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MINISTRY OF MUNITIONS AND DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC A N D INDUSTRIAL Nostrand Co., New York. PBSEARCH. W. M. Stationery Office, bondon Rubber. EDITH A. BROWN. 88 pp. Illustrated. 2nd edition, Price, $1.50. The Macmillan Co., New York. Fire Assaying: A Textbook of Fire Assaying. EDWARD E. BUGBEE. 254 Soap-Making Manual. A Practical Handbook on the Raw Materials, pp. 51 figures. Price, $3.00 net: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. Their Manipulation, Analysis and Control in the Modern Soap Plant. Fuel and Lubricating Oils for Diesel Engines. W. SCHENKER.126 pp. E. G. THOMSSEN. 251 PP. Illustrated. Price, 84.00. D. Van Nostrand Price, $3.00. D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. Co., New York. Fuel and Refractory Materials. A. H. SEXTONA N D W B. DAVIDSON. Turbines B Vapeur. M. POINCET. 336 pp. Illustrated. Price, 35 fr. New edition, revised and enlarged. Illustrated. 382 pp. Price, $4 00. J.-B. BailliPre et Fils, Paris. D. Van Nostrand C o , New York. Universities and Scientific Life in the United States. MAURICECAULLERY. Gas: The Distribution of Gas. WALTERHOLE. 4th edition, rewritten 286 pp. Price, $2.50. Harvard University Press, Cambridge. and enlarged. 699 pp. Illustrated. Price, 50s. net. Benn Bros., Zirconium a n d I t s Compounds. FRANCIS P. VENABLE. A. C. S. MonoLtd., London. graph Series. 173 pp. Price, 82.50. Chemical Catalog Co., h e , , New Gas: Messung Grosser Gasmengen. L. LITINSKY. Chemical Technology York. Series, edited by A. BINZ. 274 pp. Price, paper, 525 M, bound, 585 M. RECENT JOURNAL ARTICLES Otto Spamer, Leipzig. Gas Chemists’ Handbook. Compiled by CHEMICAL COMMITTEE, TECH- Ammonia: The Oxidation of Ammonia. C. S. IMISON AND W. R U S S E ~ L . NICAL SECTIONOF AYERICANGAS ASSOCIATION.2nd edition. 608 Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry, Vol. 41 (1922), No. 4, pp. pp Price, $6.00. American Gas Association, New York. 37t-451. HENDRICK. Chemical and Metallurgical Geologie et Mineralogie Appliquees 1’Art de 1’Ingenieur. L. DS LAUNAY. Atoms and Isotopes. ELLWOOD Engineering, Vol. 26 (1922), No. 13, pp, 583-87. 418 pp. Price, 60 fr. J.-B. Bailliere e t Fils, Paris. Cellulose: Problems of Cellulose Chemistry. EM& HEUSER Paper, Heat Conduction: Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of the ConducVol. 29 (1922), NO. 23, pp. 7-10. tion of Heat in Solids. H. S. CARSLAW.2nd edition, revised. 268 Clay: Suggested New Methods in the Preparation of Dust-Pressed Bodies. pp. Illustrated. Price, $9.00, The Macmillan Co.. New York. H. SPURRIER. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 5 (1922), Heating and Ventilation. JOHN R. ALLEN A N D J. H. WALKER. 2nd NO, 3 , pp. 151-66 edition. 330 pp. Illustrated. Price, $3.50. McGraw-Hill Book Co., Coal: Bituminous Coal as Generator Fuel. W. A. DUNKLEY. American Inc., New York. Gas Journal, Vol. 116 (1922), No. 11 (whole No. 3341), pp. 249-52, History of Chemistry: A Concise History of Chemistry. T. P. HILDITCH. 260-61. 2nd edition, revised. 276 pp. Price, 6s. Methuen & Co., Ltd., London. Coal: Nene BeitrLge zur Enstehung und Chemischen Struktur der Kohle. Industry and Human Welfare. WILLIAM L. CHENERY. Price, $1.75. FRANZ FISCHERAND H A M SCHRADER. Brennstoff-Chemie, Vol. 3 .The Macmillan Co., New York. (1922), NO 5 , pp. 65-72. Isotopes. F. W. ASTON. 