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Chemistry: Second Year College Chemistry. A Manual of Laboratory ... Explosives: Technical Records of Explosives Supply. 1915 to 1918. No. 7. ..... F...
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Oct., 1922


The Chemical Division of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce has received a copy of Report No. 7 of the Ministry of Munitions on the “Manufacture of Nitric Acid from Niter and Sulfuric Acid.” This report is based on experiments and records of the British government plants during the war andis said to be of interest to domestic manufacturers of nitric acid, A copy of this report may be borrowed from the Chemical (P. 604) Division for a short time. Prices for sulfuric acid in Germany have been fixed by the committee for the control of sulfuric acid a t 245 marks for producers and 270 marks for consumers for each 100 kilos of 60’ sulfuric acid. (P. 604) The petroleum trade of the Fiume District is reviewed. (P. 605) The outstanding features of the petroleum import trade of the United Kingdom continue to be the increases in the imports of crude petroleum and of motor spirit. (P. 605) The petroleum price war has now been settled in Japan by an agreement among the companies. (P. 606) There has been a progressive increase in the production of


mineral oil in France since the first part of 1921. The production for the first three months of 1922 is said to have been 53 per cent above that for the corresponding period of 1921. (P. 606) The tax on copra exported from Fiji has been reduced. (P. 620) The government of British Honduras has established a King’s warehouse temporarily for inflammable liquids. (Pp. 621-2) A good market is reported in Japan for soaps, perfumes, and toilet articles. (P. 627) SPECIAL SUPPLEMENTS ISSUED CZECHOSLOVAKIA HONGKONG GUATEMALA RUSSIANFOREIGN TRADE


“Rubber Situation in British Colonies and Protectorates.” Trade Inform a t j m Bulletin 49. Rumanian Petroleum Industry in 1921.” Trade Information Bulletin 46. STATISTICS OF EXPORTSTO THE UNITEDSTATES LONDON-(P. 497) CANADA-(P. 537) Tin Rubber Wood pulp Drugs and Leather Pulp wood chemicals Hides

