Curriculum Vitae of David R. Yarkony

Dec 26, 2014 - Jan 2001−present. D. Mead Johnson Professor of Chmistry. Institute for Computer Applications to Science and Engineering. Langley, Vir...
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Special Issue Preface

Curriculum Vitae of David R. Yarkony Name: David Roy Yarkony Born: 28 January 1949 New York, New York Citizenship: United States EDUCATION: Institution The Cooper Union New York, New York State University of New York at Stony Brook Long Island, New York University of California Berkeley, California PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Institution Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts The Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, Maryland

Institute for Computer Applications to Science and Engineering Langley, Virginia Laboratory PPM and University of Paris XI Orsay, France Ballistic Research Laboratory Aberdeen, Maryland Royal University of Leiden Leiden, Netherlands University of Bologna Institute for Atomic and Molecular Science, Taipei, Taiwan University of Heidelberg HONORS:

Department of Chemistry The Johns Hopkins University 3400 N Charles Street Baltimore, MD 21218 [email protected] Dates Sept. 1967−Jan. 1970 Jan. 1970−June 1971 Sept. 1971−Aug. 1975


Dates Sept. 1975−Aug. 1977 Aug. 1977−June 1981 July 1981−June 1984 July 1984−Dec. 2000 Jan 2001−present April 1978−Aug. 1979

Degrees Post Doctoral Research Associate Advisor: R. J. Silbey (deceased) Assistant Professor of Chemistry Associate Professor of Chemistry Professor of Chemistry D. Mead Johnson Professor of Chmistry Consultant

January 1982 January 1996 Aug. 1983−Sept. 1983 June−Sept. 1984−1991 27 June−14 July 1995 August 1999 January 2000 July 2000

Exchange Professor Visiting Professor Research Chemist Summer Faculty Research Associate Visiting Professor Visiting Professor Visiting Professor Visiting Professor

B.A. Chemistry Summa Cum Laude Ph.D. Chemistry Advisor: H. F. Schaefer, III

Member: Tau Beta Pi (1970) Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow (1980−1982) Fellow American Physical Society (2001) SERVICE: Chairman (1993−1994), Vice Chairman (1992−1993) of Theoretical Chem. Subdivision, ACS Division of Physical Chemistry Editorial Board, Molecular Physics, 1994−1996 Associate Editor: Advanced Series in Physical Chemistry, World Scientific Publishing, 2001− Advisory Editor: Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, 2001−2004 Chair: 2006 Atomic and Molecular Interactions Gordon Conference Advisory Board: Chemical Physics 2012−2014

Special Issue: David R. Yarkony Festschrift Published: December 26, 2014 © 2014 David R. Yarkony

11843 | J. Phys. Chem. A 2014, 118, 11843−11843