguna Hills) vs 400 vol of TBS, pH 7.4, for 24 h was used to exchange salts present in the protein solution.

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The resulting solution was then sterilized by filtering through a 0.22 µm syringe filter. The final fibrinogen concentration was determined by measuring the absorbance of the protein solution at 280 nm (28). TBS solutions at pH 7.0 that were made with either 50 mM Ca2+ or without any Ca2+ were sterilized by filtration though a 0.22 µm filter. Fresh thrombin solutions were made by dissolving thrombin (Sigma; St. Louis) in TBS at pH 7.0 at a concentration of 20 units/mL. Fibrin Formation and Peptide Incorporation. Fibrin gels (200 µL) were made by mixing the four components such that final concentrations of 3.6 mg/mL fibrinogen, 2.5 mM Ca2+, and 2 NIH units/mL of thrombin were obtained with various amounts of peptide added. This solution was allowed to gel for 60 min at 37 °C and 100% relative humidity. The gels were soaked in 0.3 M phosphate-buffered saline (PBS, pH 7.0) so that free peptide was allowed to diffuse out of the fibrin. In some experiments, the buffer was changed after the diffusion of free peptide reached equilibrium as indicated by spectrofluorimetric measurement of the dansyl signal. To determine the amount of peptide incorporation, fibrin gels were degraded with 0.05 NIH units of plasmin (Sigma, St. Louis), and the resulting solution was analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography (Waters; Milford). A size-exclusion column (Shodex, polyhydroxymethyl methacrylate packing; New York) was used that had a molecular mass range of 1-100 kDa. Samples were applied to the column and eluted in PBS. The resulting eluent was measured with both an inline ultraviolet and fluorescence detector to measure the presence of degraded fibrinogen and exogenous peptide (via the dansyl label), respectively. Swelling. Fibrin gels were synthesized as described above with varying amounts of peptide. The gels were soaked in deionized water for 24 h and then weighed. Each gel was added to a preweighed culture dish and placed in a vacuum oven to dry. After all the water had been removed, the weight of the remaining gel was determined and the ratio of wet weight to dry weight was calculated. Neurite Outgrowth. Dorsal root ganglia were dissected from 8 day old white leghorn chicken embryos (29). Ganglia were temporarily stored in modified neurobasal medium, consisting of insulin (5 µg/mL), transferrin (100 µg/mL), progesterone (6.3 ng/mL), putrascine (16.11 µg/ mL), selenite (5.2 ng/mL), fibronectin (5 µg/mL), Lglutamine (0.5 mM), L-glutamate (25 µM), murine mouse nerve growth factor (20 ng/mL), 0.2% bovine serum albumin, and 1% antibiotic-antimycotic added to neurobasal medium (Gibco; Grand Island). Fibrin gels (400 µL) were polymerized as described above in the bottom of flat 24-well culture plates, except that the fibrin was polymerized around a dorsal root ganglion, such that one dorsal root ganglion was embedded three-dimensionally inside each gel. The dorsal root ganglia were cultured in 1 mL of modified neurobasal medium and the medium was changed at 3, 6, 9, and 24 h post seeding to wash out non-cross-linked peptide. Dorsal root ganglia were cultured in fibrin gels without added exogneous peptides (all values were normalized to this level of neurite extension in native fibrin), or with added dLNQEQVSPLDGEA-NH2 or dLNQEQVSPLRGD-NH2. As a control, dorsal root ganglia were cultured in fibrin gels with added dLNQEQVSPLRDG-NH2 peptide, which is not biologically active. In each case, peptide was incorporated at 8 mol/mol fibrinogen. As additional controls, dorsal root ganglia were cultured in the three peptide-modified fibrin gels with the corresponding exogenous peptide

Peptide-Modified Fibrin Gels

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Figure 1. Fluorescence detection of chromatograms of plasmindegraded gels. Size exclusion chromatography of a degraded gel with the peptide dLNQEQVSPLRGD (s) incorporated is shown. The second chromatogram shown (- - -) is identical to the first, except for the addition of free peptide after degradation of the gel with plasmin and the third chromatogram shown (‚‚‚) represents free peptide eluted alone. The free peptide was observed to elute at longer times, corresponding to a lower molecular weight than the peptide incorporated during coagulation, demonstrating that peptide incorporated via the factor XIIIa substrate was covalently bound to the fibrin network.