CURRENT PUBLICATIONS NEW BOOKS Proceedings of the Physical Society of London. Vol. 34, P a r t 5. 30 pp. Price, 6s. The Fleetway Press, London. Analytical Chemistry: Trattato di [Chimica Analitica Applicata. Vol. 11. Quicksilver, 1913-1919. The Mineral Industry of the British Empire and G. V. VILLAVECHIA. 2nd edition, revised and enlarged. 884 pp. Price, MINERALRESOURCESBuForeign Countries. War Period. IMPERIAL paper, 58 lire. U. Hoepli, Milan. REAU. Price, 1s. H. M. Stationery Office, London. Chemical Analysis: Standard Methods of Chemical Analysis. Vols. I and Rolling Mill: Etudes sur les Laminoirs. 5. PUPPE. 307 pp. Price, 11. WILFRED W. SCOTT.714 and 680 pp. Price, $10.00. D. Van 70 fr. Dunod, Paris. Nostrand Co., New York. Wood Preserving Terms. ERNFSTF. HARTMAN A N D E. F. PADDOCK. 85 pp, Chemistry: The Science of Matter a n d I t s Changes. HIPPOLYTE GRUENER. Price, paper, $1.00. Protexol Corporation, New York. 384 pp. Illustrated. Price $3.00. Harper & Bros., New York. Chemistry: Second Year College Chemistry. A Manual of Laboratory RECENT JOURNAL ARTICLES Exercises. WILLIAM H. CHAPIN. 122 pp. Illustrated. Price, $1.50. Accuracy of Boiler Tests. ALFREDCOTTON. The Coal Industry, Vol.5 John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. (1922), NO.8, pp. 367-71. Dust Explosions. DAVID J. PRICE AND HAROLDH. BROWN. 320 pp. Illustrated. Price, $3.00. National Fire Protection Association, Boston. Art of Alloying. W. GUERTLER. Brass World, Vol. 17 (1922), No. 8, pp, 229-34. Abstracted from Zeitschuift f u r Metallkunde, Vol. 9 (1921), Electrochemistry: Grundziige der Angewandten Elektrochemie. Vol. Ip. 257. Elektrochemie der L6sungen. G. GRUBE. 268 pp. Price, paper, 8s. 6d.; bound, 10s. 3d. T h . Steinkopff, Dresden and Leipzig. Atomic Structure: The Stability of Atom Nuclei, the Separation of Isotopes, and the Whole Number Rule. WILLIAMD . HARKINS. Journal of the Evolution of Atoms and Isotopes. W. D . Verschoyle. 49 pp. Price, Is. Franklin Institute, Vol. 194 (1922), No. 2, pp. 165-211. 9d. J. J. Keliher and Co., Ltd., London. Explosives: Technical Records of Explosives Supply. 1915 to 1918. Ammoniacal Liquor Stills: Observations on the Design and Working of No. 7. Manufacture of Nitric Acid from Nitric a n d Sulfuric Acid. 86 Ammoniacal Liquor Stills. P. PARRISH.Journal of the Society of Chemipp. H. M.Stationery Office, London. Price, 11s. cal Industry, Vol. 41 (1922), KO.14, pp, 229T-42T. Filtration. T. ROLANDWOLLASTON.102 pp. Price, 2s. 6d. Sir Isaac Catalysts: Notes on the Poisoning of Catalysts. ALWYXPICKLES. T h e Pitman & Sons, Ltd., London. Chemical A g e (LoNdon), Vol. 7 (1922), No. 164, pp. 164-65. Glass: Experimental Researches and Reports. Vol. IV, 1921. DEPT. OF Chalcedony: The Products of the Calcination of Flint and Chalcedony. GLASSTECHNOLOGY, T h e University, Sheffield. 118 pp. EDWARD W. WASHBURN AND LOUIS NAVIAS. Jouvnal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 5 (1922), No. 9, pp. 566-86. Inorganic Chemistry. H . G. DENHAM. 683 pp. Price, 12s. 6d. Edward Arnold 81 Co., London. CheAical Change and Catalysis. Rhapsodies Culled from the Thionic Liquid Fuel a n d Its Apparatus. WILLIAMH . BOOTH. 2nd edition. 308 First Messel Memorial Lecture. Journal Epos. HENRYE. ARMSTRONG. pp. Price, $4.00. E. P. Dutton 8: Co., New York. of the Society of Chemical Industry, Vol. 41 (1922), No. 15, pp. 253”-70”. Mechanical Handling and Storing of Material. G. F. ZIMMER. 804 pp. Chemistry and the Destruction of Pests in Agriculture. L. CARPENTER. Crosby, Lockwood g? Son,London. T h e Chemical A g e (London),Vol. 7 (1922), No. 168,pp. 233-34. Paint: Proceedings of the Scientific Section, Educational Bureau. HENRY Coal: The Constitution of Coal. MARIE CARMICHAELSTOPES. The A. GARDNER,Director. 481 pp. Price, $6.00. Quantity limited. Canadian Mining Journal, Vol. 43 (1922), No. 31, pp. 506-06. Institute of Paint and Varnish Research, Washington, D. C. Dye Situation in Great Britain, and Elsewhere. ELLWOOD HENDRICK. Paint: Pour le Peintre-Vitrier: Origine, Composition et Propridtes des Chemical and Meiallurgical Engineering, Vol. 27 (1922), No. 10, pp. Matiares Premieres Recettes, Formulas, ProcBdds, “Trues" e t Tours d e 494-96. Main d u Praticien. ED. BATAILLE,A. CHAPLET,A N D J. DE THELLESME. Evaporation: The General Problem of Evaporation. J. W. HINCHLEY. 164 pp. Illustrated. Price, 7 fr. Dunod, Paris. Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry, Vol. 41 (1922). No. 14, pp. Paint: Couleurs. Peintures e t Vernis. J. DESALMEAND I,. PIERRON. 242”-46T. 455 pp. Illustrated. Price, 1 5 fr. Dunod, Paris. Ferrotungsten: Analise Rapids del Ferro-tungsteno. LUIGI LOSANAAND Patent Business: A Comprehensive Instruction Course in Ten Lessons; ENRICOCAROZZI. Giornale di Chimica Industriale ed Applicala, Vol. 4 Written for Those Who Have the Gift of Inventive Talent, and the Ambi(1922), NO.7,pp. 299-301. tion to Supplement That Gift with a Working Knowledge of the Business Fuel Oil: Distribution of Fuel Oil in Industrial Plants. J. A. BROWN. of Obtaining Sound and Salable Patents a s a Lifetime Occupation. Vol. I. Forging and Heat Treating, Vol. 8 (1922),No. 8, pp. 336-40. CHARLES0. TESSIER.155 pp. Price, $3.00. C. 0. Tessier, Cleveland, Ohio. Glass: The British Glass Industry: Its Development a n d Its Outlook. Potter’s Craft. CHARLES F. BINNS. 206 pp. Price, $2.60. D. Van W. E. S. TURNER.Journal of the Society of Glass Technology, Vol. 6 Nostrand Co., New York. (1922), hTo.22,pp. 108-48.



