Cupric Oxide, Wire - ACS Reagent Chemicals (ACS Publications)

Feb 28, 2017 - This monograph for Cupric Oxide, Wire provides, in addition to common physical constants, a general description including typical appea...
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Cupric Oxide, Wire (Copper(II) Oxide, Wire) Part 4, Monographs for Reagent Chemicals: General Descriptions, Specifications, and Tests eISBN: 9780841230460 Tom Tyner Chair, ACS Committee on Analytical Reagents James Francis Secretary, ACS Committee on Analytical Reagents

ABSTRACT This monograph for Cupric Oxide, Wire provides, in addition to common physical constants, a general description including typical appearance, applications, change in state (approximate), and aqueous solubility. The monograph also details the following specifications and corresponding tests for verifying that a substance meets ACS Reagent Grade specifications including: Carbon Compounds, Nitrogen Compounds, and Sulfate.


Formula Wt 79.55

CAS No. 1317-38-0

GENERAL DESCRIPTION Typical appearance . . . . . . . . Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . Change in state (approximate) . Aqueous solubility . . . . . . . . .

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black, wirelike solid determination of nitrogen melting point, 1026 °C insoluble

SPECIFICATIONS Maximum Allowable Carbon compounds (as C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.002% Nitrogen compounds (as N) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.002% Sulfate (SO4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.012%

© 2017 American Chemical Society


DOI:10.1021/acsreagents.4107 ACS Reagent Chemicals, Part 4

ACS Reagent Chemicals


TESTS Carbon Compounds Ignite 6.0 g in a stream of carbon dioxide-free air or oxygen, and pass the effluent gases into 20 mL of 2.5% ammonium hydroxide reagent solution plus 2 mL of water. Prepare a standard of 20 mL of the 2.5% ammonium hydroxide and 1.06 mg of sodium carbonate (0.12 mg of C). Add 2 mL of 12% barium chloride reagent solution to each, and compare promptly. Any turbidity in the solution representing the sample should not exceed that in the standard.

Nitrogen Compounds [Part 2: Colorimetry and Turbidimetry; Nitrogen Compounds: Test for Ammonia, Amines, and Nitrogen Compounds Reduced by Aluminum]. Use 3.0 g dissolved in 30 mL of freshly boiled 10% sodium hydroxide. For the standard, use 0.06 mg of nitrogen ion (N).

Sulfate [Part 2: Colorimetry and Turbidimetry; Sulfate; Procedure for Sulfate, Method 2]. Use 2 mL of dilute aqua regia (1 volume nitric acid + 4 volumes hydrochloric acid + 6 volumes water). Allow 30 min for turbidity to form.

© 2017 American Chemical Society


DOI:10.1021/acsreagents.4107 ACS Reagent Chemicals, Part 4