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Oct 3, 2007 - PBDEs, Pesticides, PCBs, and PAHs to Rocky Mountain National Park. SASCHA USENKO, †. DIXON H. LANDERS, §. PETER G. APPLEBY, ⊥...
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Environ. Sci. Technol. 2007, 41, 7235-7241

Current and Historical Deposition of PBDEs, Pesticides, PCBs, and PAHs to Rocky Mountain National Park SASCHA USENKO,† DIXON H. LANDERS,§ PETER G. APPLEBY,⊥ AND S T A C I L . S I M O N I C H * ,†,‡ Department of Chemistry and Department of Environmental and Molecular Toxicology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Western Ecology Division, Corvallis, Oregon 97333, and Environmental Radioactivity Research Centre, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 3BX, U.K.

An analytical method was developed for the trace analysis of 98 semivolatile organic compounds (SOCs) in remote, high-elevation lake sediment. Sediment cores from Lone Pine Lake (west of the Continental Divide) and Mills Lake (east of the Continental Divide) in Rocky Mountain National Park, CO, were dated using 210Pb and 137Cs and analyzed for polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), organochlorine pesticides, phosphorothioate pesticides, thiocarbamate pesticides, amide herbicides, triazine herbicides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) using this method. SOC deposition profiles were reconstructed, and deposition halflives and doubling times were calculated, for U.S. historicuse pesticides (HUPs) and current-use pesticides (CUPs) as well as PBDEs, PCBs, and PAHs. Sediment records indicate that the deposition of CUPs has increased in recent years, while the deposition of HUPs has decreased since U.S. restriction, but has not been eliminated. This is likely due to the revolatilization of HUPs from regional soils, atmospheric transport, and deposition. Differences in the magnitude of SOC sediment fluxes, flux profiles, time trends within those profiles, and isomeric ratios suggest that SOC deposition in high-elevation ecosystems is dependent on regional upslope wind directions and site location with respect to regional sources and topographic barriers.

Introduction Semivolatile organic compounds (SOCs) are ubiquitous throughout the environment due to anthropogenic activities and have the potential to accumulate in polar and mountainous regions (1-8). SOCs can undergo atmospheric longrange transport via large-scale winds (2, 3, 5-7, 9). In mountainous regions, diurnal winds have the potential to transport SOCs from lower-elevation source regions to higher elevations (3). The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has also classified certain SOCs as persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBT) chemicals (10). Due to the potential * Corresponding author phone: +541-737-9194; fax: +541-7370497: e-mail: [email protected]. † Department of Chemistry, Oregon State University. ‡ Department of Environmental and Molecular Toxicology, Oregon State University. § United States Environmental Protection Agency. ⊥ University of Liverpool. 10.1021/es0710003 CCC: $37.00 Published on Web 10/03/2007

 2007 American Chemical Society

for transport and deposition of these PBT SOCs to sensitive remote ecosystems, the Western Airborne Contaminant Assessment Project (WACAP) was developed to study the atmospheric deposition of SOCs to high-elevation and highlatitude lake catchments in eight national parks throughout the western U.S. from 2003 to 2005 (11). Hageman et al. (7) showed that regional cropland intensity (cropland area as a percentage of total land area) within a 150 km radius of western national parks, including Rocky Mountain National Park, is significantly correlated with log snowpack concentrations of dacthal, Σendosulfans (endosulfan I, II, and endosulfan sulfate), γ-HCH, and dieldrin. The same study estimated that 50 to 98% of the pesticides in the Rocky Mountain 2002-2003 snowpack was due to regional sources (7). This was attributed to revolatilization of pesticides from soils, atmospheric transport, and deposition. Westerly winds predominate in the Colorado Rocky Mountains (12). However, atmospheric deposition of nitrogen, in the form of NOx and NH3, has been shown to originate from fossil-fuel combustion and agriculture sources in major metropolitan areas 87% of the ΣPBDE flux to Mills Lake. The relative ratios of the PBDE congeners were fairly constant throughout the Mills Lake core (Figure 1H). PBDEs were only detected in three sediment intervals in Lone Pine Lake and were at or below the quantitation limit. The ΣPBDE flux to Mills Lake was 3-24 times greater than that to Lone Pine Lake (Table S5, Supporting Information). In addition, ΣPBDEs had the highest flux of any organohalogen SOC in Mills Lake surficial sediment (Figure 1H). The ΣPBDE doubling time in Mills lake is similar to doubling times for ΣPBDEs (tri- through heptaBDEs) in Lake Michigan and Lake Erie (Table S4, Supporting Information) (30). While the PBDE inputs to Lake Michigan and Lake Erie