Glass: A Critical Review of t h e Provisional Specifications for Glass Refractory Materials. W. J. REES. Journal of the Society of Glass Technology, Vol. 6 (1922), No 22,pp. 181-204. Glass: The Effect of Absorbed Gas on the Conductivity of Glass. V. BUSH AND I,. H. CONNELL. Journal of the Franklin Institute, Vol. 194 (1922), NO. 2, pp. 231-40. Glass: The Production of Colourless Glass in Tank Furnaces with Particular Reference to t h e Use of Selenium. Part I. A. COUSENAND W. E. S. TURNER.Journal of the Society of Glass Technology, Vol. 6 (1922), NO.22, pp, 1"-81. Leather: Science of Hide Curing. GEORGED. MCLAUGELIN AND EDWIN R. THEIS. Journal of the American Leather Chemists' Association, Vol. 17 (1922), NO.8,pp 376-99. Leaching Ore with Sulfur Dioxide. JOSEPH IRVING, JR. Engineering and Mining Journal-Press, Vol. 114 (1922)' No. 9, pp. 360-64. Lime for Glass-Making. R. R. SHIVELY.The Glass Industry, Vol. 3 (1922). NO.8, pp. 154-56. Lubricants: Technical Examination of Lubricating Oil and Grease. F. W. WATSONAND H. D. BELL. The Journal of the Chemical, Metallurgical and Minzng Society ofSouth Afvica, Vol. 22 (1922), No. 11, pp. 211-19. Paper: Rosin Size Control. P. W. CODWISE. Paper, Vol. 30 (1922), No. 23, pp. 7-9. Rubber: Accelerated Aging Tests on Rubber Goods. W. W. EVANS. The Rubber Age, Vol. 1 1 (1922), No. 10, pp. 345-47. Rubber: Scientific Management for Rubber Manufacturers. Standardization, ALFREDBARUCH. The Rubber Age, Vol. 1 1 (1922), No. 10, pp. 348-51. Steel: The Annealing of Tool Steels. ARTHURW. F. GREEN. Forging and Heat Tveating, Vol. 8 (1922), No. 8, pp. 346-53. Steel: The Making, Forging, a n d H e a t Treating of Nickel Chromium Steels. HARRY BREARLEY. Forging and Heat Treating, Vol. 8 (1922), NO. 8, pp. 341-45. Textiles: The Acid Treatment of Cotton Fabrics for the Production of DE PUYSTER. Color Trade Journal, Vol. Special Finish. BARRINGTON 11 (1922), K O . 2, pp. 54-59. Titration: Studies in the Titration of Acids and Bases. J. I,.LIZIUS. The Analyst, Vol. 47 (1922), No. 557, pp. 331-41. Wood: The Effect of Chemicals on the Ignition Temperature of Wood. W. 0. BANFIELDA N D W. S. PECK. Canadian Chemzstry and Metallurgy. Vol. 6 (1922), NO. 8, pp. 172-76

