"Crown ether" synthesis: An organic laboratory experiment - Journal of

"Crown ether" synthesis: An organic laboratory experiment. Kurt W. Field, A. ... Crown Ethers: Sensors for Ions and Molecular Scaffolds for Materials ...
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Kurt W. Field,' A. Donald Glover, Judith S. Moroz, Deborah J. Collander, and Kenneth E. Kolb Bradley Univers~ty Peoria, Illinois 61625

"Crown Ether" Synthesis An organic laboratory experiment


T-~~~ h e exoeriment described below is designed t h acquaint t h e s t u d e n t w i t h a macromdeculnr synthesis of'a c r o w n ether t y p e c o m o o u n d . T h e s t a r t i n r m a t e r i a l s are r e a d i l y available a n d t h e p r o d u c t , a cyclic polyether, Ilelongs t r ~a class 01' cornp o u n d s t h a t has aroused t h e interest of chemist a n d hinlogist alike. T h e experiment has been successli~llycarried o u t m a n y t i m e s b y sophomore u r g a n i c students. ~

Introduction I n 1886 Haeyer disrovrred th;d pyrrole n , d d 1", eId mixture c t l ' 9 . h c t h ~ ~ n115 o l ~ndl and c o w c r n t l x t d hyrlndll