are due to both atmospheric inputs and industrial and domestic wastewater discharge, the inputs to Mills Lake are due to atmospheric inputs only. The PBDE-47 flux measured in the surficial sediment of Mills Lake was 2-3 orders of magnitude greater than that measured in surficial sediment throughout the Canadian Arctic (31). Physical and Chemical Limnological Characteristics. Lake catchment area, elevation, hydraulic residence time (HRT), primary productivity, and total organic carbon are characteristics that may influence the measured SOC fluxes. However, the differences in these characteristics between the two lakes are relatively small (a factor of 0.61 to 2.2) (Table S2, Supporting Information) in comparison to the SOC focus-corrected flux difference (a factor of 1.5 to 24) and are likely not responsible for the observed difference in SOC sediment fluxes. Lake catchment size does not explain the SOC sediment flux difference because the Mills Lake catchment is 30% smaller than the Lone Pine Lake catchment (Table S2) (32). In addition, the HRT of Mills Lake is slightly shorter (3.3 days) than that of Lone Pine Lake (4.4 days) (Table S2). Total nitrogen, total phosphorus, chlorophyll R, and turbidity show that both Mills and Lone Pine Lakes are considered oligotrophic lakes (33). Both lakes exhibit similar productivity as measured by water concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus, chlorophyll R, and nephelometric turbidity units (Table S2) (32). The total organic carbon concentration in the two sediment cores was also similar (Table S5, Supporting Information). Previous studies have shown that the distribution of some SOCs in mountain regions is strongly temperature-dependent (1, 34). However, the average annual maximum air temperature for the Lone Pine Lake and Mills Lake catchments from 1971 to 2000 on an 800 × 800 m grid was 7.7 and 7.4 °C, respectively (Table S2, Supporting Information) (35). This small temperature difference is likely not responsible for the observed differences in SOC flux. Mills Lake and Lone Pine Lake have upstream lakes that were included in the lake catchment calculations (Table S2) and may affect the transport of SOCs. However, Mast et al. reported that concentrations of p,p′-DDE and p,p′-DDD in the surficial sediments (0-3 cm) of Mills Lake and Black Lake were very similar (8). Black Lake is located east of the Continental Divide, approximately 2 km upstream of Mills Lake. This suggests that SOCs are not preferentially accumulating in Mills Lake due to transport from Black Lake. Source Regions. Mills Lake and Lone Pine Lake are only 10 km apart, so their distance from source regions is very similar (Figure S1, Supporting Information). However, because these two lakes are on opposite sides of the Continental Divide and approximately 1150 m below the peak elevation, they may receive SOCs from different source regions and/or to varying degrees. An east vs west distinction of the Continental Divide difference in total N deposition has been previously shown in Colorado’s Front Range (12). Lone Pine Lake and Mills Lake, on the east and west sides of the Continental Divide, receive upslope winds that originate from the western and eastern lowlands, respectively (3, 36). Similar agricultural and urban sources exist on both sides of the Continental Divide. However, the magnitude of emissions is higher on the east side of the Continental Divide (37, 38), which may explain the increased SOC sediment fluxes in Mills Lake relative to those of Lone Pine Lake. A value of 98% of the population within a 150 km radius from Rocky Mountain National Park resides east of the Continental Divide (38). The population in the Colorado counties just east of Rocky Mountain National Park has risen at an exponential rate over the last century (39). In 1997, 92% of the cropland intensity within a 150 km radius of Rocky Mountain National Park was on the east side of the Continental Divide (40). In