Vol. 14, No. 10

Storage and Transportation of Portland Cement. (With a Bibliography.) W. M. MYERS. Reports of Investigations 2377. 5 pp. Issued July 1922 Summary of Investigations of Dust and Ventilation in Metal Mines. (With a Bibliography.) Reports of Investigations 2374. 6 pp. Issued July 1922. The Rate of Reduction of Hematite to Magnetite by Methane. C. M. BOUTON. Reports of Investigations 2381. 9 pp. Issued August 1922. Why Miners' Portable Electric Lamps Require Safety Devices. L. C. ILSLEY. Reports of Investigations 2371. 9 pp. Issued July 1922.

Bureau of Standards

Practical Spectrographic Analysis. W. F. MEGGERS,C. C. KIESS, AND F. J. STIMSON.Scientific Paper 444. 1922. Paper, 10 cents. Radiators for Aircraft Engines. S.R. PARSONSAND D. R. HARPER, 3RD. Technologic Paper 211. 183 pp. Paper, 50 cents. The Spectral Transmissive Properties of Dyes: I-Seven Permitted Food Dyes, in the Visible, Ultraviolet, a n d Near Infra-Red. K. S. GIBSON, H. J. MCNICHOLAS, E. P. T.TYNDALL, M. K. FREHAPER, with t h e cooperation of W. E. MATHEWSON.ScientlJ5c Paper 440. 184 pp. Paper, 15 cents. United States Government Specification for Automobile Soap. Circular 127. Paper, 5 cents. United States Government Specification for Basic Carbonate White Lead, Dry and Paste, Federal Specifications Board, Standard Specification 5. Officially adopted by Federal Specifications Board, February 3, 1922, for use of departments and independent establishments of the Government, in purchase of materials covered by it. Circular 84 2nd ed. 8 pp. Paper, 5 cents. United States Government Specification for Chip Soap. Circular 128. 1922. Paper, 5 cents. United States Government Specification for Flat Interior Lithopone Paint, White and Light Tints, Federal Specifications Board, Standard Specification 21. Officially Adopted by Federal Specifications Board, February 3, 1922, for use of departments and independent establishments of the Government in purchase of materials covered by it. Civcular 111. 3rd ed. 8 pp. Paper, 5 cents. United States Government Specification for Grit Cake Soap. Circular 130. 1922. Paper, 5 cents. United States Government Specification for Hand Grit Soap. Circular 130. 1922. Paper, 5 cents. United States Government Specification for Interior Varnish, Federal Specifications Board, Standard Specification 22. Officially adopted by G O V E R N M E N T PUBLICATIONS Federal Specifications Board, February 3, 1922, for use of departments and independent establishments of t h e Government in purchase of maNotice-Publications for whJch price i s indicated can be purchased from terials covered b y it. Circular 117. 6 pp. Paper, 5 cents. the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Ofice, Washington, D . C . Other publications can usually be supplied from the Bureau or DeUnited States Government Specification for Iron-Oxide and Iron-Hydroxide gartment from which they originate. Paints, Federal Specifications Board, Standard Specification 13. Officially adopted by Federal Specifications Board, February 3, 1922, for Bureau of Mines use of departments and independent establishments of the Government in purchase of materials covered by it. Circular 93. 2nd ed. 9 pp. Comminuted Smokeless Powder as a Blasting Agent. C. E. MUNROEAND 1922. Paper, 5 cents. S. P. HOWELL. Reports of Investigations 2386 19 pp. Issued August United States Government Specification for Leaded Zinc Oxide, Dry a n d 1922. Paste, Federal Specifications Board, Standard Specification 9. Officially Compressed-Air Illness and I t s Engineering Importance with a Report of adopted by Federal Specifications Board, February 3, 1922, for use of Cases a t the East River Tunnels. EDWARD LEVY. Technical Paper 285. departments and independent establishments of the Government in 48 pp. 1922. Paper, 10 cents. purchase of materials covered by it. Circular 88. 