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EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: GEORGE C. SCHATZ Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University Evanston, Illinois 60208-3113 (847) 467-2446; Fax (847) 467-2447 E-mail [email protected], [email protected]


Anne B. McCoy The Ohio State University

SENIOR EDITORS Victor S. Batista, Yale University

James M. Lisy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Kankan Bhattacharyya, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science

Gang-yu Liu, University of California, Davis

Juan Bisquert, Universitat Jaume I

Timothy K. Minton, Montana State University

T. Daniel Crawford, Virginia Tech

Benjamin J. Schwartz, University of California, Los Angeles

Robert M. Dickson, Georgia Institute of Technology

Joan-Emma Shea, University of California, Santa Barbara

Michael A. Duncan, University of Georgia

Randall Q. Snurr, Northwestern University

Peter M. Felker, University of California, Los Angeles

Eric Weitz, Northwestern University

John T. Fourkas, University of Maryland

Paul H. Wine, Georgia Institute of Technology

Theodore Goodson III, University of Michigan

Xueming Yang, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics

Gregory V. Hartland, University of Notre Dame

Arun Yethiraj, University of Wisconsin

Kenneth D. Jordan, University of Pittsburgh

Francisco Zaera, University of California, Riverside

Pavel Jungwirth, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Martin Zanni, University of Wisconsin—Madison

Sarah C. Larsen, University of Iowa

Jin Z. Zhang, University of California, Santa Cruz


Donna Garton Minton, American Chemical Society (406) 577-2329; Fax (202) 354-5486 E-mail [email protected]


Davine Henderson, Northwestern University (847) 467-2448; Fax (202) 354-4822 E-mail [email protected], [email protected] Scott L. Anderson University of Utah Neal R. Armstrong University of Arizona Roi Baer The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Mark A. Berg University of South Carolina Andrew Bocarsly Princeton University Joel M. Bowman Emory University Irene Burghardt Ecole Normale Superieure Charlie T. Campbell University of Washington Emily A. Carter Princeton University Robert J. Cave Harvey Mudd College Garnet Kin-Lic Chan Princeton University Amitabha Chattopadhyay Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology (CCMB) Christopher M. Cheatum University of Iowa Qiang Cui University of Wisconsin–Madison Liming Dai Case Western Reserve University Liem Dang Pacific Northwest National Laboratory David A. Dixon University of Alabama


Takayuki Ebata Hiroshima University Mostafa A. El-Sayed Georgia Institute of Technology Etsuko Fujita Brookhaven National Laboratory Filipp Ulrich Furche University of California, Irvine Nien-Hui Ge University of California, Irvine Franz M. Geiger Northwestern University Phillip Lewis Geissler University of California, Berkeley Mark S. Gordon Iowa State University Vicki H. Grassian University of Iowa Martin Gruebele University of Illinois, Urbana Hannu Hakkinen University of Jyväskylä Leif Hammarström Uppsala University Keli Han Chinese Academy of Sciences William L. Hase Texas Tech University Johan Hofkens KU Leuven Gerhard Hummer NIDDK, National Institutes of Health Stephen J. Klippenstein Argonne National Laboratory Anna I. Krylov University of Southern California

Nancy E. Levinger Colorado State University W. Carl Lineberger University of Colorado Ru-Shi Liu National Taiwan University Edward Maginn University of Notre Dame Gerard Meijer Fritz-Haber Institut Gerald J. Meyer Johns Hopkins University William E. Moerner Stanford University Paul Mulvaney University of Melbourne Kei Murakoshi Hokkaido University Gilbert Nathanson University of Wisconsin–Madison David J. Nesbitt University of Colorado Matthew Pelton Argonne National Laboratory David Lee Phillips University of Hong Kong Marie-Paule Pileni Université Pierre et Marie Curie Kimberly Prather University of California, San Diego Gerald Richmond University of Oregon Ursula Röthlisberger Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale Lausanne Garry Rumbles National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Steven J. Sibener University of Chicago Edwin L. Sibert III University of Wisconsin–Madison K. George Thomas Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Thiruvananthapuram (IISER-TVM) Andrei Tokmakoff Massachusetts Institute of Technology Michael Trenary University of Illinois at Chicago Mark E. Tuckerman New York University Fabrice Vallee CNRS - Université Lyon 1 Veronica Vaida University of Colorado Sukumaran Vasudevan Indian Institute of Science Troy Van Voorhis Massachusetts Institute of Technology Gilbert Walker University of Toronto Gary P. Wiederrecht Argonne National Laboratory Theresa Windus Iowa State University Klaas Wynne University of Glasgow Yun-Dong Wu Peking University Sotiris S. Xantheas Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Koichi Yamashita The University of Tokyo