addition, 100% of the 1997 dacthal and endosulfan use was also on the east side (41). Atmospheric PAH concentrations have been shown to be positively correlated with population density (42, 43), and PBDEs are widely used in consumer and commercial products linked to urban areas (30). Like PAHs and PBDEs, PCBs have urban sources (44). The greater ΣPBDE, ΣPAH, and ΣPCB fluxes in Mills Lake relative to those of Lone Pine Lake (Figure 1 and Table S5, Supporting Information) are consistent with the above-mentioned population distribution. The ΣPAH flux in Lone Pine Lake has decreased over the past ∼35 years (Figure 1F), while the ΣPAH flux in Mills Lake has not. In addition, the ΣPCB flux in Mills Lake has been increasing over the past 15 years, even after the restriction of PCBs in 1977, and the ΣPCB flux in Lone Pine Lake has not. ΣPBDE, ΣPCB, and ΣPAH fluxes and trends within these sediment profiles suggest that the two lake catchments may be receiving SOCs from different source regions and/or different magnitudes. Like PBDEs, PCBs, and PAHs, differences in CUP and HUP doubling times, half-lives, and fluxes between the two lakes may be the result of differences in SOC emissionsource strengths between the western lowlands and the eastern lowlands. Snow SOC Concentration, Flux, and Load. The majority of the pesticides in remote Rocky Mountain National Park lake catchments arrive via atmospheric transport from regional sources (7) and are deposited in the form of rain (8), snow (7, 8), and dry deposition. During the winter months, the dominant form of precipitation is snow, which is associated with westerly air masses (8, 12), and snow is an efficient scavenger of SOCs from the atmosphere (8, 45-47). To understand the deposition of SOCs via annual snowpack, SOCs were measured in snow samples, collected in April 2003, from both Mills Lake and Lone Pine Lake catchments (7). In 2003, the Mills Lake snow concentrations of dacthal, trans-chlordane, and ΣPAH were not statistically different than those of Lone Pine Lake (p > 0.05, using a two-sided t-test); however, the Σendosulfan and dieldrin concentrations were 1.4-1.6 times higher in Mills Lake (Table S5, Supporting Information). In a different study of the same Front Range area, from 1992 to 1997, snow concentrations of NH4+ showed no difference between sites east and west of the Continental Divide (12). By multiplying the snow SOC concentrations (ng m-3) by the snow depth in snow-water equivalents (SWE) (cm), we calculated the SOC snow flux (ng m-2 year -1) (7). The ratio of the Mills Lake to Lone Pine Lake SWE in the 2003 snow samples was 2.3. In 2003, the Σendosulfan, dacthal, TC, dieldrin, and ΣPAH snow flux to Mills Lake catchment was greater than that of Lone Pine Lake by a factor of 2.2-4.3 (Table S5, Supporting Information). The ecosystem SOC load from snow for 2003 was calculated by multiplying the snow flux by the lake catchment area (Table S5, Supporting Information). The ratio of the Mills Lake to Lone Pine Lake catchment area was 0.71 (Table S2, Supporting Information). The SOCs, which consistently had higher fluxes in Mills Lake 2003 surficial sediment, also had higher snow fluxes and ecosystem loads (by a factor of 1.6-3.1) during the 2003 snow accumulation season (Table S5). This suggests that the difference in SOC sediment flux between the two lakes may be partially explained by SOC snow flux and load. In addition, the 2003 lake water concentrations of Σendosulfans and dacthal, which were collected at the same time as the sediment cores, were greater in Mills Lake than those of Lone Pine Lake by factors of 4.0 and 1.5, respectively (Table S5). Precipitation Rates. During the late spring and summer months, rain is the dominant form of precipitation to Rocky Mountain National Park, and air masses arrive from the south and east (8). The deposition of SOCs in the summer months VOL. 41, NO. 21, 2007 / ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY



was measured in Lone Pine Lake and Mills Lake catchments. However, in 2002, it was determined that ∼85% of the annual atmospheric CUP deposition to Bear Lake occurred via rain during the summer months (8). Bear Lake resides on the east side of the Continental Divide, 3 km north and ∼135 m lower in elevation than Mills Lake. In addition, a significant portion of Lock Vale catchment’s total N deposition occurred during the summer from upslope winds originating from the east (12). The Loch Vale catchment resides on the east side of the Continental Divide, 1.5 km north and ∼130 m higher in elevation from Mills Lake. These previous studies emphasize the potential importance of SOC deposition to Rocky Mountain National Park during the summer months as well as the potential for SOCs to undergo atmospheric transport to Rocky Mountain National Park from source regions to the east. Because there is no long-term measured precipitation data for Mills Lake and Lone Pine Lake, the parameterelevation regressions on independent slopes model (PRISM), was used to estimate the average annual precipitation to Lone Pine Lake and Mills Lake from 1971 to 2000 on an 800 × 800 m grid (35). The annual average precipitation rates for the Lone Pine Lake and Mills Lake catchments from 1971 to 2000 were 97.6 cm/year and 107.1 cm/year, respectively (Table S2, Supporting Information). For the years that correspond to the five paired sediment intervals (2003, 1990, 1987, 1974, and 1954), a 2 × 2 km grid was used to estimate the average annual precipitation rate because the 800 × 800 grid data was only available from 1971 to 2000. The total precipitation estimates for April through September (summer) and October through March (winter) in these years were similar (Table S5). Over the five paired sediment intervals, the average summer and winter precipitation lake catchment ratios were 0.97 and 1.0, respectively. The model estimated a slight increase in precipitation at Mills Lake during the 2002-2003 (October thru March) winter season, with a Mills Lake/Lone Pine Lake precipitation ratio of 1.1 (Table S5, Supporting Information). The PRISM data suggests that differences in long-term summer, winter, and annual precipitation do not account for differences in historical SOC deposition to the two lakes. The significant differences in the current and historical deposition of PBDEs, CUPs, HUPs, PCBs, and PAHs to Mills Lake and Lone Pine Lake were not explained by differences in lake catchment characteristics or precipitation and were partially explained by snow SOC flux and load. This suggests different relative contributions from SOC source regions to the two lakes. Similar to atmospheric N deposition in this region, a majority of the SOC deposition to the Mills Lake catchment may arrive via upslope winds from the east in the warm summer months when SOC source strengths are highest. This is counter to prevailing westerly winds, suggesting that lake catchment location with respect to topographic barriers, such as the Continental Divide, influences SOC deposition in high-elevation ecosystems.

Acknowledgments This work is part of the Western Airborne Contaminants Assessment Project (WACAP, air/Studies/air_toxics/wacap.htm). This publication was made possible in part by Grant P30ES00210 from the U.S. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), NIH. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official view of the NIEHS, NIH. This work was partially funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of the Interior. It has been subjected to review by these government entities and approved for publication. Approval does not signify that the contents reflect the views of the U.S. Government, nor does mention of trade names or commercial 7240



products constitute endorsement or recommendation. The authors would like to thank Marilyn Morrison Erway (Dynamic Corporation) and crew for collecting the sediment samples from Rocky Mountain National Park and would also like to thank Alias M. Mast of the U.S. Geological Survey for her helpful comments and suggestions.

Supporting Information Available Detailed information about the chemicals used, sample collection, physical and elemental analysis, SOC extraction, isolation and recoveries, quantification and validation, PRISM, and analysis and quality control; information about sample sites, radionuclides fallout, doubling times, half-lives, and ratios of select contaminants vs depth is also provided. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at

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Received for review April 27, 2007. Revised manuscript received August 9, 2007. Accepted August 17, 2007. ES0710003