Crossword puzzle - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Crossword puzzle. Bert H. Clampitt. J. Chem. Educ. , 1957, 34 (6), p 300. DOI: 10.1021/ed034p300. Publication Date: June 1957 ...
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BERT H. CLAMPITT O a k Ridge, Tennegee


. adsorption isotherm Persian ruler C,O, - Mild cigar Discuss The ideal solution law was discovered byArsenic Exclamation c.g.8. unit of intensity of a magnetic field At right anglerr to a ship's keel BachelorofHumanities(nbbreviation) Thna -..-.

Shift of spectral lines in a magnetic effect field is known ss the Kind of numbers Pertaining to a wedding Official publication (abbreviation) King (abbreviation) Omn sore erg-sec. is -con6.6 X stant Aluminum Near Spikelets Solid water - V i l l e test far hydroxide in the presence of carbonate Artist Genuine 47. Concentrate Down 1.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 8. I. 11.

C,~H,aOaNC1.3'/pHe0 Coordinates Seize Sodium sulfate is known as salt Gauss was known for his ability Shoshonean Indian That is To wade through water Hieh (French) Wiener

13. HzC08(two words) 15. Note on the scale 18. A book containing several works by

one author 19. A nest 20. American Association of Teachers (abbreviation) 23. 2001 (Medieval Roman) 24. A wing 26. Orlando (abbreviation) 27. Girl's name 28. S ~ e c i dlease (abbreviation) 29. Element of Group I-B 32. Kind of geometry

33. Bend the knee 35. A cubic meter 37. A sea weed 38. Knight of the Elephant (abhreviation) 40. Liquors 42. Adjective suffix 43. Cotangent (abbreviation) 45. Polonium

(See p . 306 for solution)


distance and Av. Thus a direct relation between Av and bond energy can be obtained. Lippincott and Schroeder are careful to point out that their model is not intended as a complete one, for there are important aspects of infrared absorption which it does not explain. But they are optimistic that their model will be applicable to hydrogen bonding involving other atoms besides oxygen, and that it can be modified for liquid systems. Nevertheless, this limited model constitutes a definite advance from qualitative to quantitative theoretical interpretation. I t emphasizes the need of modifying the commonly held belief in an electrostatic model, in favor of quantum mechanical formulations, iaorder that our notions of the hydrogen bond can be improved. Lord and Merrifield ( I k ) , believe that an explanation of the spectroscopic properties of the hydrogen bond undoubtedly ill require a quantum mechanical model.

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LITERATURE CITED (1) JONES, E. V., J. CHEM.EDUC.,22, 76 (1945); R. W. TAFT, JR., AND H.'H. SISLER,ibid., 24, 175 (1947); M. GORMAN, ibid., 33, 468 (1956). L. N., "Electronic Structures of Organic Mole(2) FERGUSON, cules," Prentice-Hall, New York, 1952, pp. 229-36 and 251-68; L. KELLNER,Repts. Pmg. Phys., 15, 1-22 AND C. SA ORFY in "Technique or (1952); R. N. JONES Oreanie Chemistrv. " , Val,-IX. %mica1 Anolications of Spectroscopy," W. WEST, Editor, Interscience Publishers, New York, 1956, Chap. IV. (3) EWING,G. W., "Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis," McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, 1954, pp.



1n7-17 -"" A,.

(4) J o s ~ s R. , N.,AND C. SANDORFY, op. eit., pp. 256-87 and 294-331. (51 Hr;ccrNs. RZ. L.. J. Am. Chem. Soe.. 53.3190 (1931): G. N.

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