Crystal and molecular structure of [N, N,-di (2-aminoethyl

molecules in a unit cell of dimensions a = ... the nickel complex of iV',/V,-di(2-aminoethyl)malondi- ... For four formula units in the cell, the calc...
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Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 11, No.6, 1972 1371

Ni(C,H14N402). 3H20



The Crystal and Molecular Structure of

[N,N'-Di(2-aminoethyl)malondiamidato]nickel(II)Trihydrate BY R. M. LEWIS, G. H. NANCOLLAS,



Received September 13, 1971 The crystal and molecular structure of the neutral complex [N,N'-di(2-aminoethyl)malondiamidato]nickel(II) trihydrate, * 3Hz0, isolated from aqueous solution a t alkaline pH, has been determined from three-dimensional X-ray Ni(C7H14N40~) data collected with an automatic diffractometer. Th? complex crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P2Jc, with four molecules in a unit cell of dimensions a = 7.397 (1)A, b = 9.053(1)A, c = 18.690 (4)A, and p = 102.80 (4)"; dobsd = 1.65 (2)g/cm3 and dcalod = 1.627g/cm3. The structure, including hydrogen atoms, was refined by a least-squares method to a weighted R value of 0.042 for all 3324 reflections significantly different from background. The donor amine and amide A, respectively. nitrogen atoms are bonded to the metal in a trapezoidal array with distances of 1.921and 1.869(f0.002) The four nitrogens of the ligand form a distorted square-planar structure with the nickel ion. Adjacent molecules in layers parallel t o the bc plane are held together by hydrogen bonds to the waters of hydration. A charge density refinement has been carried out on the diffraction data yielding net atomic charges for the atoms in the compound. The results indicate a small residual positive charge of approximately $0.5 (2) electron on the nickel atom.

Introduction Transition metal ions such as copper,'^^ nickel,sB4and cobalt5 are known t o form complexes with peptides at high pH in which the peptide hydrogens are dissociated. There have also been several studies recently on model peptide-like ligands in which t e e amide hydrogens are labilized when the molecules are complexed by these same metal^.^-^ In the case of nickel(I1)) the peptide complexes a t alkaline pH are mainly yellow and diamagnetic and have square-planar coordination. It has been well established that in these deprotonated complexes the nickel ion is coordinated t o the nitrogen of the peptide groups both in solution and in the solid state.1° With the peptide-like ligands, the same coordination with nickel occurs in solution under the same conditions.',* In the course of our thermodynamic investigations of metal complex formation in solution, we have become interested in species formed in which there is proton labilization due t o complex formation with certain metal i0ns.l' The investigation of the structure of the nickel complex of N, N'-di(2-aminoethyl)malondiamide prepared a t alkaline pH was undertaken as a part of a study designed t o elucidate the factors which determine the bonding geometry of metal ions in biological systems. This compound was especially of interest because it offered an opportunity to compare the results with those of similar nickel glycine peptides and because the complex possesses two deprotonated peptide-like residues in the ligand portion of the complex. Further, we hope t o make correlations t o sub(1) s. P.Datta and B. R. Rabin, Tuans. Faraday Soc., 63, 1123 (1956). (2) H.Dobie and W. 0. Kermack, Biochem. J . , 69,246, 257 (1955). (3) R . B.Martin, M. Chamberlin, and J. T. Edsall, J . Amev. Chem. Soc., 83,495 (1960). (4) A. R. Manyak, C. B. Murphy, and A. E . Martell, Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 69, 373 (1955). (5) R . D. Gillard, E. D. McKenzie, R . Mason, and G. B. Robertson, Coord. Chem. Rev., I, 263 (1966). (6) R. Grieser and S. Fallab, Chimia, 33, 90 (1968). (7) H. A. 0. Hill and K . A. Raspin, J. Chem. Soc. A , 3036 (1968). ( 8 ) K.S. Bai and A. E. Martell, J . Amev. Chem. Soc., 91,4412 (1969). (9) R. J. Motekaitis and A. E . Martell, ibid., 92, 4223 (1970). (10) H . C. Freeman, J. M . Guss, and R. L. Sinclair, Chem. Commuiz., 485 (1968). (11) A. P. Brunetti, M. C. Lim, and G. H. Nancollas, J. Amev. Chem. Soc., 90, 5120 (1968).

