
VARIAN A. G.: ZUG, SWITZERLAND. Circle No. 21 on Readers' Service Card. Table 1. Cold Welding Effect on. 1018 Steel in Vacuum. Maximum. Temperature...
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REPORT Table I. Cold Welding Effect on 1018 Steel in Vacuum Temperature °C. 500 150 25

ion pumping plus cryopumping Problem: Get the system d o w n to 10 s Torr in less time. Solution: Combine α VacIon®pump and a Varian Cryopump . . . letting e a c h do its o w n job in the most efficient w a y . Here's h o w it works. The Cryopump is simply a cold surface, chilled with (in this instance) liquid nitrogen. With this cold surface in the system, condensable g a s molecules such a s water vapor and C 0 2 simply strike and stick to the surface. Since the Cryopump will only pump condensable g a s e s , w e add another pump — the Vaclon pump. In this combination, the Vaclon pump is needed to pump the non-condensable g a s e s such a s N2 and O2 that won't freeze on the Cryopump. • In an unbaked vacuum system, a high percentage of the g a s adsorbed on surfaces is condensable. The addition of a high-speed Cryopump to such a system adds 25 times more pumping s p e e d at a modest 10 to 15 per cent increase in cost. Pumpdown time and b a s e pressure will be improved by a factor of 5 to 8 . . . a s s h o w n on the graph above. • This pumping combination is ideally suited to thin film deposition applications, since it is a low cost w a y to achieve and sustain l o w pressures during the evaporation process. For more information, write for the Varian Cryopump data sheet. • The Vacuum Products Division offers wide experience in this and other areas of high vacuum. W e also offer a wide variety of systems and components a s well a s an applications lab to assist y o u in solving your specific vacuum problem. M a y w e help you? Vaclon® is a registered trademark of Varian Associates



VARIAN A. G.: ZUG. SWITZERLAND Circle No. 21 on Readers' Service Card

26 A



Maximum Cohesion, percent 96.0 35.9 18.9

earthbound equipment have gener­ ally been from a lack of vacuum. Here we have a case where the sit­ uation is reversed. Particle densi­ ties below 1000 per cm. 3 are the rule for most experiments (1). The best large vacuum chambers avail­ able have particle densities of 10" per cm. 3 Therefore, it is impossi­ ble to test equipment properly prior to flight. One of the things t h a t can happen in this environment is a materials loss due to evaporation or sublimation. Results of prelim­ inary studies indicate structural materials such as steel and alumi­ num alloys will not sublime rapidly enough to damage their load-carry­ ing ability (2). However, where materials are applied as thin coat­ ing, such as those used for thermal control, sublimation is more seri­ ous. Studies of the effect of a vacuum environment on three thermal control coatings t h a t are intended for use on the radiator of a space power plant {3, 4, 5) show t h a t the emittance can increase, re­ main the same, or decrease because of exposure to vacuum. A second problem arises due to the loss of adsorbed gas layers t h a t are normally present on the surface of all materials. After prolonged exposure to space-vacuum environ­ ment, a surface will lose all the surface gas and will become clean. As a result, it will behave differ­ ently when put in contact with another clean surface. Recent studies have shown t h a t cohesion or cold welding takes place (6). The studies were made by breaking a specimen in vacuum and then placing the broken faces into con­ tact again. Table I shows repre­ sentative results from this study for 1018 steel. T h e maximum co­ hesion is the percentage of the ini­ tial breaking force t h a t was re­ quired to break the specimen a second time.