Dec., 1918 THE JOURiVAL OF INDUSTRIAL A ... - ACS Publications

SOCIETY led the way in a prompt tender to the Gov- ernment of a wealth of .... than a warm-hearted presentation of the righteous claims of these orpha...
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Dec., 1918




A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY As a Nation we have just expressed on Thanksgiving A t t h e outbreak of t h e war the AMERICAN CHEMICAL D a y our gratitude t h a t peace has been justly restored SOCIETY led t h e way i n a p r o m p t tender t o t h e Government of a wealth of information, through t h e census t o a war-torn world. Again we approach t h a t n a t a l of chemists a n d their qualifications, compiled i n co- d a y whose century-old maxim is “Peace on e a r t h , good operation with t h e U. s. Bureau of Mines, which will toward men.” Shall these expressions of t h a n k has proved of inestimable value. Xow i t is incumbent fulness a n d good will stop with mere lip service? We upon this great organization of American chemists never wish i t so, b u t often know not where t o t u r n t o t o d o its p a r t i n t h e reestablishment of normal con- find t h a t h u m a n objective which will give t o our ditions. With this i n view, there has been called a sentiments t h e glorifying touch of personal applicameeting of t h e Council of t h e Society a t New York tion. On page 1024 of this issue Secretary Parsons C i t y on December 14, 1918, which will doubtless prove outlines t h e work of t h e American Ouvroir Funds, t h e most i m p o r t a n t i n t h e history of t h a t body. T h e which is seeking t h e “adoption” of those French Secretary’s notice of t h e meeting contains t h e follow- orphans whose fathers were technical men, graduates of l’ficole Polytechnique who have fallen a t t h e front. ing salient paragraphs: The Advisory Committee of the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY T h e plan is so direct, so practical, a n d so filled with has requested President Nichols to call a meeting of the Council t h e h u m a n touch t h a t i t will grip t h e heart-strings of at as early a date as practicable, in order that the Council may all who give i t even a cursory reading. carefully consider the whole question of the Society’s opportunity T h e AUERICANCHEUICAL SOCIETYhas been asked and duty in regard to the reconstruction of conditions chemical CHEMICAL to lend its aid i n securing as m a n y as possible of these which al-e to follow after the war. The AMERICAN SOCIETY has had an influence, fully admitted by all, during the war; and now that the war is over and peace is in sight other “adoptions,” which may be undertaken either b y ingreat problems are before us in the solution of which the Society dividuals or b y groups. We are now in t h e midst of can again serve our country. meetings of o u r local sections held for discussing Accordingly, you are all asked to discuss these problems constructive plans for t h e new period in t h e world’s with the other chemists of your local section, or with anyone whose ideas are worth while, and t o come to the meeting of the history into which we are a b o u t t o enter. Could a n y Council in New York prepared t o present and elucidate your more fitting prelude t o these discussions be found views. You are requested particularly to have a meeting of your local section called i n advance of the Council meeting and t h a n a warm-hearted presentation of t h e righteous to take up there with the members the general problem in order claims of these orphans; could a n y nobler record a p that the full force of the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY may be pear upon t h e minutes of a n y local section t h a n t h e felt in this matter. s t a t e m e n t of t h e number of these orphans “adopted” You will find an interesting article by Dr. B. C. Hesse in the November issue of the Journal of Industrial and Engineering b y t h e section or b y its individual members? We Chemistry which you should read. If possible, send to me in writing any ideas which may be evolved, to reach this office on would waive all precedent, all by-law requirements, a n d suggest t h a t t h e first i t e m of business at t h e imor before December IO, in order that they may be brought before the Directors of the Society to be duly formulated with p o r t a n t meeting of t h e Councilon December 14, 1918,b e others in advance of the Council meeting. reports from t h e Councilors of t h e number of orphans Large problems loom before us which must be con- “adopted.” sidered from t h e new viewpoint which a world freed Six “adoptions” b y members of t h e Society have from t h e scourge of Teutonic ideas presents. N o already been recorded. M a y t h e number increase one m a n or small group of men is qualified t o decide tenfold within t h e month! such matters. Decision must be based upon a thorW h a t do we not owe t o France, who for four years ough knowledge of t h e views of all chemists, presented stood a t t h e gateway of civilization a n d with all her a n d discussed where common counsel can be deliber- resources, h u m a n a n d material, kept back t h e marauder? ately t a k e n a n d policies carefully formulated. Silent i n her great losses a n d suffering, cheerful in N u c h material for discassion should be furnished even t h e gloomiest days, determined in every fiber i n t h e suggestions received b y t h e Philadelphia Sec- of her national being, she s t a n d s t r i u m p h a n t at last. tion in response t o their effective action following Dr. Problems of reconstruction now confront her, a n d in Hesse’s address, “Preparation for After t h e W a r , ” at least one of these, t h e care of her orphans, it is our published i n our last issue. I t should be borne i n great privilege t o share. Perhaps t h e little Jeans mind, however, t h a t at t h a t Council meeting a n y and Maries of to-day may prove t o be t h e ties of strength subject which bears upon t h e welfare of this country which will bind France a n d Arne.-ica i n closer union through chemistry is i n order for discussion. N o w t h a n could be possible through diplomatic scroll or is t h e time, therefore, for meetings of local sections, at statesmen’s strivings. which every phase of this subject should be canvassed, AN EXPERIMENT IN PUBLICITY insuring t h u s t h a t t h e gathering i n Kew York City on December 14 will be thoroughly representative, Another experiment in chemistry has been in prognot simply of t h e personnel, b u t of t h e views of t h e ress, a n d t h e results are indeed interesting. membership of t h e Society. A t t h e April 1918 meeting t h e Directors of t h e I n t h i s connection i t should be noted t h a t t h e Ad- Society appropriated $ 2 5 0 0 for a revival a n d con\-isory Committee meets i n t h e early p a r t of each tinuance of publicity work during this year. Admonth, a n d t h a t t h e committee would gladly wel- mittedly this appropriation was in t h e nature of a n come a t a n y t i m e suggestions from local sections, experiment, undertaken because of t h e belief t h a t a more sympathetic bond should be established between councilors, or individuals.