Dec., 1g11

does it have any action on the blood. 1. Wesener and Teller, THIS JOURNAL, 1, 700 (1909). 2. Ladd and Bassett, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 6, 75 ...
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the presence of free acids, it is not inhibited b y the presence of relatively large quantities of nitrites, nor is its action restrained on the proteid which has been previously subjected t o appreciable quantities of nitrous and nitric acids. N o experiments b y the several writers on this subject have demonstrattd the presence in commercially bleached flour of either mineral nitrite, nitrous or nitric acids. The nitrite-reacting material of flour, as far as we have been able t o determine, is entirely due t o the direct union of the coloring matter and the nitrogen oxide. Vaughan has shown t h a t the substance which gives the nitrite-reacting material and which responds t o Liebermann’s nitroso reaction is not poisonous nor does i t have any action on the blood. 1 . Wesener and Teller, THISJOURNAL, 1, 700 (1909). 2. Ladd and Bassett, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 6 , 7 5 (1909). 3. United States Government v s . Lexington Mill and Elevator Company, United States District Court, Kansas City, Mo., June, 1910. 4. Wesener and Teller. American Food Journal, Sept. 15. 1907. Testimony given before Judge Pollock, State Court, North Dakota, October, 1908.

5. Halliburton, Journal o f Hygiene, 9, 2 (1909). 6. Mann, Testimony before Commissioner, Notice of Judgment No. 382, Food and Drugs Act., U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1910, and brought out b y him in testimony at Kansas City trial. 7 . Hale, Bull. 68, Hygienic Laboratory, Treasury Department, Washington. 191 0 . 8 . Rockwood. Journal of Biological Chemisiry, 8 , No.4, October, 1910. 9. Haines. Animal experiments testified to in North Dakota and Kansas City trials. 10. Wilcox and Luff, Flour Oxidizing Company, owners of the Andrews patents, v s . J. and R . Hutchinson, England. 1 1 . Hale, Bull. 68, Hygienic Laboratory, Treasury Department, Washington, 1910, p. 15. 12. Vaughan, Private communication t o us giving summary of his experiments, with permission t o publish. RESEARCH DEPARTMENT, THE COLUMBUS LABORATORIES, CHICAGO.


The digestive ferments have many characteristics peculiar, for the most part, solely to themselves. PEPSIN.

These various characteristics are well illustrated b y the enzyme pepsin, and to explain I wish t o present the following experiment. As is well known the U. S. P. test for pepsin reads as follows: “Im.I

i ,



N.umber 1 Number 1 Number 1 Number 1 Number 2 Number 2 Number 2

1 :

1 : 1 : 1 : I : 1 : 1 :

3,000 3,250 3,500 4.000 10,000 8,000 6,000

April 3rd 2 days.

April 4th. 3 days.

0 . 8 ~ ~ .1 . 0 cc. 1 : 3,250 1 1 / 4 cc. 3 . 0 cc.


2 ’ / * CC. ’/IO CC.


