Crystallize your thinking with ACS Publications... - C&EN Global

Nov 7, 2010 - Publication Date: October 22, 1979. Copyright © 1979 American Chemical Society. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. First Page Image...
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Crystallize your thinking with ACS Publications... ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY


This monthly journal is the world's foremost publication in the vital field of measurement science.

Offers results of original research in all recognized or developing areas of biochemistry. Biweekly.

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One-Year Rate ACS Members Nonmembers Supplementary material on microfiche

Foreign $24.00 $36.00

U.S. $37.00 $148.00

Foreign $51.00 $162.00

$ 20.00

$ 28.00

CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING NEWS Official publication of the ACS and newsweekly that all ACS members receive as part of their dues. One-Year Rate* Nonmembers

U.S. $19.00

Foreign $32.00

CHEMTECH Stimulating, personal monthly helping chemists and engineers arrive at innovative solutions to real problems. One-Year Rate* ACS Members Nonmembers-Personal NonmembersInstitutional Students

U.S. $18.00 $25.00

Foreign $22.00 $29.00

$90.00 $ 8.50

$94.00 $12.50

SCIQUEST Ten issues a year of a lively, colorful science publication for students, teachers, laymen, and chemists. One-Year Rate* U.S. Foreign Members & Nonmembers— Personal $10.00 $11.00 Institutional $13.00 $14.00 Write for information concerning SciQuest School Bulk & Group Rates.



l&EC PROCESS DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT Quarterly contains original papers, and occasionally critical reviews, thai present theoretical and experiments results relating to the development ol processes and process equipment. One-Year Rate ACS Members Nonmembers Supplementary material on microfiche

U.S. $10.00 $40.00

Foreign $14.00 $44.00

$ 5.00

$ 9.00

Reviews of research in various areas of chemistry that eliminate the need to scan scores of articles concerning particular fields. Bimonthly.

l&EC PRODUCT R&D Publishes original research on broadly varied product related topics in an interdisciplinary manner. Quarterly.

One-Year Rate ACS Members Nonmembers

One-Year Rate ACS Members Nonmembers

U.S. $17.00 $68.00

Foreign $21.00 $72.00

l&EC FUNDAMENTALS Publishes, quarterly, original scientific papers dealing with the very frontiers of chemical engineering understanding. One-Year Rate ACS Members Nonmembers

U.S. $11.00 $44.00

Foreign $14.00 $47.00

U.S. $10.00 $40.00

Foreign $13.00 $43.00

INORGANIC CHEMISTRY Monthly journal publishes fundamental studies, experimental anc theoretical, in all phases of inorganic chemistry. One-Year Rate ACS Members Nonmembers Supplementary material on microfiche

U.S. $ 40.00 $160.00

Foreign $ 49.00 $169.00

$ 35.00

$ 50.00

'There are multiple year rates available for Chemical & Engineering News, Analytical Chemistr Environmental Science & Technology, CHEMTECH, and SciQuest Details on request.

AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036


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Monthly publication for chemists and engineers engaged in the study and maintenance of environment through the application of chemical principles. One-Year Rate* ACS Members Nonmembers-Personal NonmembersInstitutional

U.S. $16.00 $20.00

Foreign $23.00 $27.00


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ACCOUNTS OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH Monthly publication offering short, critical reviews written by scientists active in the research described. One-Year Rate ACS Members Nonmembers

U.S. $16.00 $64.00

Foreign $20.00 $68.00


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Crystallize your thinking with ACS Publications... JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND r OOD CHEMISTRY bimonthly reporting of original research into the chemical aspects of agriculture and food. Pne-Year Rate ACS Members Nonmembers Supplementary material on microfiche

U.S. $13.00 $52.00

Foreign $18.00 $57.00

$ 8.00


JOURNAL OF M E AMERICAN UHEMICAL SOCIETY Most quoted biweekly journal of the widest possible interest to research workers and students in all areas of chemistry. One-Year Rate ACS Members Nonmembers Supplementary material on microfiche

U.S. $ 45.00 $180.00 $ 35.00

Foreign $ 62.00 $197.00

JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND COMPUTER SCIENCES Quarterly reporting on new R&D, concepts, systems, and programs in all areas of information and computers relevant to chemistry and chemical technology. One-Year Rate ACS Members Nonmembers

U.S. $11.00 $44.00

Foreign $15.00 $48.00

MACROMOLECULES Publishes bimonthly original material on all fundamental aspects of polymer chemistry. One-Year Rate ACS Members Nonmembers Supplementary material on microfiche

U.S. $ 26.00 $104.00

Foreign $ 31.00 $109.00


$ 9.00


$ 50.00

JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA This quarterly journal is primarily concerned with the presentation of data of lasting value.

JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY Monthly journal concerned with the relationship of chemistry to biological activity.

One-Year Rate ACS Members Nonmembers Supplementary material on microfiche

One-Year Rate ACS Members Nonmembers Supplementary material on microfiche

U.S. $20.00 $80.00

Foreign $23.00 $83.00

$ 5.00


U.S. $22.00 $88.00

Foreign $28.00 $94.00

$ 8.00


THE JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Biweekly devoted to general organic chemistry offering critical accounts of original work and interpretative reviews of existing data that present new viewpoints. One-Year Rate ACS Members Nonmembers Supplementary material on microfiche

U.S. $ 34.00 $136.00

Foreign $ 46.00 $148.00

$ 30.00

$ 45.00

THE JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY Biweekly journal reporting experimental and theoretical research dealing with fundamental aspects of physical chemistry. One-Year Rate ACS Members Nonmembers Supplementary material on microfiche

U.S. $ 32.00 $128.00

Foreign $ 42.00 $138.00

$ 30.00

$ 45.00

JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL REFERENCE DATA Quarterly published with AIP and NBS presenting critically evaluated data on physical and chemical properties. One-Year Rate U.S. ACS, AIP members and affiliated societies $ 29.00 Nonmembers $115.00




AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Attn: Gayle Hebron 1155 Sixteenth Street, N.W. Washington, D. C. 20036

Foreign $ 35.00 $121.00

ACS SINGLE ARTICLE ANNOUNCEMENT Semimonthly current awareness service reproduces contents pages of all ACS primary journals, except C&EN and SciQuest, so that you may order articles of your choice using a form provided. One-Year Rate ACS Members Nonmembers

U.S. $14.00 $28.00

Foreign $22.00 $36.00