Crossword puzzle - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

J. Chem. Educ. , 1956, 33 (7), p 339. DOI: 10.1021/ed033p339. Publication Date: July 1956. Cite this:J. Chem. Educ. 33, 7, 339- ...
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CARL ALTMAN, A. K. PRINCE and KENNETH SCHUG University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin

THEfollowing puzzle has been modeled after the typical English crossword puzzle. Rather than being a matching game between exotic word lists, such a puzzle tests the worker's acumen in other ways. The clues, in general, consist of a definition and an aid. Aids are constructed along the following lines: as anagrams (see 15 across), as homonyms (11 across), as words within words (5 arross), or as combinations of these. In short, anything goes. For example, "Cry about a man followed by fog. It is dear to all of us. (9)" is a clue to the nine-letter word "C-he-mist-RY." Good luck, and don't gum up the puzzle with 17 across! [EDITOR'S NOTE: Solution next month. Yon'll need the time!] Acmes

1. Almost cop and robber guards against lhboratory losses. (6, 9) i. Sit upset in this pirkle, moonshiners do. (i) 8. A real high powered gal! (3) 9. Mayer has a point on his-it's critical. (3) I I . Mineral state? (3) 13. To make n mistake in tantalum feels good undcr foot. (5) 1 5 I t led in making new Kaisers? (5) 16. Small h i d RppPars partly mebdir a t either pod. (3) l i . C h e r on this ahile ruminating. (3) 18. This Italian navirator makes a solid pun with 13. (5) 20. Once a mixed up sailor; now superflnous. 151 ~, ~~~~


21. Raekland made this obsolete-it's tickled. (5) 23. Can little Albert make this a wrong Ray Corrigan? Isn't i t grand? (5) 25. Short authors' works. (3) 26. C m ' t he solved (short German). (3) 2 i . I s this character a Greek wanderer? 28. 31. 32. 33.

~ k s ' t r e ecloses ring deals. (5) Standssd oil. (3) Certainly found in oily esters. (3) Shortened sssociate of 18; sometimes follau~edby 16. (3) 34. I n the main it's the name. (7) 36. You'll find this useful preparation in the great garden ring. (8, 7)

Down 1. Gives ham's pleasure, hot stuff's memure. (13) 2. Rackwkwsrd relative implies twinning. (3) 3. To live, mix T e r n ) . (5) 4. Is ice water such a solvent? (5)

Single muuly child in such a beast gives tremors. (9) "Cistern, resrrvoir (as of a barometer); jar; tray (as for developing); bulb (of a thermometer); cup (e. g., of aprimer); basin; sink;. . (Acids) bottom of a lead chamber which in the sulfuric acid collects. . . ." (Monsieur Patterson). (7) Important t o kineticists and colorful marching bands. (9) The result of social contract among nucleons. (3, 4, 6) Gods sometimes not quite eqniva-


lent. (!a) I . There's room for a t least two more going in this direction. (3) 19, Clear mire far salvage unit. (9) 22. Peninsular source of the aldehyde of met,hyl-protoeatechuic acid. (7) 24. Void 14, we're full up. (3) 29. 1 from 2 yields cheap tipper? (5) 30. Change going up, meaningless ot,heru-ise.* (5) 35. "Old soldiers never die." How do salts end? Devoured! (3)


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