more rapid analytical procedure, other chemical properties of astatine were studied, particularly its deposition on metallic foils which may be measur...
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V O L U M E 23, NO. 1, J A N U A R Y 1 9 5 1 Table 11.


Rate of Astatine Deposition on Silver in 3 N Perchloric Acid Time, Min. % Deposited

dried in air, and counted for alpha-activity. Although the astatine deposits principally on the to surface of the silver foil, for quantitative results both sides of &e foil were counted for a1ph:iactivity. Typical analytical results are qhown in Tables T a n d I I. SU&lnfAHY

transferred to a porcelain counting dish. After drying a t 70' ( ' , the dish is counted for alpha-activity. Typical results f n r R series of different tissues are shown in Table I. The principal objection t o the tellurium coprecipitation met hod is the time required in centrifuging, washing, and transferring thc

roprecipitant. To obtain a more rapid analytical procedure, other chemical properties of astatine were studied, particularly its deposition on metallic foils which may be measured for alphaactivity directly. Although astatine is chemically similar t n iodine, the lighter halogen homolog, it also shows definite metrrlllr properties. The similarity between adjacent elements in the lad rows of the periodic table is marked and astatine shows a (510sfi resemblance t o polonium in marly of its properties (1, 1,6). I k pause polonium may be quantitatively removed from dilute arid b i deposition on silver ( 3 ) , a similar study was made with aPt:itine. It n a s found that astatine in biological material may bf, quantitatively recovered by deposition on silver foil from a 3 \perchloric acid solution after organic material has been oxidizrrl bv the perchloric-nitric acid digestion. Determination of Astatine by Deposition on Silver Foil. A sample of astatine-containing tissue is digested in a mixture of perchloric-nitric acid as in the tellurium procedure. After digastion is complete, the solution is eva orated until the perchloric acid fumes (approximately 10 m l j , diluted to 3 N with the addition of distilled water, and transferred to a 50-ml. beaker A circular silver foil 2 mils thick of a size convenient for alpha counting is placed in the bottom of the beaker and the solution iz stirred for 30 minute8. The foil is washed in water and aretonc,

i i i 1)ioIokc:il I'roceciurrs for the riitliocheniic:il analysis of material are described. Organic suhstitnces can he destroyed hv perchloric acid-nitric acid digestion without lose of astatine 1 1 1 . volatilization. .istatinel may hc imlated for alpha counting froin R 3 .V pwchloric acid solution of the oxidation product, t)y miprecipitation with nietallir tc~lluriunior deposition on silvcbr foil. Both procedures may be uscd for quantitative analy,qis. Th(s silver foil method is simpler, requires less time, and is mor(. easily adapted to routine large i i i i i i i t r t w of t i w i f h s are to bt. analyzvil.


The authors wish to thank It.. F. Leininger for his i i i a ~ t yht~1~)i'uI suggestions, Thomas Putnam, G. H. Rossi, and the crew of t,ht: 60-inch cyclotron, and 1l;tlcolm W(.hh for his assistance in dvsisning the target awenihly. LI1'ER.ITPRE CITED (1'1

('orson, D. R., JIacKsnzie. K. R . . and Segre, E., P h y s . Rw.. 57,

439 (1940). ( 2 ) Ibid., 58, 672 (1940). (3) Erbacher and Phillip, 2. Phys.. 51, 309 (1928). (4) Hamilton, +J. G., Asling, C . I\-.. Garrison, W. hi., Scott, K. G., and Axelrod-IIellei. I)., Prric. SOC.E z d . B i d . Med.. 73. :pi (1950). ( 5 ) Hamilton, J. G., and P n l ~ p .If. H., PTOC. XatE. Acad. S c ? . . 26, 483 (1940).

( 6 ) Johnson, G. L., Leinineel R . F..and Segre, E., J . Chem. I'hi/s., 17, 1 (1949). ( 7 ) Kelley, E. L., and Segre, E., Phys. Reo., 75, 999 (1949). I

RECEIVEDJune 26, 1950. Based on work performed under Contract


W-7405-eng-48 for the Atomic E n e r g j Commission.

40. Nitroguanidine Contributed by WALTER C. MCCRONE Arniour Research Foundation, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago 16, Ill. ~ X C E L L E N T crystals

of nitroguariidine can be obtained fruin

EA water by slow cooling. Crystals from a drop of water on microscope slide are usually too h e to be used. Ketones and :I

alcohols have been reported to form addition compounds with nitroguanidine, although crystallization from these solvrnts has been suggested a8 a means of obtaining equant crystals which have higher bulk dendties (3).