152 pp. Price, 9s. Edward Arnold & Co., Flue-Gases: Practical Interpretation of Automatically Recorded VoluLondon. metric Percentages of COS in Flue-Gases. W. E. APPLEBY. ChemiLiquid Fuel: Burning Liquid Fuel; A Practical Treatise on the Perfect cal Engineering and Mining Rewiew, Vol. 14 (1922), No. 161, pp. 156-60. Fluorspar in Open-Hearth Practice. S. SCHLEICHER.The Iron Age, Combustion of Oils and Tars, Giving Analysis, Calorific Values and Heating Temperatures of Various Gravities; with Information on the DeVol. 109 (1922), No, 11, pp. 783-84. Translated from Stahl und Eiscn. sign and Proper Installation of Equipment for All Classes of Service. F u d : Causes and Prevention of Power and Fuel Wastes. H. D. MARTIN. WILLIAM NEWTON BEST. Revised and enlarged .edition. 341 pp. Color Trade Journal, Vol. 10 (1922), No. 3 , pp. 98-103. Price, $5.00. U. P. C. Book Co., New York. Glass: Some Aspects of Science Applied to the Glass Industry. C. H. Medical Research Report: Report of the Medical Research Counc KERR. The Glass Industuy, Vol. 3 (1922), No. 4, pp. 69-71. the Year 1920-21. 114 pp. Price, 3s. 6d. net. H. M.. Stationery Glass: An Autoclave Test for the Giading of Chemical Glassware. W. Office, London. L. BAILLIEAND F. E. WILSON. Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry, Vol. 41 (1922), No. 4, pp. 45t-55t. Metallography: An Introduction t o the Study of Metallography and Macrography. L8oN GUILLETAND A. PORTEVIN. Translated by L.TAVER- Iron and Steel Classified for Designers, WILLIAMJ. MERTEN. Forging and Heat Treating, Vol. 8 (1922), No. 3, pp. 155-60. NER. 289 pp. Price, 30s. G. Bell & Sons, Ltd., London. Iron: Researches on the Electrodeposition of Iron. W. E. HUGHES. Oil Encyclopedia. MARCELMITZAKIS. 551, pp. Price, 21s. Chapman Brass World, Vol. 18 (1922), No. 3 , pp. 80-85. 81 Eall, Ltd., London.
May, 1922
Metallurgy: The Correlation of Metallurgical Statistics. H. A WHITE. The Smoke Problem. 0. P. HOOD, Reports pf Investigations 2323. 5 Journal of the Chemical, Metallurgical and Mining Society of South Africa, PP. Issued February 1922. Vol. 22 (1921), NO. 6, pp. 97-106. The Use of Electrolytes in the Purification and Preparation of Clays. H. Monel Metal, A Natural Nonferrous Alloy. MORRIS A. HALL. Brass G. SCHURECHT.Technical Paper 281. 47 pp, Paper, 10 cents. World, Vol. 18 (1922), NO. 3, pp. 76-79. Use of Low-Pressure Gas Burners in Oil-Feed Boilers. M. P. YOUKER. Qpen-Hearth Furnaces: Design of Open-Hearth Furnaces. A. D. WQReports of Inuestigations 2329. 8 pp, Issued February 1922. LIAMS. The Iron Age, Vol. 109 (1922), No. 9 , p. 577; No. 11. p, 717: Bureau of Standards NO. 13, pp. 863-55. Weighing by Substitution, C. A. BRIGGSA N D E. D. GORDON. TechnoSewage: Further Experiments with Activated Sludge. E. HANNAFORD logic Paper 208. Paper, 5 cents. RICHARDS AND G. C. SAWYER,Journal of the Society of Chemical I n Congress dustry, Val. 41 (1922), NO. 5, pp. 621-721. Tariff: An Act to Provide revenue, to regulate commerce with foreign Steel: Infiuenza della Temperatura sulle Proprieth Meccaniche della countries, to encourage the industries o€ the United States, and for other Ghisa. F. GRAZIANA.Giornale di Chimica Industriale ed Applicata, pu-poses. H. R 7456. Report 596. Reported b y Mi-. McCumber Vol. 4 (1922), NO. 2, pp. 63-56. with amendments April 10, 1922 (Calendar Day, April 11). 438 pp. Tanning: A Critical Study of the Determination of the Active Constituents
