Dechlorinated Analogues of Dechlorane Plus - Environmental Science

Apr 16, 2018 - Allison L Brazeau , Miren Pena Abaurrea , Li Shen , Nicole Riddell , Eric J Reiner , Alan J. Lough , Robert McCrindle , and Brock Chitt...
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Characterization of Natural and Affected Environments

Dechlorinated Analogues of Dechlorane Plus Allison L Brazeau, Miren Pena Abaurrea, Li Shen, Nicole Riddell, Eric J Reiner, Alan J. Lough, Robert McCrindle, and Brock Chittim Environ. Sci. Technol., Just Accepted Manuscript • DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.8b00545 • Publication Date (Web): 16 Apr 2018 Downloaded from on April 17, 2018

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Environmental Science & Technology


Dechlorinated Analogues of Dechlorane Plus


Allison L. Brazeau,*,† Miren Pena-Abaurrea,§,ǁ,‡ Li Shen, ǁ Nicole Riddell,† Eric J. Reiner,§,ǁ Alan


J. Lough,§ Robert McCrindle,†,♯ Brock Chittim†




6 7 8


Wellington Laboratories Inc., Research Division, Guelph, ON, Canada, N1G 3M5

Department of Chemistry, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, M5S 3H6

Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change, Toronto, ON, Canada, M9P 3V6 ‡

Department of Analysis, CEPSA Research Center, Alcala de Henares, 28805, Spain ♯

Department of Chemistry, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada, N1G 2W1





Degradation products of the chlorinated additive flame retardant Dechlorane Plus (DP) have


been discovered globally. However, the identity of many of these species remains unknown due


to a lack of available analytical standards, hindering the ability to quantitatively measure the


amounts of these compounds in the environment. In the present study, synthetic routes to


possible dechlorinated DP derivatives were investigated in an effort to identify the


environmentally significant degradation products. The methano-bridge chlorines of anti- and


syn-DP were selectively replaced by hydrogen atoms to give six new hydrodechlorinated DP


analogues. The identity and absolute configuration of all of these compounds were confirmed by


GC-MS, NMR spectroscopy, and x-ray diffraction studies. These compounds were observed in

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sediment samples from streams and rivers in relatively rural areas of Ontario and are thus


environmentally relevant.




Dechlorane Plus (DP, C18H12Cl12) is the product of a Diels–Alder cycloaddition of 1,5-


cyclooctadiene (1,5-COD) with two equivalents of hexachlorocyclopentadiene (HCCP). It has


been manufactured since the 1960’s in the USA by OxyChem (Niagara Falls, NY)1 and more


recently (2003) in Huai’an, China by Jiangsu Anpon Electrochemical Company.2


synthesized as an isomeric mixture of anti- and syn-DP with an approximate 3:1 anti:syn ratio.3


It is distributed globally as a highly chlorinated additive flame retardant and has been


incorporated into materials with uses spanning a variety of industries, for example: plastic


roofing in construction; industrial polymers used for coating electrical wires and cables; and, in


hardware connectors for computers.3 DP has been frequently detected in environmental samples


world-wide and is a growing environmental concern.

DP is


Dechlorane Plus was first reported in the environment in 2006 by Hoh et al. when it was


detected in air, fish, and sediment samples in the Great Lakes region.1 Since this initial report,


the halogenated flame retardant has been reported in many other areas and matrices.3-18 A large


number of studies have been conducted in regions of China where electronic waste recycling is


prevalent. Many of these facilities use primitive methods without taking appropriate safety


measures or ensuring proper ventilation causing workers and local residents to be exposed to


DP.2,4,19 Such studies have identified the presence of DP in human serum19,20 and hair,10 indoor


dust,10 fish,21 breast milk,20 and even reported prenatal DP exposure by transplacental transfer.11


Disturbingly, DP has also been detected in air, seawater and biota in remote regions of the Artic,


speaking to its susceptibilities for long-range atmospheric transport.17,18,22

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Dechlorinated DP species were first discovered in the environment in 2008 by Sverko et al.23


Since then, DP derivatives with fewer than twelve chlorines have been observed worldwide in


air,24 sediments,23,25-27 sewage sludge,7,28 seawater,17 marine6,8,9,12,21,29,30 and terrestrial15,31,32


biota, bird eggs,15,33 human serum19,34 and hair,10,34 placental tissue,11 breast milk,20 and dust.10,35


The ubiquitous presence of these related compounds in environmental samples is troubling given


that research has shown some degradation products to be more toxic than a parent compound, as


is the case for the hydrodechlorinated analogues of the chlorinated pesticides aldrin and mirex.36


