Deaths - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Jun 13, 1994 - He joined Ducilo S.A., now DuPont Argentina S.A., in 1937 and remained with the company until his retirement in 1973. As a DuPont emplo...
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COMPUTATIONAL CHEMIST/MOLECULES MODELLER, PH.D.: 5 years working in BIOSYM then MSI, software design and industrial application. Will relocate anywhere. CAll: Peter, (818) 446-7886. Box 404-A-4

ENGINEERING SCIENCE: EVALUATION OF EQUILIBRIUM AND ENERGY DATA for applying thermodynamics to materials, energy and natural or engineered chemical processes. Experience in basic research and in the aerospace and petrochemical industries. Ph.D., Physical Chemistry. P.E. Robert Montgomery, PHONE: (303) 972-3207. Box 409-B-6

CONSULTANT CHEMIST/BIOCHEMIST WILL DESIGN AND INTEPRET PROJECTS WITH RESULTS CALL HYDER JAWARD 313 5829587 or write 6517 WINTHROP DETROIT MI 48228 CONSULTANT-CATALYTIC HYDROGENATION Very knowledgeable in both chemistry and technology of industrial batch, liquid-phase hydrogénations. Forty-four years experience; scientific and commercial accomplishments and awards, many patents and publications. Dr. Harold Greenfield, 373 Rio Santa Cruz, Green Valley, AZ 85614. (602) 625-0587. Box 410-B-6 POLYMERIZATION PROCESS/CONSULTANT: Chem. Eng. with extensive successful experience in polymerization process with a major company. Skilled in pilot plant. Experienced in polymerization process development and catalyst research. 20 U.S. patents. NO AGENGIES PLEASE. (908) 233-1060. Box 417-E-5 PATENT STRATEGIST: Can help you get broader, stronger, faster patents. Innovative consultant to the chemical, pharmaceutical and agricultural industries - "small molecules", "antisense", synthesis, medicinal chemistry. Expert witness; due diligence studies. Internationally recognized scientist and manager. Dr. Bernard Loev, RR 1, BOX 134, Holmes, NY 12531, Phone/Fax: (914) 878-3193. Box 415-C-5 COATING AND DRYING: Practical help in coating (especially slot and slide coatings), coating die design, drying of coated webs, and statistical process control. Co-edited "Modern Coating and Drying Technology". Edgar B. Gutoff, Sc.D., P.E., Phone/ Fax: (617) 734-7081. Box 490-C-5 COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY SCIENTIFIC/TECHNICAL/MEDICAL WRITING Sherrod Research. Since 1992. Ph/Fax: 800-249-7280 EPOXY CONSULTANT: Solutions to formulation, processing and device reliability problems for epoxy resins and other thermosets. Potting, transfer molding, COB systems, powder coatings, conformai coatings, adhesives and laminations. Specializing in electrical and electronic applications. Dr. J. C. Spitsbergen, 696 Knollwood Rd., Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417. (201) 848-1444. Box 404-A-l CONSULTANT-COSMETICS/TOILETRIES/OTC PHARMACEUTICALS: Experienced in all phases of product development for NEW, IMPROVED and /or PROBLEM PRODUCTS for skin, hair care and fragrance lines. Former Director of Applied Technology for Cheesebrough-Pond's, Inc. Can guide you from idea creation manufacturing. Tranner Technologies, POB 124, Trumbull, CT06611. Phone/Fax (203) 3758744. Box 412-C-4

CONSULTANT: Drug abuse toxicology, workplace and forensic drug testing. 30 yrs. experience. Expert witness qualified in more than 300 cases, hearings. Fellow, American Academy of Forensic Sciences, member, ACS, AACC, SOFT. Morris A. Chedekel, 4 Tailor Ln., Levittown, NY 11756. (516) 579-5567. Box 414-E-5

DIRECTORY SECTION This section includes: CHEMICALS EXCHANGE—Chemicals, Resins, G u m s , Oils, Waxes, Pigments, etc.: EQUIPMENT MART—New and Used Equipment, Instruments; Facilities for plant and Laboratory: TECHNICAL SERVICES—Consultants; Engineering, Testing, Professional Services. Advertising Rates: Space rate is $440 per inch. Lower rates available on contract basis. An "inch" advertisement measures % " deep on one column. Additional space in even lineal inch units. Maximum space—4" per Directory per issue. Set ads due 21 days in advance of publications; plated ads, 17 days. Centcom Ltd., 1599 Post Road East, P.O. Box 231, Westport, CT 06881-0231 Geri Anastasia 203-256-8211.


