Cytotoxic and Highly Potent API Manufacturing - C&EN Global

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Potent API Manufacturing

Turning Complexities into Realities Distinguished by barrier technology that features Level 4 laboratory and a versatile cGMP laboratory

a Biosafety and kilolab.

The Archemis c o m m i t m e n t t o t h e most advanced and innovative technology drives o u r ability t o safely handle a w i d e range of chemistries, including cytotoxic and other highly potent drugs. Our HTCL (Highly Toxic Chemical Laboratory) is y o u r assurance of cGMP compliance f o r t h e production of A P I batches. And o u r GIHP (Good I n d u s t r i a l Hygiene Practice) provides operator protection against highly hazardous materials. Count on cross-trained professional t e a m s t o m o n i t o r y o u r cytotoxic or highly potent A P I f r o m complex ideas t o m a r k e t realities.

I n North America: Archemis, I n c .


in Europe:- .*'"""'' Archemis, SA

Tel: 617-871-6390 Fax: 617-871-6394

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