CUSTCM C4T4Ly$f$ CNPAR4DE A Musical for a Technical Audience
Ready backstage, when you are. Let us apply the technological and manufacturing skills of our new Mobile, Alabama, plant to put your young custom catalyst across. To find its "star quality." Call on us for professional help to guide your project through the whole grooming process from original laboratory "recipe" to full, "on-stage" commercial runs. Why us? Our Mobile plant has the capacity, equipment, and know-how you need. Plus, you have the full resources of Union Carbide at your service. Kesults have been exciting. So far we've launched a number of dazzling custom catalysts that have been making money hand over foot for their originators. We can do the same for you. If you'd like to be a star-maker, call us today. (914) 345-3457. Or, use this coupon. UNION CARBIDE CUSTOM CATALYSTS UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION Molecular Sieve Dept. 270 Park Avenue, New York, Ν. Υ. 10017 I I Please call me. And tell me what you '—' can do for my catalyst "recipe." I I Send me information on your range '—' of capabilities. NAME
'"What are fame, fortune and bright lights, if there's nobody around to whisper sweet isomers in my ear?" CIRCLE 24 ON READER SERVICE CARD
Jan. 2 1 , 1974 C&EN 23 CIRCLE 17 ON READER SERVICE C A R D — >