0 . 5 cc. 0 . 6 cc. 0.9 cc. 21/*






merse a hen’s egg, which should be fresh, etc.” Certainly this wording seems sufficiently simple, plain and explicit, but in reality it becomes evident to any one conducting a long series of tests, that the words “fresh eggs” are decidedly loose and inaccurate. The “fresh egg” of the housekeeper and epicure may successfully pass the test of a sensitive palate and yet prove unsuited for the purpose here, This then halts us a t the beginning of our ertperiment t o ask “what constitutes a fresh egg, and do all fresh eggs give concordant results ? ” To answer this question I collected 2 1 eggs from a number of chickens. The eggs had all been laid on the same day and the chickens all belonged t o one man and had been kept under the same conditions for months. With these eggs, I tested two samples of pepsin, one marked I : 3000 and the other I : 10,000,starting the test on the second day after the eggs had been laid and continuing every following day up to and including the Ioth, with the following results. The tests clearly demonstrate the fact t h a t a n egg may be fresh and give an assay which varies from one to two thousand units. One chemist working with eggs two days old would assign a digestive activity to a sample of pepsin from one t o two thousand units lower than another chemist working under exactly similar conditions, but using eggs which were five t o six days old. I should, therefore, like to suggest t h a t when chemists are assaying pepsin that they satisfy themselves as to the age of the eggs which they are using before proceeding with the test. Eggs, however, do not always give the highest result between the 5th and 7th day, but it is safe t o say that on an average, eggs which are between 5 t o 7 days old give the maximum activity t o a sample of pepsin. The effect of the age of the egg is particularly noticeable in the case of the I : 10,000 pepsin where the residue on the 2nd day eggs was 3 cc. and on the 5th day had decreased t o of one cc., and after the j t h day the residue started t o increase until on the 10th day it was the same as on the 2nd day. . The above experiment illustrates how sensitive the pepsin is to the nature of the albuminoid upon which it is acting. To show how reactive it is to environment it is interesting to note that the activity of pepsin is not only inhibited in neutral solution, but in proceeding t o the alkaline reaction the pepsin is soon destroyed, and even in an acid menstruum in which the pepsin normally is most active, a difference of 0 . 0 2 5 per cent.


April 5th. 4 days.



1 : 3,500


0 . 3 cc. 0 . 4 ~ ~ . 0 . 7 cc. 1 : 3,500+


11/2 CC.

7000f 6/10

cc. cc.





April 6th 5 days.

0 . 3 cc. 0 . 4 cc. 0 . 6 cc. 8/10 4/10


cc. cc. cc.



1 : 4,000

1 : 10,000


April 7th. 6 days.


0 . 4 cc.

0 . 6 cc. 1 . 0 cc. 8/1” cc. 8/lo cc. 3/10 cc.


April 8th. 7 days.

0 . 6 ~ ~ . 1.Occ.

4,000 1 : 10,000 1 :



1’/* cc. 2 cc.+ 1 cc. 4/10 cc.


1 : 3,500





T H E J O U R N A L O F ’ I N D U S T R I A L A N D ENGINEERING C H E M I S T R Y . acid more or less than 0.309per cent. shows a variation in the amount of albumen digested, and 0.05 per cent. more or less acid will show a difference of 3 cc. in the residue. Some chemists who have observed the variations in the assay of this enzyme have sought a remedy in the use of dried egg albumen, but if the albumen in the moist stage gives such wide variations when used for assay, the dried albumen must of necessity do the same. I should, therefore, recommend t h a t each individual adopt a standard pepsin which has been assayed b y eggs of different age, and then check all future samples against said standard. PANCREATIN.

Another enzyme showing the same peculiar characteristics as pepsin is pancreatin. Pancreatin is a combination of trypsin, amylopsin and steapsin, together with myopsin and more or less extraneous matter. The Pharwacopoeia gives two assays for this preparation, one of which measures its proteolytic or tryptic strength a n d the other its amylojytic or starch hydrolyzing power. The milk or trypsin test has not proven satisfactory in my hands and I consider the test too rigid. The difficulty seems t o be in what is meant b y the wording “some nitric acid,” also as of what a “coagulation” consists, and where coagulation ceases and separation and precipitation commence. Inasmuch as pancreatin, if taken internally, is used for its starch hydrolyzing power, and its tryptic enzyme would be killed in passing through the stomach, most manufacturers to-day do not apply the milk test a t all. The tryptic strength can be of value only in the preparation of pre;digested foods. The other assay which measures the amylolytic strength gives very satisfactory and concordant results, but amylopsin, and in fact, all diastatic enzymes do not react the same upon all kinds of starch. Although cornstarch is official, it is interesting t o note t h a t many manufacturers use potato starch in assaying diastasic ferments, and a great variation exists in the strength of a diastase when stated in terms of potato starch or cornstarch. To be brief, I should say that pancreatic diastase shows more activity when tested upon potato starch than when tested upon cornstarch, or t o state i t in andther way-a pancreatin which tests I : 5 0 in I O minutes on potato starch would require 15 minutes when tested upon cornstarch under identical conditions. The great variation in gauging the color of the digested starch solution when added t o the iodine can be prevented b y all‘chemists checking the digestion until 4 drops of the digested starch solution cease t o give any color whatever when added t o the iodine solution. A third test for pancreatin which is not official, b u t which I have used with good success, measures the strength of the steapsin or the fat-splitting enzyme present. The test is as follows: Weigh out 5 grams of a 5 0 per cent. emulsion of almond oil into a small Erlenmeyer flask, add 2 5 cc. of a solution of sodium bicarbonate ( 2 0 grams t o