Figure 2. Incorporation of four bi-domain peptides with different factor XIIIa peptide substrates (italics). (9) dLNQEQVSPLRGD, from R2-plasmin inhibitor, (]) dLRGDAKDV, from fibrinogen, (0) dYRGDTIGEGQQHHLGG, from fibrinogen, and ([) dLRGDKKKKG a nonbiological substrate, were each cross-linked into fibrin at a series of initial peptide concentrations, and the extent of incorporation is shown. Mean values and standard error of the mean are shown. The peptide dLNQEQVSPLRGD cross-linked more efficiently into the fibrin gel than the other three peptides, and achieved concentrations of up to 8.18 ( 0.09 mol of peptide/mol of fibrinogen.

added after gelation and throughout the culture duration (at 0.67 mg/mL) to serve as a soluble competitive inhibitor. Images were collected at 24 and 48 h using light microscopy and digital image processing. At each time point, the average neurite length extending from each ganglion was measured as described elsewhere (30). Statistics. Statistical analyses were performed using Statview 4.5. Comparative analyses were completed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Fisher’s protective t-test at a 95% confidence level. Mean values and standard error of the mean are shown.

peptide-modified gels, a large fluorescence signal appeared at an elution time later than the UV signal, appearing between 24 and 34 min (Figure 1, solid trace). When soluble peptide was added to the degraded peptidemodified fibrin gel, the fluorescence signal seen between 18 and 34 min was essentially identical to that seen in the degraded gel alone. However, the fluorescence signal seen between 34 and 39 min was increased (Figure 1, dashed trace), indicating that the added free peptide was eluting at a later time than peptide which had been incorporated during coagulation. These extra peaks, between 34 and 39 min, correlated directly with those observed for free peptide analyzed alone, in the absence of fibrinogen or fibrin degradation products (Figure 1, dotted trace). The incorporation of four different bi-domain peptides, each with a different factor XIIIa substrate domain but the same bioactive domain, was determined as a function of exogenous peptide concentration during coagulation (Figure 2). The amount of peptide that was cross-linked into each gel was measured as described above. The bidomain peptide with the cross-linking domain from R2plasmin inhibitor reached a maximum incorporated concentration of 8.18 ( 0.09 mol of peptide/mol of fibrinogen. It was possible to control the amount of peptide that was incorporated within the fibrin gel via the amount of peptide initially incorporated into the fibrinogen solution before coagulation. At initial peptide concentrations in excess of 135 mol of peptide/mol of fibrinogen, the ability of the peptide to cross-link into the gels decreased (p < 0.05). The cross-linking of dLRGDKADV and dYRGDTIGEGQQHHLGG, the two peptides with the fibrinogen factor XIIIa substrate domains, proved to be independent of initial peptide concentration, reaching levels of incorporation of 0.44 ( 0.03 and 1.53 ( 0.04 mol of peptide/mol of fibrinogen, respectively. The lysine oligomer substrate, dLRGDKKKKG, displayed a similar cross-linking profile and reached a maximum cross-linking density of 1.18 ( 0.05 mol of peptide/mol oof fibrinogen. When the average efficiency of incorporation (the fraction of exogenous peptide present in the coagulation mixture that was incorporated into the fibrin gel) was measured for each peptide, it was found that the factor XIIIa substrates with a glutamine at the active


