DATABASE UPDATE - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

HyperChem, release 4 (Hypercube; $995 academic, $1,995 commercial; circle 301) is the newest version of this molecular modeling package for Windows ...
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HSC Chemistry for Windows

Chemical reaction and equilibrium software, which automatically utilizes an extensive thermochemical database equivalent to more than seven thick data books. The new version 2.0 is now available with many new features and larger database.

HypeiChem, release 4 (Hypercube; cial spectrometers. Features of the 1-D $995 academic, $1,995 commercial; cir- program include Fourier transformacle 301) is the newest version of this tion, automatic and real-time phasing, molecular modeling package for Win- baseline correction, and apodization. dows computers. The program now The other version includes all the feahas a more 3-D look, and its perfor- tures of the 1-D version plus macros mance has been improved relative to for 2-D processing. the previous version, with some nuElemental, the Periodic Table for merical calculations sped up by more than 100%. ChemPlus ($495 academic, Scientists and Students (CleoSci, $50, $795 commercial), a suite of extensions circle 307) is a periodic table program for HyperChem, provides access to ad- for DOS PCs that includes 40 data traits for each of the 110 elements covvanced features. ered. Features include images of atomLabAdvisor (ACS Software, $725 ic radii, electron shells, and orbitals. and up, circle 302) allows fast access to Toxline, Toxlit, and AIDSline (STN information on regulated chemicals. The program works with a laboratory International, circle 308), databases standards compliance database and produced by the National Library of with supplementary databases on toxi- Medicine, are now available on the cology, environmental regulations, and STN on-line system. Toxline and Toxlit chemical safety and transportation. It provide access to literature on the pharmacological, biochemical, physioruns on IBMs and compatibles. logical, and toxicological effects of ACS Directories on Disc (ACS drugs and other chemicals. AIDSline Software; $180 member and academic, contains citations to and abstracts of lit$230 nonmember and nonacademic; erature on AIDS. circle 303) is a CD-ROM version of the Predicasts Overview of Marketing "ACS Directory of Graduate Research" (1991 and 1993 editions), "College & Technology (PROMT) (STN InterChemistry Faculties," and "Chemical national, circle 309), produced by InSciences Graduate School Finder." formation Access Co. and now availSearchable data include names, ad- able on the STN system, provides dresses, departments, and specific re- news, trade, and marketplace informasearch interests. The disc runs on DOS tion on a wide range of science and technology-related business topics. computers. ChemVentory (Environmental Associated Services & Engineering, $199, circle 304) is a DOS-based material safety data sheet (MSDS) tracking system that stores detailed records about on-site chemicals. Chemicals may be entered and tracked by CAS Registry Numbers, synonyms, department, and other parameters.

Ask for a color brochure: In the North America: ARSoftware 8201 Corporate Drive, Suite 1110 Landover, MD 20785, USA Fax: (301)459-3776 Tel: (301) 459-3773, (800) 257-0073 In the other countries: Outokumpu Research Oy P.O. Box 60, FIN-28101 Fori, Finland Fax: +358-39-626-5310 Tel: +358-39-626-6111 CIRCLE 2 3 ON READER SERVICE CARD 36


HazComm Connection (Environmental Associated Services & Engineering, under $500, circle 305) is a DOS program that provides training and documentation on federal hazard communication standards. Personnel testing and a database file are included to track training records.

New Intermediate Alert, Flavor & Fragrance Database, and Monitor (BARK Information Services, pricing available from company, circle 310) are chemical databases that run under DOS or Windows. New Intermediate Alert contains information on new research intermediates. The second database covers some 2,400 compounds used in the flavor and fragrance industry. And Monitor provides details on chemicals available from U.K. chemical manufacturers.

Management of Change (American Institute of Chemical Engineers; $1,195 in North America, $1,675 elsewhere; circle 311) is a one-hour training program on OSHA and EPA proNuts (Acorn NMR; $499 for 1-D cess safety requirements. This interacversion, $750 for 1-D/2-D version, dis- tive CD-ROM product runs on counts for multiple copies; circle 306) is Macintosh or Windows computers. Windows-based NMR processing softFor information on these items, ware. Both the 1-D and 1-D/2-D versions import data from most commer- see Reader Service Card