Dec., 1911

8 ounces) (I gram t o 182 cc.). Mix thoroughly, place the flask in a water bath a t 40’ C. and let stand until the mixture is exactly 40’ C., then add 0.1 gram ferment. Mix a second time, replace in the water bath and maintain a t 40’ C. for I/, hour, gently inverting the flask every 5 minutes. At the end of 30 minutes’ digestion, remove the flask from the water bath, transfer the contents to a beaker, heat t o boiling and titrate the alkalinity with N / I O H,SO, using phenolphthalein as a n indicator. Run a blank a t the same time. The difference between the alkalinity of the blank and the alkalinity of the sample t o which the ferment was added represents the sodium bicarbonate neutralized b y the free fatty acid liberated b y the action of the steapsin. RENNET.

The third important animal enzyme showing the peculiarities of these digestive ferments is rennet and the standard rennet on the market to-day is what is labeled as I : 30,000,which means that, assuming a standard milk gallon a s weighing 60,000 grains, one grain of rennin will curdle I/, gallon of milk (or 30,000 grains) in I O t o 1 2 minutes. This enzyme shows its selective characteristics as t o the nature of proteid, temperature and reaction of media, and results sometimes vary when’ different samples of milk are used from different cows, but I have found t h a t with the following method of procedure very concordant results are obtained. I n selecting the milk t o be used I stipulate fresh milk and request t h a t it has not been pasteurized or heated in any way. Two quarts of this milk are heated t o 40° C. and t o this is added I O cc. of a solution of rennin containing 0.4843 gram in 150 cc. water. I never stir the milk, b u t mix the rennin b y pouring from one receptacle to another. The time of mixing is noted and a t ‘/,-minute intervals thereafter the milk is gently tipped to one side. By this means coagulation can be detected the moment it commences, and a t the congealing point the milk should separate into a solid casein mass and liquid whey. I find t h a t the best commercial samples congeal in I O t o 1 2 minutes. PAPAIN A N D BROMELIN.

As in the animal kingdom we have juices whose specific function is to tear asunder the food material t o make it available for the needs of the body, so in the plant kingdom we find analogous enzymes whose function is exactly the same, that is, t o render the plant’s food assimilable. Most important among these enzymes which man has appropriated t o his use are bromelin and papain. Bromelin occurs in the juice of the pineapple, a n d papain the fruit of the paw-paw, a tree growing in the tropical countries of the Bahamas and the West Indies. The paw-paw tree attains its full bearing capacity. in a year. It produces from 40 t o 5 0 paw-paws of a dark green color, ripening t o a deep yellow. The shape and general appearance of the paw-paw fruit is very similar t o a squash. I n collecting the papain

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T H E J O U R N A L OF I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y .

a very light superficial incision, not over I / 8 of a n inch in depth, is made in the fruit from which exudes a clear water-like juice, which on exposure t o air becomes opaque. The milky fluid will run for a short time, but soon coagulates; when this takes place the coagulated juice is brushed off and a fresh incision made, thus producing another but smaller yield of juice. The scorings are thus made about inch apart all around the fruit and the tappings are usually made just previous t o ripening. The juice must be collected in porcelain-lined receptacles as i t is very corrosive and would not only injure metal containers, but the use of such would injure the appearance and qualities of the papain. The peculiar property of this enzyme is its solvent action. for raw beef and the natives knowing this property have utilized it t o their advantage. Even the leaves of the tree contain the enzyme and these foreigners have long been known to wrap a tough piece of meat in the leaves when, after a number of hours’ contact, the meat becomes quite tender. Knowing its solvent action upon raw proteid led me t o consider meat as a means of standardization of the enzyme, and to be assured t h a t I was working with the pure product I experimented with the fruit itself. Several large paw-paws were prepared as follows : The green rind was first pared off, .then the pulp was sliced into halves representing the inner a n d outer pulp respectively, and the seeds were collected. The juice was then expressed from these three different parts of the fruit, and the following test was then made upon these different juices. Amt. acid Amount 0.3 per juice. cent.HC1 Cc. Cc. 10 75 cc. 10 none 10 none 10 75 cc. 10 none 10 none 10 75 cc. 10 none 10 none