of Synthetic Tanning Materials by the Hide Powder Method. S. KOHN, J. BREEDISAND E. CREDE. Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association, Vol. 17 (1922). No. 4, pp. 166-80. Tin: The Metallurgy of Tin. WALTERH. JACOBSON. The Metal I n dustry, Vol. 20 (1922), NO. 3, pp. 103-5. Water Resistant Glues: Casein and Blood Albumin. ROBERTHERMAN BOGVZ. Chemical Age, Vol. 30 (1922), No. 3, pp. 103-6. Wood: Proper Use of Wood in Connection with Dyehouses and Bleacheries. JOSEPH WOODMAN.Textile Colorist, Vol. 44 (1922), No. 520, pp. 245-47. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS
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Bureau of Mines
Congressional Committees Decimal System. American decimal system of weights and measures, by SAMUELRUSSELL. Statement, December 20, 1921. 20 pp. 1922. Hearings before the Committee on Finance, United States Senate, on the Proposed Tariff Act of 1921 (H. R . 7466). Free List. Revised and Indexed. 693 pp. Metric System. Ladd Metric Bill, I t s Fallacy and Futility. Statement of SAMUEL RUSSELL,December 16, 1921. 8 pp. 1922. Metric System. Statement by SAMUELS. DALEat hearings before subcommittee on s. 2267, to fix metric system of weights and measures for certain uses, December 14, 1921. 24 pp. 1922. Muscle Shoals Propositions. Hearings before the Committee on Military Affairs, House of Representatives. Part 11-Statements of F . D. MAHONEY(Alabama Power Co.), HON. S. HUBERTDENT, JR., THOMAS W. MARTIN(President, Alabama Power Co.), HON.WILLIAMB. OLIVER,M. C., Alabama, MAJORJOHN G. BOOTON, Ordnance Department, U. S. A. February 27-March 2, 1922. 105 pp. Part 12-Statements of FREDERICK E. ENGSTRUM, HON.MARIONBUTLER, E. FROTHINGHAM J. H. LEVERING. THOMASW. MARTIN, FRANCIS WILLIAMB. MAYO,GRAYSILVER,How. WILLIAMB. OLIVER, HON. ED. B. ALMON,HON.WILLIAMB. BANKHEAD, HON. JOSEPHW. BYFNS, HON JOHN M C D U F F I ~ COL. , J . W. JOYES and D R . CHARLES L. I’ARSONS. March 3, 6, 7, 8 10, and 13, 1922. 240 pp.
Accidents at Metallurgical Works in the United States during the Calendar Year 1920. W. W. ADAMS. Technical Paper 297. 28 pp, Paper, 5 cents. Analysis of Detonating and Priming Mixtures. C. A. TAYLOR AND W. H. RINKENBACH.Technical P a p w 282. 33 pp. Paper, 5 cents. Analytical Distillations of Typical Shale Oils. M. J. GAVIN. Reports of Investigations 2332. 12 pp. Issued March 1922. Department of Commerce Bibliography of Literature on Sampling. Compiled by W. J. SHARWOOD Artificial Dyestuffs Imported into tde United States 1913-14. SuppleAND M. W. Y O N BERNEWITZ.Reports of Investigations 2336. 1 p. mental Statistics t o Accompany Agents Series 121. 47 pp. Issued March 1922. Drilling and Dustiness of Metal-Mine Air. D. HARRINGTON. Reports General Supply Committee of Investigations 2339. 6 pp. Issued March 1922. Specifications and Proposals for Supplies, Fiscal Year 1923. Class 4. Drugs and Medicines, and Chemicals. 34 pp. Epsomite. R. B. I,ADOO.Reports of Investigations 2333. 5 pp, Issued March 1922. Geological Survey Fighting a Mine Fire with Its Own Gases. C. A. ALLENAND A. C. WATTS. Cement in 1920. E. F. BURCHARD.Separate’ from Mineral Resources Repovts of Investigations 2325. 8 pp. Issued February 1922. of the United States, 1920, Part 11. 