Crystal chemistry of simple compounds of uranium, thorium, plutonium

supplement to the hrider s~-ork of Roherte which iu addressed specificall>- to :I general audience of organic rbemietr. R. P. Dalmr. Colamhin l'nivcrs...
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BOOK REVIEWS Tcddington, who has rontriIx>tpdn grrat, deal to our theoretifit1 nndprstanding of this area of research. The bssie principles necessnr>-for understanding the field are given in thp first part of the book togcther with n dii.nwion of the instruments used. Hew the t r ~ a t ment is somewhat qualitative although more detailed than in the ~ x r ~ l l e nhrid t book by J. D. Roberts. S o nttrmpt u w made to deal with broad-line nuclear magnetic resonance of solids; this mat.erial is treated by the older works of n d r c w and of Sahe and Da.s The second part or thc hook is a ntrve?of the chemical applications of the technique of high resolution S l I R t,hrough 1958. The emphmis is on protan rwonanres, since these are t,heoncs m o ~ useful t and most frequmtly encountpred in the investigation of organic ehemiral sy~tems. Thi~ survey deals brieHy with x wide range of applications t,aken irom the ehemird and physical Iitersture. It swme to he reasonably complete, including in fact a number of unpublished resolti. irom the authors' laboratories. The hihlingraph:should be useful to m y worker in this a r m Naturally, this part of the hank will he the first to become dated as is inevitnhle in such s rapidly moving field. 9 t,n!ly critical survey of this xork remains to he written. Tho present volume was produced by a trans--4tlnntic collaborativ~ effort, working undw diffirulties (some of the work was done a t n Gordon Confer~nee -on the lawn, not in the snnrk bar]. The book will be c x t , r ~ m ~vslunhle Iy tn any one with a serious intweet in NMR spectrosrop.~,especially to student,* and others thinking of doing researrh in the field. To teachers it should provp B useful supplement to the hrider s~-orkof Roherte which iu addressed specificall>-to :I general audience of organic rbemietr. R. P. Dalmr Colamhin l'nivcrsily Netr )hrb Crystal Chemislry of Simple Compounds of Umnium, Thorium, Plutonium, Nepfunium

B. 8. Makarmr. Trsnslated from the Russian by E. B. Cram?,. C o n d t ants Bunau, Inc., S e a 'iork. 1959. iii 145 pp. 32 tables. 16 X 23.5 cm. 55.25.


Some 20 pages of introdwtion t o types of crystals and t,heir genrrnl properties is followed hy 100 page8 of litpr:,t,ure rwirw of thecurrent knonlrdgp of t h rampounds ~ mentioned in the title. The rurrrnt etatns (up to June, 1957) is then ~ummarieedin terms of ionic and metnllir radii and general concepts as t o the. relxtive validity of "thoride" or "actinklc" hypotheses. The discussion is clear and well translated. If one were to judge from t h ~ literature cited, over 90% of t.he work in this field is done in the United St,ates. This leads t h e reviewer to helieve that the prime purpme of the book wse to revipw "on-Russian work in this area. J. .4. CAMPBELL Harvey .%i'udd College Claremont, California



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