CRYSTAL MORPHOLOGY Crystal sytem. Orthorhombic. Form and Habit. Elongated rods sho%ing forms { 1101 rind f 301 } and when massive, 010 1. AGal Ratio. a:h:c: = 0.708: 1:0.143; 0.713: 1:0.146 (I). Interfacial Angles (Polar). 301.4 501 = 63'. Cleavage. Parallel to c. X-RAYDIFFRACTION DATA Cell Dimensions. a = 17.58 A.; b = 24.84 8.;c = 3.Fj8 .I.; n = 17.47A.; h = 21.50.2.: c = 3.59A. ( 2 ) . Principal Lines

Structural Formula of Nitroguanidine Although Bridgman reports poljmorphism for nitroguanidine at a temperature less than 150" c'. under a pressure less than j0,OOO kg. per sq. cm., thcw is no evidence of polymorphisni nt ntmospherir pressure.





7.139 6.172 5.579 6.074 4.390 4.144 3.584 3.221 3.081 2.985 2.920 2,732

0.03 0.02 0.01 1.00 0.10 0.80 0.65 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.60 Very n e A k

2,650 2.484 2.384 2.313 2.208 2.174 2.128 2.069 2.011

0.65 Very weak 0.70 Very weak

1.900 1.869

Very weak 0.10 0.10 0.50 0.01 0 02


206 e

Formula Weights per Cell. 16. Formula Weight. 104.07. Density. 1.76 (flotation); 1.78 (x-ray); 1.81 (x-ray) (a), Soldate and Noves have also publishpd x-rav powder ditfrae~. tion data for nitroguanidinc (4). OPTICAL PROPERTIES Refractive Indices (5893 A,; 25' C.). a = 1.526 * 0.002; 1.530 * 0.005 (8). B = 1.694 * 0.002; 1.715 * 0.005 (a). y = 1.81 * 0.01. Optic Axid Angle (5893 A,; 25" C.). 2 V = 80'; 74' (2). Dispersion. Very neak. Optic Axial Plane. 100. Sirnof Double Refractiori. Sopatibe. Acute Bisectrix. a = c. 2Molecular Refraction ( E ) (5893 A.; 25' C.). d e P y = 1.673 * 0.005. R(ealcd.) = 25.2. R(obsd.) = 22.2. C






Figure 2.

Crystals of Nitmguanidine

From water on SlO" -ling From acefone on slow cooling From sublimation from one alids to anotlmr d . From melt after oomplefe melting

a. h. c.




L9h Figure 1. Orthographic Projection of Typical

Crystal of Nitmguanidine

FUSIONDATA. Kitroguanidina sublimes before melting to give a few separak5 distinct crvstals, hut more representative are the long fibrous ITkds usuallv kith characteristic cross mrkings. Melting occurs a t 246-247" C. with considerable decomposition. If the melting prcmess is stopped ahort of completion, the long fibers formed%$ SIiblimation are elongated parallel to c and show either a obtuse biseotrix figure. More completely melted ~ I W L B crvstallise as fine-needle aggregates in s terracelike pattern charaokenistic of conipounda that mrlt with decomposition.

It is B pleasure to acknowledge the help oi John Krc, who carried out the singlecrystal x-ray measurements of the cell dimensions, and Ann Ihmphreys, who made the powder x-ray measurements. This description is based OLI preliminary work carried out a t Cornell University under contract OEMsr-193 with the O.S.R.D. during 1943-44 under the direction of Alfred T. Blomquiat. John H. Andreen and Sien-Moo Tsang &re associated with this project and contributed t o the above rlruoription. LITERATUHF. C I T E D

(1) Bridgman, P.W., PTOC. Am. Acad. A ~ t Sci., 8 72. 227 (1938) (2) Doll. J., snd Grison, E., Compt. rend., 226, 679 (1948). (3) Pritehard, E. J., and Wright, G. F.,Con. J . Resear&, 25F, 257 (19471~ ~. ..,. (4) Soldate. A. M.. and Noyea, R.M., ANAL.CHEM.,19,442 (1947). C o ~ ~ n i a n ~ r ooi i r orystsliographic s data for this section shovld be sent tu Wdter C. MoCmne, Analytical Swtion. Armour Researoh Foundation of IIiinobInstituteof Technology,Chicago 16, Ill.