Calibration. Linear calibration curves were observed for both the incorporated peptides and the major components of the fibrin gels. Peptides were labeled with an R-dansylated amino acid, and this label was detected using an in-line fluorescence detector. Fibrinogen was degraded with plasmin and the correlation between the UV280 absorbance signal and protein concentration was determined. It was found the UV280 signal was linearly proportional to fibrinogen concentration for both degraded and nondegraded fibrinogen. Measurement of Peptide Incorporation. To determine the extent of incorporation of the various bi-domain peptides into the fibrin network during coagulation, gels were formed, free peptide was permitted to diffuse out of the network, the fibrin was degraded with plasmin, and the degradation products were analyzed by HPLC to determine the amount of peptide (by fluorescence from the dansyl label) relative to fibrin (by UV absorbance) (Figure 1). Fibrin gels were synthesized and degraded, and the degradation products were analyzed by chromatography. The chromatogram obtained from a degraded, native fibrin gel with UV detection contained a single broad peak that eluted at 24 min (data not shown). The fluorescence signal was collected as well; however, the magnitude of the signal (from gels lacking exogenous peptide) was negligible (data not shown). Fibrin gels modified with different factor XIIIa substrate peptides were formed. The UV signals collected from these gels were consistently identical to that produced by native fibrin lacking exogenous peptides. However, for the

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Schense and Hubbell

Table 1. Extent of Incorporation and Efficiency of Bi-Domain Peptides Containing Different Factor XIIIa Substrates peptide sequence (factor XIIIa substrate sequence in italics)

maximum crosslinking density (mol of peptide/ mol of fibrinogen)

maximum cross-linking efficiency (%)


8.18 ( 0.09 0.44 ( 0.03 1.18 ( 0.05 1.53 ( 0.04

14 ( 0.6 0.6 ( 0.1 12 ( 5 29 ( 0.6

Figure 3. Swelling of the peptide cross-linked gels. Two different peptides, (9) dLNQEQVSPLRGD and (]) dLRGDAKDV, were cross-linked into fibrin gels at a series of concentrations and the amount of swelling, determined by comparing the dry weight to the wet weight, is shown. Upon the basis of the initial volume and amount of material used, the swelling ratio at the time of synthesis before any contraction was 190. Mean values and standard error of the mean are shown. The change in swelling induced by incorporation of these two peptides was statistically insignificant (p > 0.10).

site were 3-30 times more efficiently incorporated than the lysine substrates (Table 1). Swelling. As a measure of disruption of the fibrin network that might potentially occur as a result of the incorporation of exogenous peptide, the swelling of the fibrin gel was measured (Figure 3). Fibrin gels were polymerized as described above and modified separately with two factor XIIIa substrate peptides. The two substrates chosen were dLRGDGKADV, based on a fibrinogen substrate site, and dLNQEQVSPLRGD, based on the R2-plasmin inhibitor substrate site. The influence of the incorporation of these peptides on the swelling of the resulting fibrin matrix was determined by comparing swelling to that of unmodified gels as well as to the initial ratio of water-to-protein, 190. When an unmodified fibrin gel was created, the ratio of wet weight to dry weight, 141.8 ( 20.7, was lower than the initial value in the fibrinogen solution before coagulation (p < 0.05). The swelling of peptide-modified gels proved to be similar to the swelling of unmodified fibrin gels and was independent of cross-linked peptide density for both peptides tested; no value for either peptide tested was statistically different than that for the unmodified gel (p > 0.1). Neurite Extension. As a measure of the bioactivity of the exogenous peptide, incorporated via the factor XIIIa substrate domain of the bi-domain peptide, a neuronal cell culture model was employed in which neurites extend from dorsal root ganglia taken from day 8 chick embryos cultured within a three-dimensional fibrin network (Figure 4). Three peptides were individually cross-linked into fibrin and tested for their ability to interact with growing neurites in vitro. Each was a bi-domain peptide that contained the R2-plasmin inhibitor

Figure 4. The effect of incorporated peptide at 8 mol of peptide/ mol of fibrinogen on neurite length within three-dimensional fibrin matrixes without (solid bars) and with (hatched bars), the indicated peptide added in soluble form to the culture medium. Neurite growth from day 8 dorsal root ganglia was normalized to growth in unmodified fibrin at 24 and 48 h culture time. All cross-linked peptides contained the substrate sequence dLNQEQVSPL and the active sequence as shown. Experiments were performed in triplicate with six dorsal root ganglia and mean values and standard error of the mean are shown; (*) p < 0.05 compared to unmodified fibrin. Cross-linking of RGD statistically lowered neurite extension, DGEA increased neurite extension and the inactive control peptide RDG had no effect on neurite extension. In each case, the effect of the cross-linked peptide was neutralized by the addition of the same peptide in soluble form as a competitive inhibitor.

