Crossword puzzle of the elements - Journal of ... - ACS Publications

Jul 1, 1980 - Crossword puzzle of the elements. Irene Barr. J. Chem. Educ. , 1980, 57 (7), p 495. DOI: 10.1021/ed057p495. Publication Date: July 1980 ...
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Crossword Puzzle of the Elements Clues Complete the puzzle by identifying the element which corresponds t o the following clues.

Across 3. Element mmponant of chemical added to urban water systems to help prevent tooth


5. Element found in milk which sidr healthy development of teeth and banem. 6. Element found inwhite jewebyandalsoused whenswircmust besealed in aglass tube as it expandsand contraeta st about the same rat. as glass. 7. Eiemmt used ass dye and as e tincture solution in medicine. 9. Element used in eieefmplatingand also in minsof sms11 denominations. 11. Siivcr~whitemetal characterized by lightneap and strength used in airplane eonstruction. 12. nard, magnetic, metallie element vned in the produnion af steel el11oy3. 13. C s m d e m e n t uredinsigig~~weitgbbbbbbI~~ttiialalualalntisp~~edthmth~h it. 14. Yellow, nonmetellie element found in msteh t i p . 17. &stcondudor of hesfsnd elrtridty, aLno uspd in phafographieSlmduetoits~en.itih~ to light. 19. Moat abundant element an the earth. 21. Element used as a protective coating for iron and stael and also in alloys such sn ".I*.

24. Reddish-born vapor pmduong halogen, mmpounds of which are used in antiknock

.mntn. ...... R d 26. Odorless, eolorl~ssgas found in many light buikr.

29. Element used in alloys with lead for storage battery plates. 30. Gaseous element eomposingapprorimafely 7890 of the earths stmospher~ 33. Element used for the ourifieation of drinkinnwater.

Down Gsspouselemrnt "led in blimps and dirrigibier 2. Elrmmt withan atomic number of 56 wed as a "getter" in radio tubes andsnsn alloy with niekd in automobile ignition systems. 4. Silver-white metal having sn atomic number of 3 "red as a vapor for producings protective atmosphere in furnaces for heat treating steel. 8. Coiorless, odurle~sgas which has an atomic number of 36. 10. Silver whife element remnd in abundance to sadium in ocean water. 12. A component of all organic compounds. 15. Metalliceioment used as the indiestor in thermometers. 16. By far the most abundant element in theuniverse. 18. Element found in bulleu. b e i # I m c m. f * w # . , x i $ h t h..h#$wmo s ~ m d ~h~,.hmr,t A? .\.ran.#, "nm~tal,".,.,, I,. " ,d t . o l l ~ ! t t . e o n a l e n t '"I.< n i.,'& ,,,nh.r..nIrl I,., r # , ~ .L,..r:i:\*,.,h"drr i .mu.! I,. n .I h~