Crystallographic Data. 79. Streptidine Sulfate ... - ACS Publications

sulfate cause the crystal habit to change and small birefringent. “tetrahedra” result (Figure 1). Larger rods from water also show thehemimorphic ...
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(This dcsignzt.ion is consistent with tho morphological data as

iu. streptiaine Sulfate mononyarate

\vel1 a8 the rotation x-ritpdrttn. TIlercaro,however,someWeissenherg data which indicate that thc space group is 8 hexagonal

Contributed by HARRY A. ROSE Eli Lilly and Co., Indianapolis 6, Ind. H


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one.) Form ;md Hahit. Hemimorphic rods elongated parallel to e. The lower bas&! lane [ MI01I, the positive trigonal prism of the first order { l0107, and the upper negative trigonal pyramid { 10111, are the usual forms. The lower termination may also he B variety of positive and negative trigonal pyramids d ~ a ohy ~ tuse and often in combination with thc l o ~ c hr a d plane. Britt1 Ratio. a : e = 0.564:l. X - ~ DmmamIoN Y D.LT.~ Cell Dimensions. a = 9.16 A,; e = 16.2:1 A. (poarlcr c1at.a; Itose). a = 0.18 8.; c = 16.27 A (mtiLtion data; McCrone). Formula VJeights per Ccll. 3 (:3.02 mdrulsted from x-ray data). Formula w$iCht. 378.36, Dcnsity. 1.610 (displacement); 1,600 (x-r ny). X-Ray Powder Difrraation Ih t a

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OH H Structural Formula for Streptidine Sulfate Monohydrate


sulfate may he prepared by treating streptomyciu or dihydrostreptomycin with acid. When the suliate is recrystallized from rmter, nccdles or rods appear. However, small amounts of streptomycin sulfate or dihydrostroptomycin sulfate oause the crystal habit to ohange and small birefringent "tetrahedra" result (Figure 1). Larger rods from wst,cr slso show the hemimarphic hahit (Figure 2). CRYSTAL MORPHOLOGY Crystal System. Trigonal (ditrigonal pyramidal clnss). TREPTIDINE

These +ues rvq?egbtsi+ed using B $anera wit+? m m e t e r , o i 1 if.!, ~II!. B",I C l l r O l n l U m raalaaon w m l "&"301"rn pe"torl