sequence NQEQVSPL as the cross-linking substrate. Two active sequences, RGD and DGEA, and one control sequence, RDG, were attached to this factor XIIIa substrate. By incorporating 8 mol of peptide/mol of fibrinogen, statistically different neurite growth was obtained for both of the active sequences. At 24 and 48 h of culture, the incorporation of RGD into the fibrin reduced outgrowth (p < 0.05) relative to native fibrin by 21 ( 5.2% at 24 h and 13 ( 4.3% at 48 h. DGEA-modified gels proved to enhance neurite growth, increasing neurite length at 48 h of culture by 22 ( 7.0% (p < 0.05) relative to that in native fibrin. The cross-linking of the control peptide, RDG, into the fibrin did not affect the extent of neurite extension (p ) 0.22). As a final control, peptides were added in the soluble phase in the culture medium as well as cross-linked into the gel to serve as competitive inhibitors. The resulting level of neurite growth returned to the level attained in native fibrin alone in all cases (p > 0.21). DISCUSSION

Fibrin gels provide a unique platform as a biomaterial. In addition to being nontoxic as monomer, polymerized gel, or degraded gel, these materials are also able to interact biologically with cells, inducing proliferation or migration. However, many other proteins contain useful domains that fibrin lacks which would enhance the usefulness of fibrin as a biomaterial, e.g., in wound healing. Through the action of the transglutaminase, factor XIIIa, we sought to augment the native biological characteristics of fibrin to allow it to incorporate the characteristics of other useful proteins such as fibronectin, collagen, or laminin. Fibrinogen was obtained as a protein that was isolated from blood plasma. The transglutaminase zymogen factor XIII was present, as it usually is, as a copurified component in this fibrinogen preparation. Exogenous peptides were readily incorporated through the concerted action of thrombin and factor XIIIa during coagulation to covalently graft these bi-

Peptide-Modified Fibrin Gels

domain peptides into the fibrin network. A sequence from R2-plasmin inhibitor served as a particularly effective factor XIIIa substrate to accomplish this end. Chromatographic analysis of the degradation products of peptide-modified fibrin gels provided information about the peptide incorporation process, allowing the determination of the amount of peptide incorporated as well as proof of the covalent nature of the incorporation. When peptide-modified and native fibrin gels were degraded by the fibrinolytic enzyme plasmin, multiple fragments of differing molecular weights were created. UV absorption was employed as the primary indicator of the presence of fibrin degradation products, and fluorescence measurement was utilized for detection of the exogenous peptide. These two measurements allowed unequivocal determination of the ratio of incorporated exogenous peptide to fibrin. Moreover, they provided strong evidence of covalent incorporation: when free peptide was added to degraded fibrin, it eluted at a low molecular weight, at a position identical to that of the free peptide in a single-component solution, whereas the peptide incorporated during fibrin polymerization eluted at a much higher molecular weight, indicating that it was covalently bound to the fibrin degradation fragments. This was true for all the exogenous peptides examined. The various factor XIIIa substrates demonstrated different activities for incorporation into the fibrin network during gelation. Two substrate sequences were selected based on cross-linking domains on the γ chain of fibrinogen, one that contains a lysine substrate and one that contains a glutamine substrate. The lysine-based fibrinogen substrate displayed a relatively low maximum cross-linking density of 0.44 mol/mol fibrinogen and the density of incorporation saturated at this level at high concentrations in the fibrin precursor. The glutaminebased sequence could cross-link into the fibrin at a rather high density, 1.53 mol/mol fibrinogen, and the incorporation of this peptide also saturated at high reactant concentrations. The final cross-linking density may have been limited by the mechanism through which both of these peptides were incorporated into the fibrin. Namely, the sites at which these peptides cross-linked into the fibrin gel were the same as those used for intermolecular fibrin cross-linking, and thus the peptides had to compete directly with the polymerizing fibrin gel for the crosslinking sites. During the formation of a fibrin gel, precursor fibrils become ordered, placing the two fibrinogen cross-linking substrates into close proximity (31). This alignment enhances cross-linking of the fibrils and may have prevented these two peptides from efficiently competing for cross-linking sites. Interestingly, the fibrinogen-based substrate with a glutamine at the reaction site was incorporated at a more than 3-fold density (p < 0.01) and at a more than 48-fold efficiency (p < 0.01) than the fibrinogen-based substrate with a lysine at the reactive site. A nonbiological substrate comprising a tetramer of lysine was also examined. The incorporation of this peptide reached a useful density of 1.18 mol/mol fibrinogen, with a maximum efficiency of 12%. Despite lacking a native substrate sequence, this oligomer was efficiently incorporated into the fibrin gel. This is consistent with studies that have demonstrated that the reactivity of the receptor amine for transglutaminase enzymes is more promiscuous than the glutamine. While small variations in amino acids flanking the glutamine residue in a native substrate can lead to significant changes in cross-linking specificity (32), the lysine residue is cross-linked suf-