20 pp. Published March 7, 1922. Metal-Mine Accidents in the United States during the Calendar Year Field Examination of Water. W. D. COLLINS. 13 pp. 1920. W. W,ADAMS. Technical Paper 299. 99 pp. Paper, 10 cents. Quicksilver in 1920. F....I RANSOME.With a Supplementary Bibliography. 1922. I. P. EVANS.Separate from Mineral Resources of the United States, Performance of Fan-Pipe Installations in Metal Mines. D. HARRINGTON. 1920, Part I. 21 pp, Published March 27, 1922. Reports of Investigations 2320. 4 pp. Issued February 1922. Stone in 1920. G. F. L O C G ~ IAND N A. T. COONS. Separate from Mineral Physiological Effects of Exposure to Low Concentrations of Carbon MonResources of the United States, 1920, Part 11. 38 pp. Published March AND W. P. YANT. Reports oxide. R. R . SAYERS,F. V. MERIWETHER 6, 1922. of Investigations 2338. 6 pp. Issued March 1922. Labor Statistics Bureau Procedure for Establishing a List of Permissible Carbon Monoxide IndiCarbon Monoxide Poisoning. &ICE HAMILTON Bulletin 291, Industrial cators. Fees, Character of Tests, and Conditions under Which IndicaAccidents and Hygiene Series. 47 pp. Paper, 10 cents. tors Will Be Tested. Schedule 18. 7 pp. Public Health Service Production of Gasoline by Cracking Heavier Oils. E. W. DEANAND W. City Health OfBcers, 1921, Directory of Those in Cities of 10,000 or More A. JACOBS. Technical Paper 258. Paper, 5 cents. Population. Reprint 702 from Public Health Reports. 12 pp. Paper, Quarry Accidents in the United States during the Calendar Year 1920. 5 cents. Technical Paper 295. 66 pp. Paper 10 cents. 1922. Improved Method for the Preparation of Vitamin-Activated Fuller’s Earth. Recent Articles on Petroleum and Allied Substances. Compiled by E. ATHERTON SEIDELI,. Public Health Reports 37 (April 7, 1922), 801-3. H. BURROCGHS.Reports of Investigations 2330. 53 pp. Issued FebruKeeping Qualities of Market Samples of Neoarsphenamine While in Amary 1922. pule. G. B. ROTH. Reprint 700 from Public Health Reports. 19 Specifications for Petroleum Products Adopted by the Interdepartmenpp. Paper, 5 cents. tal Petroleum Specifications Committee, Effective January 23, 1922. State and Insular Health Authorities, 1921: Directory. with Data a s to Amended March 1, 1922. These specifications have been officially adopted Appropriations and Publications. Reprint 706 from Public Health Reby the Federal Specifications Board for the use of the various departments ports. 20 pp. Paper, 5 cents. and independent establishments of the Government. Technical Paper The Loading of Filter Plants. H. W. STREETER. Public Health Reports 305. 40 pp, Paper, 5 cents. 37 (March 31, 1922), 741-53. Summarized Reports of Principal Investigations Being Conducted by the United States Public Health Service, Information for Persons Desiring Bureau of Mines for Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 1921. 186 pp. to Enter Regular Corps of Service. R. C. WILLIAMS. Reprint 719 from Test of Hand Extinguishers on Zinc-Dust Fires. S. H. KATZA N D J. J. Public Health Reports. 6 pp. BLOOMFIELD. Reports of Investigations 2335. 6 pp. Issued March 1922, The Northwest Experiment Station of the Federal Bureau .of Mines. C., Tariff Information Surveys. Revised ed!tiop, fi’t-24. On articles E. WILLIAMS. Reports of Inimfigations 2337. 4 pp. Issued March in Paragraphs 536-544 of Tarmf-Act-uf1913 $t& ai-tkles in other 1922. paragraphs. Cryolite, graphite, and magnesite. 65 pp. Paper, 5 cents.