Datex Division Conrac Corporation

togram. You'll also get high-speed, automatic baseline correction. (From -1 to +10mV.) And a built-in printer will give you an immediate, easy-to-read...
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Make your gas chromatograph tell you everything It knows.


Our new DIR-1 solid-state electronic integrator will work with your chromatograph to give you an j ( immediate, detailed analysis. • Complete with a mark to indicate integration interval and retention times right on the chromatogram. You'll also get high-speed, automatic baseline correction. (From -1 to +10mV.) And a built-in printer will give you an immediate, easy-to-read printout. We have an optional module for A / D conversion of raw data that will show you exactly what happened. And when. It will interface directly with your computer so you can reconstruct an entire chromaV w togram any time you need it. You can also get a log conversion module for amino acid analysis. And another one for visual display. In fact, we've got a list of specification and modular options that make our DIR-1 the most ^ -.e._ versatile integrator on the market. See for yourself. Use it free for one week in your lab. Just write or call Datex. We'll show you how fast and accurate chromatography r e a l l y is. For m o r e d e t a i l e d specifications,ask for our brochure. Datex Division Conrac Corporation 1600 South Mountain Avenue Duarte, California 91010 Circle No. 117 on Readers' Service Card

VOL. 40, NO. 3, MARCH