160. Molybden urn Metaphosphate, M o (PO,), R. M. DOUGLASS and EUGENE STARITZKY
The University of California, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, N. M,
crystals of molybdenum metaphosphate were prepared by B. J. Thamer of this laboratory by reaction of molybdenum metal with metaphosphoric acid a t elevated temperature and pressure. Quantitative chemical analysis of a sample gave, by weight, 28.43% molybdenum and 26.5% phosphorus. Considering the small amount of material available and the extreme difficulty with which it is brought into solution for analysis, these values are in satisfactory agreement with those calculated for AIo(PO~)~:28.82% molybdenum and 27.927, phosphorus. No physical properties of this compound were found in the literature, except the density (1). UHEDRAL
Habit. Prismatic { 23il with (0011, { l o o ) ,and 10311.
X-RAYDIFFRACTION DATA Diffraction Symbol. 2/mI-/a, embracing space groups 12/u (C;,) and l a CCf). Cell Dimensions. Q = 10 76 f 0.01 A., bo = 19.48 f 0.03 A., CO = 9.55 f 0.01 A., fi = 97.6 f 0.1"; cell volume 1984 A.8; a : b : c = 0.5523130.490. Formula Weights per Cell. 12. Formula Weight. 332.89. Density. 3.34 grams per cc. (calculated; weight of unit atomic weight gram); 3 291 (meas1.6602 X ured); 3.28 [literature ( I ) ] . OPTICALPROPERTIES Refractive Indices (5893 A.). nx = = 1.660 0.001, n z = 1.680 f 0.001; geometric mean 1.667; ny n x = 0.0003 (calculated from optic axial angle). Lorentx-Lorenz refraction 37.1 cc. n y
System and Class. Monoclinic, prismatic. No piezoelectric effect was detected with a Giebe-Scheibe-type apparatus.
Outic Orientation. X = b: 2 c = 37",-Z A [lo21 = 6'. Optic Axial Angle. 2Vz = 9.5" (5350 A.)# 12.3" (5893 A.). 14.4' (6640 A.). Color. Yellow 'kthout' pronounced pleochroism.
Partial Powder X-Ray, Diffraction Pattern of Molybdenum Metaphosphate hkl 130 031 002 141 231 132 150 23 1 310 132 202 222 330 01.2 25L 312 242 123 161 251 161 213 033 152 341 123 260
Calcd. 5 547 5 355 4 735 3 931) 3 929, 3 730 3 499 3 4841
3 3 3 2
d , A., Obsd.a 5.546 5.379 4.750 3,950 3.752 3.661
Ill? 5 40 25 100 10 20
3.505 3,350
45 20
116 058 007 996
2 986 2 919
2.785 2.690 2.658 2.482 2.438 2.403 2.381 2.334 2.299 2.268 2.217 2.140 2.116 2.070 2.011 1,9741
25 5 5 30