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ficiently well that even nonbiological lysine substrates can be employed with high enzymatic activity (33, 34). Perhaps the most useful of the factor XIIIa substrates examined for the incorporation of exogenous peptides was a sequence based on the R2-plasmin inhibitor crosslinking domain. A very high density of incorporation, more than 8 mol/mol fibrinogen in the fibrin gel was achieved. The nature of the cross-linking of the protein R2-plasmin inhibitor appears to have features that make its factor XIIIa substrate very useful in incorporation of exogenous peptides into fibrin during gelation. The native protein is cross-linked into fibrin gels at a very high density, attaching at up to 17 separate sites on the R chain (17). By comparison with the maximum density of incorporation observed in this study of 8 mol of peptide/ mol of fibrinogen, it may be that the truncated sequence dLNQEQVSPL with the fluorescent marker near the active amino acid does not serve as a substrate for all of these sites, or it may be that competition with contaminant R2-plasmin inhibitor in the fibrinogen used (not assayed) limited incorporation. Another beneficial property of the factor XIIIa substrate from R2-plasmin inhibitor is that these sites on the R fibrin chain are not used for intermolecular fibrinogen cross-links. Therefore, a peptide with this substrate would not need to compete with the fibrin itself for cross-linking sites. Interestingly, the chromatographic results obtained with the bi-domain peptide dLNQEQVSPLRGD are consistent with its incorporation into the R chain of fibrinogen. The peptidecontaining peak (by fluorescence) obtained with this substrate eluted at consistently longer times (lower molecular weight) than those observed with the other three substrates. These smaller fibrin degradation fragments have been reported to be primarily degradation products of the R chain of fibrinogen (35, 36). Previous work has shown that R2-plasmin inhibitor cross-links only to one of the three chains in fibrinogen, the R chain (37, 38), and the chromatographic result obtained in this study with the bi-domain peptide is consistent with this behavior. As a final feature of the nature of the crosslinking of the factor XIIIa substrate in R2-plasmin inhibitor, R2-plasmin inhibitor is known to continue to crosslink onto the fibrin matrix after the formation of the gel, allowing the fibrin gel to form unimpeded. Because of these natural traits, it would seem that the peptide was able to cross-link into the gel at a much higher density than the other substrates tested. The swelling characteristics of the fibrin gel, specifically the water content, were used as an indication of the disruption of fibrin gel structure by the incorporation of exogenous peptides. The natural intermolecular crosslinking of fibrin limits the swelling of these gels in addition to providing stability. If the incorporation of exogenous peptide interferes with the formation of intermolecular fibrinogen cross-links, the water content in the gel should increase. As an example, two representative peptides were tested; namely a bi-domain peptide with the factor XIIIa substrate from fibrinogen, dLRGDGAKDV, and a bi-domain peptide with the factor XIIIa substrate from the R2-plasmin inhibitor sequence, dLNQEQVSPLRGD. The amount of water absorbed by the gels comprising either of these peptides was not significantly higher than for a native fibrin gel, suggestive of little disruption of fibrin structure due to peptide incorporation. The peptide with the substrate from fibrinogen demonstrated relatively low incorporation levels, perhaps due to its inability to compete with the fibrin gel itself for enzymatic activity. It is thus likely that this rather subtle change in composition resulted in minimal alter-