Halogenated compounds may sustain physical, chemical, biological, or photochemical


degradation leading to dehalogenated derivatives.37


dechlorinated DP derivatives in animals (marine or terrestrial) has been that they were not the


result of metabolism, but were likely already present in the environment prior to uptake.6,8-




significantly higher ratios of anti-endo-Cl11-DP (aCl11DP) in the liver compared to muscle


tissues, suggesting hepatic dechlorination of anti-DP.21


synthesized industrially by the Diels–Alder cycloaddition of HCCP with 1,5-COD, and therefore,


any pentachloro- or tetrachloro- impurities in the HCCP reagent could result in contamination of


DP with derivatives containing fewer than 12 chlorines. Photodegradation of DP has been


investigated in the literature by three different research groups, each using different wavelengths,


solvents, concentrations, and lamp power.23,35,38


observed in all cases but the common conclusion was that exposure to UV light does cause


dechlorination of DP. A hydrodechlorination decomposition route has also been confirmed to


occur by anaerobic digestion of DP in sewage sludge.28 Dechlorination by microbes under


anaerobic conditions has also been observed for other chlorinated hydrocarbons such as dieldrin,

The general concensus on finding

One exception to this trend has been reported for the northern snakehead, which had

As previously mentioned, DP is

Not surprisingly, different results were

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endrin, aldrin, isodrin, heptachlor, mirex, toxaphene, lindane, and DDT.39-46 Identification of the


dechlorinated species will be vital to studying, monitoring, and understanding DP’s


environmental fate.


In this context, we report on the identification and thorough characterization of six formerly


unknown dechlorinated analogues of DP. Our studies have allowed us to ascertain the identity of


dechlorinated (Cl10 and Cl11) DP compounds that were previously observed in sediment



73 74

Experimental Section


General Synthesis


Compounds 1-6 (see Figure 1) were synthesized at Wellington Laboratories Inc. using


proprietary methods. The compounds were isolated and purified using chromatographic and


recrystallization techniques. Each new compound was analyzed by gas chromatography (GC)


combined with mass spectrometry (MS), proton (1H) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)


spectroscopy, and single crystal x-ray diffraction (XRD) studies. Crystalline materials suitable


for XRD were grown at room temperature by slow diffusion of methanol into concentrated


dichloromethane or toluene solutions of the bulk material. Reference standards aCl11DP and


aCl10DP were previously synthesized by Wellington Laboratories Inc. and are commercially


available as certified reference materials.


Sample Analysis


A purified extract of rural sediment that had shown unknown dechlorinated (Cl11 and Cl10) DP


species by GC×GC-TOF MS26 was chosen as a respresentative environmental sample for


comparison to our six synthesized dechlorinated dechloranes.

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GC-LRMS analysis was performed on a Shimadzu GCMS-QP2010 mass spectrometer


equipped with a 30 m DB-5 capillary column (0.25 mm i.d. × 0.25 µm film thickness; Agilent


J&W GC column, Folsom, CA). A full scan range of 50 – 1000 atomic mass units (amu) was


used in positive ion electron ionization (EI) mode. Splitless injections of 1 µL were made with a


250 °C injector temperature. The initial oven temperature was set to 100 °C with a 5 min hold


time. The temperature was ramped at 10 °C/min to 325 °C and held for 30 min. The source and


quadrupole temperature were set to 230 °C and 150 °C, respectively.


High resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) experiments were carried out using a Waters


AutoSpec PremierTM (Milford, MA) HRMS equipped with an Agilent (Wilmington, DE) 6890N


gas chromatograph using a 15 m DB-5HT column (0.25 mm i.d, 0.10 µm film thickness, J&W


Scientific, Folsom, CA). The temperature program was: 120 °C for 1 min, ramp to 240 °C at 30


°C/min, ramp to 275 °C at 5 °C/min, ramp to 320 °C at 40 °C/min hold for 3 min. The HRMS


system was operated in EI positive mode with electron energy of 40 eV and was tuned to 10 000


resolving power (10% valley definition).



H NMR spectra were collected on a Bruker Avance 400 or 600 MHz spectrometer (400.13 or


600.13 MHz for 1H). Spectra were recorded at room temperature (22 °C) in chloroform-d


(CDCl3) with tetramethylsilane (TMS) added as an internal reference standard (0 ppm). The


number of scans varied between 8 and 16 scans depending on the sample and a delay time of 1


second was used.


Single crystal x-ray diffraction data were collected on a Bruker Kappa APEX-DUO CCD


using Mo Kα radiation (λ = 0.71073 Å) at a temperature of 147(2) K. Structures were solved and


refined using SHELXL-2014/7.

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Results and Discussions


Structure Determination


The terms exo and endo will be employed to define the orientation of the hydrogens on the


bridging carbons of the chlorinated norbornene moieties of the DP analogues.


demonstrates this naming convention.

Chart 1

117 118

Chart 1. Molecular configuration of DP derivatives. Exo (x) and endo (n) positions indicated


on the bridging carbons.

