Crystallographic Data. 113. Indium Sesquioxide, In2O3 - Analytical

Chem. , 1956, 28 (4), pp 553–553. DOI: 10.1021/ac50161a050. Publication Date: April 1956. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Anal. Chem. 1956, 28, 4, 553...
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V O L U M E 28, N O . 4, A P R I L 1 9 5 6



Indium Sesquioxide, In,O,

EUGENE STARITZKY, The University of California, Lor Alamor Laboratory, Los Alamor, N. M.


sesquioxide was prepared by E. J. Huber, of I laboratory, by ignition of indium metal in ouygen.



CRYSTAL &IORPHOLOOY System and Class. Isometric, diploidd. Habit. Preparations examined consisted of anhedral grains and granular aggregates. X-RAYDIFFR.4CTIOX DATA The structure of indium sesquioxide has been determined by Zachariasen t o be of the T1203type. Space group l a 3 (T;),


X-Ray Diffraction Pattern of ImOa t LZ f 22 d , A., Calcd. d , A., Obsd." 2 4 6

8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 30 32 34 36 38 40 42

44 46

48 50 62 54



62 64 66

68 70 72 74 7s 78 80 82 84 86 88

7.1457 5.0528 4.1256 3.5729 3.1957 2.9172 2.7008 2.5264 2.3819 2.2597 2.1545 2.0628 1.9819 1.8460 1.7864 1,7331 1 . 6843 1.6393 1.5978 I , 5593 1.5235 1.4900 1.4586 1.42915 1.40139 1.37820 1.35042 1.32693 1,28341 1,26320 1.24391 1.22548 1.20785 1,19096 1.17478 1 , 15919 1.14423 1,12984 1.11598 1.10261 1 ,08971 1 ,07726 1.06522 1.01231 1,03140 1 ,02082 1,01056 1.00060 n.99094 0.98154 0.97241 0.96353 0.94648 0.9R828

... ...

... ...

2.91 2.69 2.51 2.37 2.25 2.142

, .

1. Oii 1.843 1.780 1,729 1.677 1.634 1.593 1.552 1.519 1.486 1.456 1.425 1.398 1.371 1.350


1.200 1,242 1.225 1.205 1.189 1.175 1 158

1 . iii 1.115 1.103 1.088




(I) Goldschmidt, V. hl., Ulrich, F., Barth, T., Lunde, G., Geochenz. Verteilungsgesetze IV (1925) ; abstracted in Strukturber. 1, 261-2 (1932). WORKdone under the auspices of the Atomic Energy Commission.

114. ZirconiHm Disulfate Tet rahy d rate, fr(S04),.4H,0




Cell Dimensions. a0 = 10.1056 i- 0.0010 A.; cell volume 1032 A: Zachariasen ( 1 ) reported a0 = 10.14 f 0.03 A. Formula meights per Cell. 16 ( 1 ) . Formula JT>ight. 277.52. Density. t.143 grams per cc. (x-ray). OPTICAL PROPERTIES Isotropic. Refractive Index (5893 .I.). 2.08. Molecular refraction 20.4 cc. Colorless.

.. 10:


24 6 2

The University of California, Los Alamos Scientific laboratory, Los Alamos, N. M.



13 4 49

mcoiwmf disulfate tetrahydrate was prepared by allowing Z solution of zirconium sulfate in dilute sulfuric acid to evaporate a t room temperature or on the steam bath.



4 7 4 8 42 10

CRYSTAL MORPHOLOGY System and Class. Orthorhombic, dipyramidal. Axial Elements. Measurements were consistent with axial ratios determined by Weibull ( I ) , a : b : c = 0.6326:1:1.3350. hlatrix (030/001/100) transforms these to a : b : c = 2.247:1:0.4730, corresponding to the edges of the unit cell. Habit. Crystals grown from hot solutions mere gcnera.lly tabular { O l O } , bounded by { 100) and [ 311 ), Equant bipyramids 1311] were formed in solutioKs a t room temperature. Pola; Angles. (311) A (311) = 43" 30'; (311) A ($11) = 59" 3 1 ,


4 3 4 2


6 6

7 3

2 2 8



9 8 2 5


90 1.665 5 94 1.042 4 96 1.031 9 98 1.021 4 100 1,009 2 102 .. 104 0.i i i 9 106 0.9806 108 0.9720 8 110 0,9624 6 114 0.9457 8 116 0.9376 8 118 0.9292 5 0.9.?0.10 120 0.9719 0.92251 7 122 0.9144 0.91492 5 126 0.9003 o 90028 128 0.8931 0.89322 130 0.88632 .. 132 0 .i i i 2 3 0.87958 134 0.8725 0,87299 3 136 0.8606 2 0.86655 138 0.8602 2 0.86025 140 0,85384 6 0.85408 142 0.84096 2 o.84sn4 144 0,84184 3 0.84213 146 0.83606 5 0.89835 148 0.83061 2 0.83067 150 0.82511 2 0.82512 I52 0.81964 4 0.81967 154 0.81407 0.81433 3 158 0.80377 4 0.80396 1GO 0.79882 4 0.79892 162 0.79393 2 0.79397 164 0.78906 0.78911 8 166 0.78439 2 0.78435 168 0.77959 5 0.77906 Pliilips 114.6-mm.-diameter powder camera, Straumanis mountin X(CuKa) = 1.5418 A ' X(CuKa1) = 1.54050 *4.; h(CuKuz) = 1.54434 b Relative peak intehsities above background from densitometer measurements.



0 0 I-

Figure 1.


Crystal of zirconium disulfate telrahgdrate

Orthographic projections on (100) and (010)


Present address, Bridgeport Brass Co., Bridgeport, Conn.