Current status of transition-state theory

Page 2667. In ref 37, Maslen is misspelled. Page 2671. In column 1, line 6, 0.44 should be 0.044. Page 2671. In column 1, line 11 should read as follo...
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The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vo%87, No. 26, 1983 5523

Additions and Corrections

ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS 1983, Volume 87 Research Collaborators of Henry Eyring. Page 2642. The following Doctoral Students in Chemistry and Physics were omitted from the list in the memorial issue. 1933 1941 1943 1945 1946 1947 1952 1953 1955 1956 1957 1958 1962 1963

Albert Sherman Charles R. Clark Robert A. Harmon George H. Duffey Fred E. Williams Bruno J. Zwolinski Robert B. Parlin Robert Ellis Wajrynen Hugh S.A. Gilmour Roland S. Barker Donald F. Clifton Roy Alan Keller Junior Lambert Bates John Ralph Morrey Walter Dale Felix John Vernon Harry

1964 1966 1967 1969 1970

1971 1972 1973

Kak Choong Kim Ki Soon Park Verl Grady Garrard Lin-Sen Pau S. M. Breitling Margaret Y-P Yang Hong Yi-Chang Fu Mohammad Hossein Ghandehari Sang Hyung Kim Richard T. Klingbiel Allen Kent Macknight Walter M. Neville Warren Herschel Inskeep Donald D. Shieh Yosei Uehara

Donald G. Truhlar,* William L. Hase, and James T. Hynes: Current Status of Transition-State Theory. Page 2667. In ref 37, Maslen is misspelled. Page 2671. In column 1, line 6, 0.44 should be 0.044. Page 2671. In column 1,line 11should read as follows: below ranges from 0.57 to 1.54 in 27 of the cases and from 0.32 to 1.81 in all cases. With classical. . . Page 2681. In column 2, line 38, quantization is misspelled. Page 2682. In column 2, line 11,Rex him Rai should be Rex Skodje, Sachchida Rai.