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ation in fibrin structure. The peptide containing the factor XIIIa substrate from R2-plasmin inhibitor was incorporated at high levels, up to 8 mol/mol fibrinogen, however, the swelling of these gels remained unchanged as well. The natural role of R2-plasmin inhibitor is to prevent proteolytic degradation of fibrin after it is crosslinked into the fibrin by factor XIIIa. Therefore, the crosslinking of this protein onto the fibrin is critical for gel stability and apparently is optimally arranged to minimize disruption of the gel structure. This property would appear to have been transferred to the peptide substrate as well, allowing it to cross-link at high densities without affecting the physical character of the fibrin. A cell culture assay, in which neurites extend from the dorsal root ganglia of embryonic chicks through the fibrin matrix, was employed to assess the bioactivity of the incorporated peptides. All fibrin gels were modified with bi-domain peptides containing the factor XIIIa substrate sequence from R2-plasmin inhibitor since this peptide had the greatest biological potential due to its high incorporation density. The fibrin gels modified with the exogenous peptides tested demonstrated significantly different neurite extension relative to native fibrin, with the associated active sequences providing the expected activity. Fibrin modified with the inactive control sequence, RDG, resulted in statistically identical neurite extension to that observed in native fibrin. Since the RDG sequence does not have any associated bioactivity, the only possible effect associated with peptide incorporation would be derived from physical changes to the fibrin gel. Incorporation of the this peptide did not affect neurite extension, indicating that any physical changes to the gel must have had a negligible effect in this cell culture model. The incorporation of RGD at 8 mol/mol fibrinogen into fibrin gels resulted in significantly shorter neurites at both 24 and 48 h. RGD modifies cell migration by acting as an adhesion site (39). Native fibrin contains two RGD domains per mole of fibrinogen, so this modification led to the formation of gels with 10 mol of RGD/mol of fibrinogen. By creating a material with so much adhesive character, it apparently became more difficult for the advancing neurite to migrate through the gel, leading to slower extension. This observed phenomenon is consistent with the observations of Palecek et al., who demonstrated that, in two dimensions, incorporation of high densities of adhesion ligand resulted in slower cell migration (40). This effect depended on the affinity of the ligand for its corresponding adhesion receptor and on cytoskeletal interactions. A sequence derived from collagen, DGEA, was also examined for bioactivity in this neurite extension model. This domain had been previously observed to enhance neurite extension (41); a similar observation in this present study suggests that this covalently incorporated exogenous peptide was indeed presented in a manner such that it was both available for receptor binding and biologically active. The control experiments with the peptides included in the culture medium as a soluble competitive inhibitor in which neurite extension was not significantly different than fibrin demonstrated that the observed biological activity was due exclusively to the covalently incorporated adhesion peptide. Through the use of factor XIIIa, we have developed a consistent method through which the biological character of fibrin can be augmented with active factors, creating a material that can be optimized for various applications in medicine or cell biology. The specificity of the crosslinking enzyme allows us to have good control over the

Schense and Hubbell

final incorporation density, allowing this material to be used for both therapeutic and academic applications. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

