Booklet describes lubricators which a u t o matically a p p l y a controlled volume of lubricant t o t h e wheel bearings of conveyor trolleys. T h e u n i t c a n h a n d l e a wide r a n g e of lubricants from light oil to heavy fiber greases. O n l y power required is air. Actuation of the p u m p ing units is d e p e n d e n t only u p o n t h e conveyor itself. Dept. IEC, J. N. Fauver Co., Inc., 49 W. Hancock, Detroit 7, Mich.
15 B i c h r o m a t o r A n a l y z e r . T h e bichrom a t o r analyzer is a dispersive infrared plant instrument for continuous, singlec o m p o n e n t m e a s u r e m e n t of either gases or liquids. This 4-page b r o c h u r e d e scribes its operation and has a schematic d i a g r a m of t h e instrument's optical layout a n d basic design. Dept. IEC, Perkin-Elmer Corp., Norwalk, Conn. 16
Cascade Coolers. New c a t a l o g provides detailed specifications of graphite cascade coolers. Coolers illustrated are particularly suited to large volumes of corrosives, such \$fyb&utf& as cooling h y d r o chloric acid prior to p r o d u c t storage, removing heat of solution d u r i n g sulfuric acid dilution, a n d similar applications. T h e equipm e n t is illustrated with diagrams, photog r a p h s , and b r e a k - a w a y drawings. Dept. IEC, Falls Industries, Inc., Aurora Rd., Solon, Ohio. 17
Control S y s t e m s . A system of industrial controls likely t o h a v e a n effect o n advances i n a u t o m a t i o n is t h e topic of discussion in a 16-page bulletin. T h e booklet is a m p l y illustrated with photographs, drawings, a n d circuit diagrams. A typical installation is discussed i n detail. Bull. B-6738, Dept. IEC, Westinghouse Electric Corp., P.O. Box 2099, Pittsburgh 30, Pa. 18
E p o x y Curing A g e n t s . P o t life of epoxies can be varied by the curing agent
used. T h i s technical bulletin gives information on various curing agents m a d e by manufacturer. Included a r e : d i ethylenetriamine, triethylenetetramine, dimethylaminopropylamine, diethyla m i n o p r o p y l a m i n e , a n d a-methylbenzyldimethylamine. Bull. F-8665, Dept. IEC, Carbide & Carbon Chemicals Co., 30 East 42nd St., New York 77, N.Y. 1 9
E v a p o r a t o r s . A new booklet entitled " E v a p o r a t o r s for Recovery of Mercerizing C a u s t i c " is being offered. T h e booklet gives information on the design, application, operation, a n d construction of this type of evaporator a n d illustrates typical flowsheets for recovery of caustic from p u r e mercerization or yarn dyed fabrics. Also listed are the requirements necessary t o d e t e r m i n e t h e solution t o caustic e v a p o r a t o r problems. Bull. SW207, Swenson Evaporator Co., Harvey, III. 20
Filters. Large volume filters a r e discussed a n d described in this 4-page bulletin. T h e publication describes operation, control, filter b e d materials, design features, a n d accessories. T h e pressure filters a r e designed so t h a t water u n d e r pressure is passed d o w n w a r d t h r o u g h the filter bed with little pressure loss, m a k i n g it possible t o deliver filtered water directly to t h e point of use without r e p u m p i n g . Bull. 6322, Dept. IEC, Cochrane Corp., Lewis Tower Bldg., Philadelphia 2, Pa. 21
Got α Production Bottleneck?
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FILTER PRESSES — all sizes, all types for all require ments. Available with center, side or corner feed; open or closed d e livery; simple or thorough washing; jacketed plates for filtering at high or low controlled temperatures.
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Heteropolymolybdates. A 15-page bulletin covering t h e properties, uses, classification, nomenclature, and p r e p a ration of heteropolymolybdates has just been published. T h e bulletin should b e of particular interest to research a n d development chemists interested in complex a n d high-weight anions. Some uses for this class of c o m p o u n d s a r e for catalysis a n d in t h e color industry as précipitants for basic dyes. Bull. Cdb- 72, Dept. IEC, Climax Molybdenum Co., Dept. L, 500 5th Ave., New York 36, Ν. Υ. 22
Industrial Tele vision. Tele vision equipment for industry is covered in this 8page descriptive brochure. The booklet contains m a n y illustrations of the latest developments in cameras, monitors, controls, lenses,
-cotton, paper, synthetics and woven metals — plus special cloths for special require ments. Plain or punched. Mail coupon for your copy of the SPERRY FILTRA TION CATALOG, complete with illustrations and spe cifications to help you plan new filtration facilities.
George S. Tarbox 808 Nepperhan Ave. Yonkers, N e w York B. M . Pîlhashy 8 3 3 Merchants Exchange Bldg. San Francisco, Calif.
A l l d r e d g e & McCabe 8 4 7 E. 17th A v e . Denver 1 8 , Colo. Texas Chemical Eng. Co. 4 1 0 1 San Jacinto Houston, Texas
D. R. Sperry & Co. Batavia, 111. Please send me a free copy of the Sperry Filtration Catalog. Name Company Address City
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VOL. 49, NO. 4 ·
APRIL 1957
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