sequent thermodynamic investigations of these model complexes in solution and use the results of this study t o aid in the interpretation of thermodynamic parameters. Experimental Section The complex was prepared according to the procedure of Hill and Raspin.7 It was twice recrystallized from water by slow evaporation of the solvent to yield hexagonal-shaped yellow needles of the trihydrate suitable for X-ray analysis. Crystal Data.-A single crystal was mounted along the needle (a) axis. Precession photographs of zero and upper layers (h01, MZ,hkO, and h k l ) taken with h'i-filtered Cu Ka: radiation indicated a monoclinic system. Systematic absences occurred in the hOZ reflections (h0Z absent for Z = 2n 1) and OkO reflec1). These absences are contion (OkO absent for k = 2n sistent with the space group P21,Jc which was confirmed by subsequent analysis. The cell parameters were determined from a least-squares refinement of the diffractometer setting angles of 12 carefully centered reflections (Bysing, et aZ.l*). Using Zr-filtered Mo Ka: radiation (A 0.71069 A), the lattice constants af room temperature (-25') were found to be a = 7.397 (1)A, b = 9.053 (l)A,c = 18.690( 4 ) A , a n d p = 102.80(4)'. The experimental density of the crystals was determined by the flotation method using a mixture of bromoform and chloroform. For four formula units in the cell, the calculated density is 1.627 g/cm3, which agrees well with the observed density of 1.65 ( 2 )&ma. Data Collection.-A second crystal of approximate dimensions 0.13 X 0.17 X 0.30 mm3 was used for data collection. The eight faces of the crystal were indexed by optical and X-ray means and its physical dimensions were measured under a microscope with a micrometer eyepiece for subsequent absorption corrections. The intensities were measured on a Picker diffractometer a t room temperature, using Zr-filtered Mo Ka: radiation, a scintillation counter, and 3 ' takeoff angle. A total of 4576 reflections were measured by the moving-crystal, moving-counter technique using a 1.50' f 0.692 tan 8 scan in 28 a t a scan rate of 1°/min (20,,, = 60°, in addition a number of reflections with Z negative were collected in the range 60" < 20 < 100'). Background intensities were estimated by stationary counting for 10 sec a t each end of the scan. Three standard reflections were measured after every 30 reflections to monitor changes in tube intensity or crystal reflectivity. A scaling correction was applied to the data to account for variations attributed to changes in tube voltage. Such variations were limited to about 4y0 except during two periods in which a sudden discontinuous increase in intensity of 15% was observed. A visual examination of the crystal after the data were taken gave no indication of decomposition.




(12) W. R. Busing and H. A. Levy, Acta Crystallogu.,

as, 457 (1967).

1372 Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 11, No. 6, 1972 The data were corrected for Lorentz and polarization effects and absorption ( p = 16.1 cm-l) using the data processing and absorption correction program DATAP written by Coppens, el a1.13 In the absorption correction a grid having 216 sampling points ( L e . , 6 X 6 X 6) was used. The transmission factors varied from 0.83 to 0.76. The standard deviations on the observed intensities were estimated from the expression $ ( I - B ) = (I B ) , 10 C 2 ( I - B ) 2where I is the observed intensity, B is the summed background, and C = 0.03 and where the first term on the right-hand side of the equation is an evaluation of the statistical counting error and the second term is an evaluation of an error proportional t o the strength of the signal. By averaging symmetry-related reflections, 3794 independent reflections were obtained, and for 3324 of these Fo2 3 4a(FO2).



Structure Determination and Refinement The Xi-Xi and Xi-X vectors could be identified in a threedimensional Patterson synthesis, calculated with a modification of A. Zalkin's Fourier program. A least-squares refinement on the scale factor, overall temperature factor, and nitrogen and nickel positions yielded agreement factors of 0.42 and 0.47 for R ( = (ZIF,, - klFo~~)/ZIF~,l) and R,"( = ( Z u l F , - k ~ F , ~ / 2 / Z ~ F , , 2 ) ' / 2 )The . other nonhydrogen atoms of the ligand were found in a subsequent Fourier map which, however, failed to produce the positions of the oxygen atoms of the water molecules. These and the hydrogen atoms were located in a difference map obtained after a number of additional least-squares cycles of refinement. In the final cycles all nonhydrogen atoms were included with an anisotropic thermal parameter, while anomalous dispersion for Xiz- was allowed for ( A j ' and Aj"' were taken from ref 14) and an isotropic extinction parameter was included in the refinement. Reflections were considered unobserved when FOz 4u(FO2). In this case a term FC2- 4a(FO2) was included in the least-squares summation whenever FC2< 4o(Fo2). The final agreement factors including 3324 symmetry-independent reflections are R = 0.044 = 0.042. The maximum shift in any parameters in the and R,,. final cycle was less than '/IO of the corresponding standard deviation. The atomic scattering factors used were as given by Cromer and Waber'j (Niz+, C, N , 0) and Steward, Davidson, and Simpson16(H). The final observed structure factors (FO), standard deviations (SIG),calculated structure factors (FC), and the extinction transmission factor (EX) if