2nd ed. 8 pp. 1922. Experimental Production of Alloy Steels. H . W. GILLETTAND E. L. MACK. Paper, 5 cents. Bulletin 199. 81 pp. Paper, 15 cents. United States Government Specification for Linseed Oil, Raw, Refined, and Explosives Used in June 1922. W. W. ADAMS. Reports of Inoestigdtions Boiled, Federal Specifications Board, Standard Specification 4. Offi2387. 5 pp. Issued August 1922. cially adopted by Federal Specifications Board, February 3, 1922, for use Fatalities a t Coal Mines in June 1922. W. W. ADAMS. Reports of Investiof departments and independent establishments of Government in purchase of materials covered b y it. Circular 82. 2nd. ed. 9 pp. Pager, gations 2379. 3 pp. Issued July 1922. 5 cents. Fuel Economy from Old Plant Equipment. A. R. MUMFORD. Reports of United States Government Specification for Liquid Soap. Circular 124. Investigatzons 2373. 4 pp. Issued July 1922. 1922. Paper, 5 cents. Inclusions in Aluminium-Alloy Sand Castings. R. J. ANDERSON. Technical United States Government Specification for Ocher, Dry and Paste, Federal Paper 290. 25 pp. 1922. Paper, 10 cents. Specifications Board, Standard Specification 12. Officially adopted by Keeping Upto-Date in Safety Methods in Coal Mining. D. HARRINGTON. Federal Specifications Board, February 3, 1922, for use of departments Reports of Investigatzons 2372. 2 pp. Issued July 1922. and independent establishments of t h e Government in purchase of maPermissible Explosives, Mining Equipment, a n d Apparatus, Approved Prior terials covered by it. C i r c d a r 91. 2nd ed. 8 pp. Paper, 5 cents. D. J. PARKER, AND A . C. to March 15,1922. S. P. HOWELL,L.C. ILSLEY, United States Government Specification for Ordinary Laundry Soap. CirFIELDNER. Technical Paper 307. 21 pp. 1922. Paper, 5 cents. cular 129. 1922. Paper, 5 cents. Production of Explosives in United States, Calendar Year 1921, with Notes United States Government Specification for Salt Water Soap. Circular on Mine Accidents Due to Explosives. W. W. ADAMS. Technical Paper 126. 1922. Paper, 5 cents. 313. 25 PP. Paper, 5 cents. United States Government Specification for Scouring Compounds, for Recent Progress in the Thawing of Frozen Gravel in Placer Mining. CHAS. Floors ( a ) and ( b ) , and Soap Scouring Compound ( 6 ) . Civcular 131. JANIN. Technical Paper 309. 34 pp. 1922 Paper, 10 cents. 1922. Paper, 5 cents. Safe Mechanical Equipment for Use in Shaft Sinking. R. H. RUDLICH. United States Government Speciflcation for Soap Powder. Ciroular 125. Technical Paper 276. 12 pp, 1922. Paper, 5 cents.. Paper, 5 cents. United States Government Specification for White Floating Soap. Circular Sixth Semiannual Motor Gasoline Survey. A. D. BAUERAND N. I?. L E 123. Paper, 5 cents. JEUN&. Reports of Inuesfzgations 2388. 9 pp. Issued August 1922.

Oct., 1922


Glucose and Starch. 14th Census of the United States: Manufacturers, 1919. Prepared under the supervision of E. F. HARTLEY. 8 pp. 1922 Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead, and Zinc. 14th Census of the United States: Mines and Quarries, 1919. Prepared under the supervision of E.F. HARTLEY by F. J. KATZ. 33 pp. 1922. Iron Ore. 14th Census of the United States: Mines and Quarries, 1919. Prepared under the supervision of E. F. HARTLEY by F. J. KATZ. 25 pp. 1922. Petroleum and Natural Gas. 14th Census of the United States: Mines and Quarries, 1919. Prepared under the supervision of E. F. HARTLEY by F. J. KATZ. 31 pp. 1922. Petroleum Re5ning. 14th Census of the United States: Manufactures, 1919. Prepared under the supervision of E. F. HARTLEY. 11 pp., 1922.


