DAXAD Dispersing Agents - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 5, 2010 - Publication Date: June 13, 1955. Copyright © 1955 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. First Page Image...
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BIQ Factor in Small Particle Dispersions . . . whenever your process or product requires stable dispersion in water



Dispersing Agents


insoluble particles, . . D A X A D DISPERSING A G E N T S can

speed u p chemical reactions or increase the efficiency of ingredients! Superfine D A X A D particles disperse readily. A small amount does a b i g job. They work quickly and efficiently at t h e solid-liquid interphase, and have little effect on surface tension. DAXADS avoid foaming. These specialized compounds are true dispersing agents — not wetting agents. They are synthetically prepared or refined for chemical purity and optimum efficiency. D A X A D S are used to control viscosity and avoid preflocculation, t o prevent agglomeration, t o increase color intensity, covering p o w e r and solids c o n t e n t . . . i n emulsion polymerization, wet grinding, dispersions . . . and many other applications. T o find out h o w D A X A D S can speed production, reduce processing costs or improve the quality of your product, write today for Bulletin D-5 o n " D A X A D Dispersing Agents."

M W 1 Y and M M Y Chemical c o m p a n y DIVISION OF W .

R. G R A C E &


C a m b r i d g e 4 0 , Massachusetts SALES O F F I C E S - 6 2 WHITTEMORE AVENUE, CAMBRIDGE 40, MASSACHUSETTS • 100 WEST MONROE STREET, C H I C A G O 3 , ILLINOIS • 1060 BROAD STREET, N E W A R K 5, N E W JERSEY • West Coast — M A R T I N , H O Y T & M I L N E , I N C . - L O S A N G E L E S , S A N F R A N C I S C O , SEATTLE & P O R T L A N D


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