Crystal Structures of Human Δ4-3-Ketosteroid 5β-Reductase (AKR1D1

the Presence of an Alternative Binding Site Responsible for Substrate Inhibition ... We would like to correct information regarding the timeline o...
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Biochemistry 2009, 48, 1144

Corrections Crystal Structures of Human ∆4-3-Ketosteroid 5β-Reductase (AKR1D1) Reveal the Presence of an Alternative Binding Site Responsible for Substrate Inhibition, by Fre´de´rick Faucher, Line Cantin, Van Luu-The, Fernand Labrie, and Rock Breton,* Volume 47, Number 51, 2008, pages 13537–13546. We would like to correct information regarding the timeline of scientific discovery made in the concluding remarks. In this section, it is stated “during the review of this work, crystal structures...have been published by another group.” Since the manuscript had not yet been submitted, it was not under review when Crystal Structure of Human Liver ∆4-3-Ketosteroid 5β-Reductase (AKR1D1) and Implications for Substrate Binding and Catalysis by L. Di Costanzo et al. [(2008) J. Biol. Chem.283, 16830-16839 (Epub ahead of print on April 11, 2008; doi: 10.1074/jbc.M801778200)] was published. Second, the article states that “the coordinates of our structures were deposited to the RCSB PDB before the published structures of Di Costanzo et al.” The structure described in the Di Costanzo article (PDB entry 3BUR) was deposited January 3, 2008, while our structures (PDB entries 3CAQ and 3CAS) were deposited February 20, 2008. We apologize for any confusion caused. BI900016Y 10.1021/bi900016y Published on Web 01/20/2009