Amt. water. none 75 cc. none none 75 cc. none none 75 cc. none

Amount 0.1 per cent. NaHCOs. none none 75cc. none none 75 cc. none none 75 cc.


Part Amt. of plant beef. employed. Gms. juice 10 10 outer pulp outer pulp 10 inner pulp 10 10 inner pulp innerpulp 10 seeds 10 seeds 10 seeds 10.

Time of digestion. Hrs. 6 6 6 6


6 6 6 6

Residue. cc. 12 27 35

16 30 40

19 29 40

The test clearly illustrates two facts: First: That in an acid solution the papain is the most active, the neutral media ranking second, and the alkaline third: Second: That the enzyme of the juice of the outer pulp was much more active than that of the inner pulp or the seeds., Upon the strength of the above test I herewith submit the test in full as applied upon papain. Pass a quantity of round steak, which has been freed from all fat and gristle, through a meat chopper using the finest knife. Of this ground proteid carefully weigh I O grams into a six-ounce bottle, weigh carefully 0.325 gram papain and brush into the bottle. Then add 85 cc. of 0.3 per cent. HC1, stopper the bottle,


mix well so as to break up the chopped meat, place the bottle in a water bath a t 5 2 ’ C. and maintain a t this temperature for 6 hours, gently inverting the bottle every I O minutes. At the end of six hours’ digestion remove the bottle from the bath and pour the contents into a graduated settling tube. Let stand 3 / , of an hour and then read the amount of undigested proteid left which should not measure over 2 cc. A papain which meets this test is.reported as possessing a n activity of I : .30 in 6 hours. Some manufacturers claim that the test should be conducted in a n alkaline media and that egg albumen should be used instead of raw beef; but to m e this seems as absurd as t o claim t h a t pepsin should te tested upon starch in an alkallne media. T h e vegetable enzymes show the same selective peculiarities as do the animal enzymes, and the fact that the juice from the fruit shows its maximum activity in a o 3 per cent. hydrochloric acid solution acting upon raw beef leads me t o recommend this test as best suited for the assay of either bromelin or papain. CONCLUSIOKS.

To summarize, then, these digestive enzymes require more than that ordinary skill and experience in their assay. We have seen b y the foregoing: First: That the composition of the white of the egg, chemically and probably even physically, when used for the assay of pepsin, has a great bearing upon the apparent strength of this ferment. The albumen seems to be more difficult t o digest the first twentyfour hours after the egg is laid and a change gradually takes place until after about five to seven days it has reached its maximum solvent condition. After this period its digestibility gradually diminishes. Second: In the assay of pancreatin for starch hydrolysis, as well as all the diastasic ferments, the kind of starch used is of prime importance and in stating the strength of each it should be in terms of the particular starch employed. Third: The papain seems t o be equally active on any kind of raw beef when acting in a n acid media, but if the character of the beef is changed as, for in-, stance, b y cooking, papain loses its solvent action upon the proteid; and Fourth: Rennet is influenced, in testing its coagulating power, b y The condition of the milk, its chemical composition such as the presence and quantities of inorganic salts, particularly those of calcium, The manner of mixing the rennet with the milk; The brand of cows from which the milk is taken; and lastly . The temperature a t which the milk was kept before using and during the test. LABORATORY OF T H E R A Y CHEMICAL COMPANY, DETROIT.