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POLYMERIZATION PROCESS/CONSULTANT: Chem. Eng. with extensive successful experience in polymerization process with a major company. Skilled in pilot plant design, scale up from bench scale to pilot plant. Experienced in polymerization process development and catalyst research. 20 U.S. patents. NO AGENCIES PLEASE. Telephone (908) 233-1060. Box 406-D-l


JUNE 13,1994 C&EN

Deaths. JAIME MAZAR BARNETT, 80, an official of the Asociacion Quimica Argentina (AQA), died Oct. 25,1993, in Buenos Aires. Barnett was responsible for the association's international relations as well as for other programs. After receiving a bachelor's degree in chemistry in 1937 from the University of Buenos Aires, Barnett continued at that institution, receiving a doctorate in 1942. He joined Ducilo S.A., now DuPont Argentina S.A., in 1937 and remained with the company until his retirement in 1973. As a DuPont employee, Barnett held important positions assisting in the manufacture of rayon, nylon, cellophane, and Freon refrigerant. He was engaged in new product development and for many years served as technical liaison between DuPont USA and DuPont Argentina. Barnett was a professor of inorganic chemistry at the Otto Krause Industrial School (1947-53), president of AQA's industrial chemistry division (1965), director of the publication Industrie, y Quîmica (1960-93), and coordinator of international relations involving AQA with the American Chemical Society and with the International Union of Pure & Applied Chemistry (1979-93). Barnett directed AQA's on-line consulting center for technology information (1970-93) and the AQA-ACS documentation computer service. Barnett was an active member of ACS and IUPAC as well as a founding member of the Latin American Petrochemical Association. Joined ACS in 1961; emeritus member.


TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT: All aspects, incl. technology transfer/deployment/sourcing, industry/government/academia collaborations and strategic partnering, technical service, TQM in technology, integration of technology and corporate strategy, multinational experience, multilingual. Eugene Y. Weissman, Ph.D., P.E., 4119 N.E. 142nd St., Seattle, WA, 98125. Tel/FAX (206) 361-9986. Box 413-C-4



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CLARENCE P. BERG, 93, professor emeritus of biochemistry at the University of Iowa, died in Iowa City on May 3. Berg received an A.B. degree in chemistry from Augustana College, Rock Island, HI., in 1924, and a Ph.D. degree in biochemistry from the University of Illinois in 1929, working with W. C. Rose. While at Illinois, he developed an interest in the preparation, racemization, resolution, and nutritional significance of Land D-amino acids. He joined the faculty of the University of Iowa as an instructor in 1929 and became professor of biochemistry in 1945. Except for the summers of 1948 and 1968, and the spring of 1970, which were spent teaching at other universities, Iowa City remained Berg's home from 1929 until his death. The introductory course in biochemistry he taught inspired generations of students. Between 1934 and 1960, 31 students completed their Ph.D. work in his lab studying the nutritional significance of amino acids as determined by growth and

PEOPLE nitrogen balance and from excretion analy- fessor of biomathematical sciences at ses and tests with tissues, homogenates, and Mount Sinai School of Medicine, an apenzyme preparations. pointment he had held since 1988. He had Berg was a member of the board of edi- previously been at Cornell University and tors for the Proceedings of the Society for Exper-Rockefeller University. imental Biology & Medicine (1946-51) and was Némethy made many contributions to on the editorial board of the Journal of Nutri- understanding protein structure and activition (1956-60). He served as assistant editor ty. He developed the concept of allosteric inof the metabolism section of Biological Ab- teractions, where the binding of one molestracts (1934-69). From 1964 to 1968, he was cule by a protein alters its structure and diairman of the Subcommittee on Amino thereby changes its ability to bind other molAcids, Division of Chemistry & Chemical ecules. He also made major contributions to Technology, of the National Academy of understanding of the effect of water's strucSciences' National Research Council. During ture on protein structure. He participated in this time, the section on amino acids of the the original development of the methodolo"Specifications & Criteria for Biochemical gy to compute protein structures. His work Compounds" was completely revised. has illuminated the molecular events underBerg retired from active teaching in 1968, lying many important biochemical phenomthough he would continued to publish for ena, including catalysis, signal transduction, the next eight years. His honors include the and membrane transport. 15th Iowa Award of the ACS Iowa Section Némethy was born in Budapest, Hunga(1963) and election as a fellow of the Ameri- ry. His family escaped to the West in 1951, can Institute of Nutrition (1974). Joined ACS during the harshest years of the Stalinist rein 1929; emeritus member. pression, and settled in New York City. He was educated at Lincoln University and GEORGE NÉMETHY, 59, an educator Cornell University. Joined ACS in 1959. and scientist who played a central role in developing methods to analyze and pre- JAMES M. PAPPENHAGEN, 68, professor dict the structures of protein molecules, emeritus of chemistry at Kenyon College, died of cancer May 18. Némethy was pro- Gambier, Ohio, died of cancer April 13. P a p

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Geri Anastasia

penhagen served in the infantry in World War Π, earning a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star. He graduated from Mount Union Col­ lege, Alliance, Ohio, in 1949 and went on to receive a master's degree and a PhD. degree in analytical chemistry from Purdue Univer­ sity, West Lafayette, Ind. Pappenhagen joined the Kenyon faculty in 1952 as an as­ sistant professor. He was promoted to asso­ ciate professor in 1957 and to professor in 1962. The analysis of ions in wastes and wa­ ter constituted his primary area of research. Pappenhagen's research activities were sponsored by the Department of the Interior, the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Institutes of Health, and the Public Health Service, among others. His publica­ tions included articles in Analytical Chemistry and many book reviews. After retiring from the Kenyon faculty in 1989, he served as di­ rector of hazardous materials management for the college. Pappenhagen was awarded an honorary doctor of science degree from Kenyon in 1989. He was a member of ACS; the Ameri­ can Association for the Advancement of Sci­ ence; the American Water Works Associa­ tion; and the Sigma Xi, Psi Kappa Omega, and Phi Lambda Upsilon honor societies. Joined ACS in 1948; emeritus member. •

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JUNE 13,1994 C&EN 55