deadline for receipt of advance registration is october 3, 2001

Sep 10, 2001 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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57th Southwest Regional Meeting (SWRM 2001) October 17 - 20,2001 Omni San Antonio Hotel, San Antonio, TX HOUSING. A block of rooms has been reserved at the Omni San Antonio Hotel at a special rate of $75.00. Call (210) 691-8888 for reservations. Refer to SWRM 2001. This rate is available for reservations made up to September 19,2001. Visit the meeting website at

α Dr. α Mr. • Ms. QMrs. Name for Badge Professional affiliation Street address City Telephone

Local section State



ϋ Please check here if you require special accessibility accommodations to fully participate. Please attach a description. We will contact you prior to the meeting. • Please check here if you do not wish to have your name and address included on a list provided to exhibitors. TYPE OF AFFILIATION: ADVANCE • 01. ACS member • 02. Nonmember • 03. Teacher (K-12) • 04. Undergraduate Student • 05. Graduate Student • 06. Retired/ACS Emeritus • 07. Spouse/Guest-Non Chemist • 08. Unemployed ACS Member • 09. Mexican National

• 1. Academe • • α α

2. Industry 3. Government 4. Student 5. Other

REGISTRATION FEES: ON SITE • 10. ACS member ($90) • 11. Nonmember ($110) ($35 • 12. Teacher (K-12) ($25) • 14. Undergraduate Student ($25) • 14. Graduate Student • 15. Retired/ACS Emeritus (no charge) • 16. Spouse/Guest-Non Chemist ($10) • 17. Unemployed ACS Member (no charge) • 18. Mexican National ($45)

($110) ($130) ($45 $35) $35) $20) $20) $20) $55

Special Events - Advance Registration Requested Please specify number of tickets

Workshops/Short Courses - Advance Registration Requested

• 01. Strategies to Investigate Out-of-Specrfication Laboratory Results 1 No Charge Thursday, October 18 - 9:00 am-noon No Charge Q 07. District Directors Breakfast Thursday, October 18 - 7:30-8:30 am Number of Tickets • 02. Creating, Interpreting & Using Control Charts Thursday, October 18 -1:30-4:30 pm $200 $35 . Luncheon Honoring Prof. B.S. Thyagarajan Thursday, October 18 - 12:30-2:00 pm • 03. ACS Undergraduate Program Workshops Number of Tickets Friday, October 19-9:00 am-noon No Charge No Charge

• 09. Awards Presentation & Mixer Q 04. Chemistry and the Law for Academics and Small Business Friday, October 19 - 9:00 am-noon No Charge Thursday, October 18 - 5:30-7:30 pm • 05. ChemEd Workshop: Integrating Technology into Laboratories* Friday, October 19 - 2:004:00 pm No Charge

Number of Tickets - ACS Industrial Innovation Award - ACS Outstanding High School Teacher of the Year Award - Southwest Regional Award

Q 06. ChemEd Workshop: Integrating Technology into Lectures* Friday, October 19 - 2:00-4:00 pm (20 person limit) No Charge Q 10. ChemEd Pachanga Friday, October 19 - 7:30-9:00 pm *Bring your own laptop computer (If possible)

No Charge Number of Tickets

Note: Request for refund must be submitted in writing to Evangelos Koutalas, Office of Regional Meetings Registrar. Full refund until October 3,2001. From October 3 to October 16, a $20 processing fee will be charged. No refunds after October 16,2001. TOTAL FEES:



Special Events



Paid by: • Check QVisa • Master Card • American Express


Credit Card Account No.

Credit Card Expiration Date



MAIL or FAX Completed Form to: Evangelos Koutalas, ACS, Office of Regional Meetings, 115516th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036 (202) 776-8299 OR (202) 872-6129; Make check payable to American Chemical Society. Please submit a separate form for each registrant



10, 2001