Mica in 1921. B. H. STODDARD. Separate from Mineral Resources of the United States, 1921, Part 2. 6 pp. Published August 3, 1922. Oil and Gas Prospects in and near the Crow Indian Reservation, Montana. W. T. THOM,JR. Bulletin 736-B. Separate from Contributions t o Economic Geology, 1922, P a r t 2. 19 pp. Published July 6, 1922. Quicksilver in 1921. F. L. RANSOMB.With a Bibliography by I. P. EVANS. Separate from Mineral Resources of the United States, 1921, Part 1. 14 pp. Published August 7, 1922. Tin in 1921. B. I,. JOHNSON. Separate from Mineral Resources of the United States, 1921, Part 1. 3 pp. Published August 1, 1922,

Interior Department Naval Reserve Oil Leases, in Response to Resolution. Communication submitting information concerning Naval Reserve Oil Leases. S. Doc. 210. 42 pp. 1922.


Public Health Reports

An Act, t o regulate revenue, t o regulate commerce with foreign countries,

Ohio Law for Enforcing Correction of Stream Pollution and Improvement of Public Water Supplies. Public Health RcPorts, 37 (August 11, 1922), 1945-50. Physiological Effects of Exposure to Low Concentrations of Carbon Monoxide. R. R. SAYERS, F. V. MQRIWETHER, A N D W. P. YANT. Regrint 748. 16 pp. Paper, 5 cents. Preparation and Administration of Arsphenamine and Neoarsphenamine. Standard Instiuctions for the Preparation and Intravenous Administration of Arsphenamine and Neoarsphenamine for Use by the Medical Departments of the Army, of the Navy, and of the Veterans’ Bureau, a n d by the Public Health Service. Public Health Reports, 37 (Angnst 4, 1922), 1867-82. Report on the Public Water Supply of Delaware, Ohio. Report of a n Investigation Made by the Engineering Division of the Ohio State Department of Health. F. H. WARING. Public Health Reports, 37 (August 11, 1922), 1933-45. Stream Pollution Investigations. Recommendations as t o Plan and Policy made by United States Public Health Service Consultants in Stream Pollution Investigation Work. Public Health Reports, 37 (August 25, 1922), 2049-63.

t o encourage the industries of t h e United States, and for other purposes, H. Rpt. 7456. August 19. 1922. Ordered t o be printed with the amendments of the Senate numbered. 476 pp. A Bill, t o improve the navigability of waters of the United States by preventing oil pollution thereof. S.3968. Introduced by Mr. Frelinghuysen on August 30, 1922. Read twice and referred to the Committee on Commerce. 4 pp. Muscle Shoals. Mr. Ladd (for himself and Messrs. Capper, Harrison, Caraway, Ransrlell, Heflin, and Smith), from t h e Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, submitted views t o accompany S. J. Res. 227. Calendar 817. S. Rpt. 831. P a r t 2. 19 pp. August 4, 1922. Muscle Shoals. Hearings on S. 3420, for manufacture of explosives, for use of Army and Navy, for manufacture of fertilizer, for agricultural purposes, t o incorporate Federal Chemical Corporation, and for other purposes; and on the Henry Ford Muscle Shoals offer, offer made by the Alabama Power Co., proposing t o complete Wilson Dam, the offer of Frederick E. Engstrum for Muscle Shoals, and offer of Charles I,. Parsons for properties at Muscle Shoals, Ala. 949 pp. 1922. Muscle Shoals. Report t o accompany S. J. Res. 227 (rejecting bids for acquisition of Muscle Shoals): submitted by Mr. Norris, April 20, 1922, calendar day July 20,1922. S . Rpt. 831. Part 1. 36 pp. Saltpeter, Chile. Nitrate of soda imports from Chile t o United States, extracts from hearings, 66th Congress, 2nd Session, and 67th Congress, 2nd session. 1 p. Water Pollution. Preventing the Oil Pollution of Navigable Waters of the United States. S. Rpt. 901, t o accompany S. 3968. August 31, 1922. 3 PP.