This work was funded by NIH Predoctoral Training in Biotechnology, Grant GM08346, and by Grant 3152261 NFP 38 of the Swiss National Science Foundation. LITERATURE CITED (1) Sierra, D. H. (1993) Fibrin Sealant Adhesive Systems, A Review of Their Chemistry, Material Properties and Clinical Applications. J Biomater. Appl. 7, 309-352. (2) Zarge, J. I., Husak, V., Huang, P., and Greisler, H. P. (1997) Fibrin Glue Containing Fibroblast Growth Factor Type 1 and Heparin Decreases Platelet Deposition. Am. J. Surg. 174, 188-192. (3) Seeds, N. W., Haffke, S. P., Hawkins, R. L., Krystosek, A., McGuire, P. G., and Verrall, S. (1992) Neuronal Growth Cones: Battering Rams or Lasers? The Nerve Growth Cone (P. C. Letourneau, S. B. Kater, and E. R.Macagno, Eds.) pp 219-229, Raven Press, New York. (4) Krystosek, A., and Seeds, N. W. (1984) Peripheral Neurons and Schwann Cells Secrete Plasminogen Activator. J. Cell. Biol. 98, 773-776. (5) Francis, C. W., Bunce, L. A., and Sporn, L. A. (1993) Endothelial Cell Responses to Fibrin Mediated by FPB Cleavage and the Amino Terminus of the β Chain. Blood Cells 19, 291-307. (6) Aoki, N. (1979) Natural Inhibitors of Fibrinolysis. Prog. Cardiovasc. Dis. 21, 267-286. (7) Sakata, Y., and Aoki, N. (1980) Cross-Linking of R2-Plasmin Inhibitor to Fibrin by Fibrin-stabilizing Factor. J. Clin. Invest. 65, 290-297. (8) Aoki, N., Moroi, M., and Tachiya, K. (1978) Effects of R2plasmin Inhibitor on Fibrin Clot Lysis. It’s Comparison With R2-macroglobulin. Thromb. Haemost. 39, 22-31. (9) Francis, C. W., and Marder, V. J. (1988) Increased Resistance to Plasmic Degradation of Fibrin With Highly Crosslinked R-polymer Chains Formed at High Factor XIII Concentrations. Blood 71, 1361-1365. (10) Pisano, J. J., Finlayson, J. S., and Peyton, M. P. (1968) Cross-link in Fibrin Polymerized by Factor XIII: -(γGlutamyl)lysine. Science 160, 892-893. (11) Folk, J. E. (1969) Mechanism of Action of Guinea Pig Liver Transglutaminase. J. Biol. Chem. 244, 3707-3713. (12) Doolittle, R. F., Chen, R., and Lau, F. (1971) Hybrid Fibrin: Proof of the Intermolecular Nature of γ-γ Crosslinking Units. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 44, 94-100. (13) Shainoff, J. R., Urbanic, D. A., and DiBello, P. M. (1991) Immunoelectrophoretic Characterizations of the Cross-linking of Fibrinogen and Fibrin by Factor XIIIa and Tissue Transglutaminase. J. Biol. Chem. 266, 6429-6437. (14) Potts, J. R., Phan, I., Williams, M. J., and Campbell, I. D. (1995) High-resolution Structural Studies of the Factor XIIIa Cross-linking Site and the First Type 1 Module of Fibronectin. Nat. Struct. Biol. 2, 946-950. (15) Mosher, D. F., Schad, P. E., and Kleinman, H. K. (1979) Cross-Linking of Fibronectin to Collagen by Blood Coagulation Factor XIIIa. J. Clin. Invest. 64, 781-787. (16) McDonagh, R. P., McDonagh, J., Petersen, T. E., Thogersen, H. C., Skorstengaard, K., Sottrup-Jensen, L., Magnusson, S., Dell, A., and Morris, H. R. (1981) Amino Acid Sequence of the Factor XIIIa Acceptor Site in Bovine Plasma Fibronectin. FEBS Lett. 127, 174-178. (17) Ichinose, A., Tamaki, T., and Aoki, N. (1983) Factor XIIImediated Cross-linking of NH2-terminal Peptide of R2plasmin Inhibitor to Fibrin. FEBS Lett. 153, 369-371. (18) Yamada, Y., and Kleinman, H. K. (1992) Functional Domains of Cell Adhesion Molecules. Curr. Opin. Cell. Biol. 4, 819-823. (19) Engvall, E., and Wewer, U. M. (1996) Domains of Laminin. J. Cell. Biochem. 61, 493-501. (20) Malinda, K. M., and Kleinman, H. K. (1996) The Laminins. Int. J. Biochem. Cell. Biol. 28, 957-959.

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