Tariff Commission Tariff Information Surveys. Revised edition, 1922. On articles in Paragraph 359 of the Tariff Act of 1913 and related articles in other paragraphs. N-15. Heavy Leathers. 48 pp. Paper, 5 cents. N-16. Light Leathers, Group 1. 54 pp. Paper, 5 cents,

Department of Agriculture By-products ffom Crushing Peanuts. J. B. REED. Department Bulletin The Foreign Commerce Department of the Chamber of 1096. 12 pp, Issued August 12, 1922. Commerce of the United States has just issued a foreign comDigestibility of Cod-Liver, Java-Almond, Teaseed, and Watermelon-Seed merce handbook, which contains a great deal of valuable inforOils, Deer Fat, and Some Blended Hydrogenated Fats. H. J. DEUBL, mation as to sources of service in foreign trade. The book also JR. Department Bulletin 1033. 15 pp. Paper, 1 5 cents. Issued contains a list of the topics of national importance that are July 27, 1922. engaging the attention of the Chamber’s Foreign Commerce Department Committee. Rules and Regulations for the Enforcement of the Federal Food and Drugs Act. C h u l a r 21. Office of the Secretary. 8 t h revision. 27 pp, Zinsser & Co., Hastings-on-Hudson, N. Y., are now manuIssued August 7, 1922. facturing Aczol, a wood preservative which has been in use in Some Experiments with a Boric Acid-Cancing Powder. R. B. EDMONDSON, Belgium and continental Europe for several years. The name C m R L r s THOM, AND I ,. P. GILTNER. Department Cirrular 237. 12 pp. is derived from its ingredients-ammonia, copper, zinc, and Issued August 31, 1922. Paper, 5 cents. phenol. Records of the use of wood impregnated with Aczol

Federal Trade Commission Petroleum Trade in Wyoming and Montana. Letter transmitting, pursuant t o law, report on conditions in petroleum trade in Wyoming and Montana (with draft of bill t o prevent evasions of antitrust laws). S. Doc. 233. 4 pp. 1922.

Geological Survey Bauxite and Aluminium in 1921. J. M. HILL. Separate from Mineral Resources of the United States, 1921, Part 1. 8 pp. Published August 1, 1922. Clay-Working Industries, Clay, and Silica Brick in I919 and 1920. JEFFERSON MIDDLBTON. Separate from Mineral Resources of the United States, 1920, Part 2. 37 pp. Published August 14, 1922. Gypsum in 1921. K. W. COTTRELI,. Separate from Mineral Resources of the United States, 1921, Part 2. 8 pp. Published August 4, 1922. Magnesite in 1921. C. G. YALE. Separate from Mineral Resources of the United States, 1921, Part 2. 6 pp. Published-August 5 , 1922.

have been kept in Belgium for the past decade, and it is claimed to be very efficient, particularly in coal mine timbers, wood paving blocks, and railroad ties. A company is being organized to manufacture potassium phosphate under the Kreiss patents a t Jacksonville, Fla. Work on a $75,000 plant will begin shortly. The company will not manufacture complete fertilizers, but will sell the potassium phosphate to fertilizer manufacturers. The officers are: president, E. R. Taber; vice president, William B. Taber; secretary and treasurer, Charles N. Welshans. E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. have announced the development of a dye known as Pontamine Brown CR, a direct dyestuff which produces reddish brown shades on cotton and may also be used on artificial silk. Chemical fumes coming in contact with the flame of a night watchman‘s oil lamp are believed to have caused a fire which wrecked one of the buildings of the Verona Chemical Company plant a t Newark, N. J., on September 1. The damage is estimated a t $100,000.