120 121 122

X-ray Diffraction Studies


The solid-state structures of 1-6 (Figure 1) were unequivocally determined by XRD studies.47


This technique provides concrete evidence on the extent and locations of chlorine replacement


by hydrogen. The anti (1-3) and syn (4-6) DP analogues contain a central eight-membered ring


in chair- and boat-type conformations, respectively. A single hydrodechlorination in an exo


position yielded Cl11 compounds 1 and 4.


hydrodechlorinations occur on the two opposite norbornene moieties, producing Cl10 species.


For compounds 3 and 6 the hydrodechlorinations occurred in the x1 and x2 positions, while for 2


and 5 the dechlorination took place at x1 and n2 positions. This was in contrast to the Wellington


Laboratories Cl10 reference standard, aCl10DP, in which protonation exists within a single

Compounds 2, 3, 5 and 6 had single

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norbornene moiety on x1 and n1.48 There are no significant intermolecular interactions and bond


lengths and bond angles were determined as expected (see Supporting Information). Solid-state


structures for aCl11DP49 and aCl10DP48 have been published previously. anti












Figure 1. Solid-state structures of 1-6. Ellipsoids are drawn to 50% probability. Non-essential


hydrogen atoms and solvates are removed for clarity.


NMR Spectroscopy Analysis

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Proton NMR spectroscopy provided corroborating evidence as to the extent and location of


dechlorination (see ESI for detailed descriptions). According to NMR spectroscopy studies on


dechlorinated analogues of dieldrin,50 isodrin,51 and 1,2,3,4,7,7-hexachloro-5-endo-acetoxy-


bicyclo[2.2.1]-2-heptene,52 which all contain the HCCP moiety, a proton in an endo position has


a slightly higher chemical shift than a proton in an exo position of a chlorinated ring in an


otherwise identical structure. The same trend is observed in the case of dechlorinated DP


products (Table 1). A single resonance for exo protons was observed in the 1H NMR spectra of


compounds 1, 3, 4 and 6 as singlets. The singlet for compounds 1 and 4 integrate for one proton,


while those for 3 and 6 integrate for two.


Table 1. 1H NMR spectroscopy chemical shifts (ppm) of DP analogues.

148 149

Substitution Pattern Additional Compound x1 n1 x2 n2 proton(s) 1 anti-DP Cl Cl Cl Cl – § aCl11DP Cl Cl Cl H 4.28 H Cl Cl Cl 4.07 1 H Cl Cl H 4.06, 4.28 2 H Cl H Cl 4.07 3 § aCl10DP Cl Cl H H 2.45, 2.41 1 syn-DP Cl Cl Cl Cl – H Cl Cl Cl 4.12 4 H Cl Cl H 4.12, 4.41 5 H Cl H Cl 4.11 6 § Commercially available reference standards. † Peak for H4 overlaps or is equivalent with H1.

H1 2.86 2.88 2.83 2.83 2.82 2.86 3.01 2.97 2.96 3.00

Proton # in central ring H2/H2′ H3/H3′ 0.86 2.23 0.89 2.26 0.87 2.22 0.89 2.23 0.88 2.19 0.84 2.23 1.50 2.07 1.49 2.05 1.50 2.06 1.48 2.02

H4 2.86† 2.65 2.83† 2.65 2.82† 2.65 3.01† 3.04 2.79 3.00†

150 151

GC/LRMS Analysis


A comparison of the chromatographic behaviour of anti-DP (Cl12), aCl11DP, aCl10DP and the


decomposition compounds (1, 2, 3) was completed (Figure 2).


dechlorinated products have shorter retention times than their parent compound and the exo

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This revealed that the


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protonated species elute faster than their endo counterparts. For example, anti-exo-Cl11-DP (1)


has a lower retention time than anti-endo-Cl11-DP (aCl11DP) with ∆tR = 0.73 min. This trend


remains consistent with double hydrodechlorination where the Cl10 compound with two exo


hydrogens (3) has a shorter retention time than the molecule bearing hydrogen atoms in both an


exo and endo position (2), ∆tR = 0.63 min. An elution order of Cl10 < Cl11 < Cl12 was found,


which indicated that the higher the degree of dechlorination the faster they elute. Reference


standard aCl10DP, with dechlorination on a single norbornene moiety (Cl4 and Cl6 chlorinated


rings), has a shorter retention time compared to the other Cl10 compounds 2 and 3, which are


dechlorinated on two opposite norbornene moieties (Cl5 chlorinated rings).

164 165

Figure 2. Comparison of the gas chromatograms for all anti-DP derivatives: anti-DP (▬),


aCl11DP (▬), 1 (▬), 2 (▬), 3 (▬), and aCl10DP (▬).


Another noticeable trend was that in all cases, the syn-isomers elute prior to the corresponding


anti-isomers (Figure S1). However, co-elution was observed with the syn-isomers, syn-exo-Cl11-

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DP (4) and syn-exo-endo-Cl10-DP (5) while employing the DB-5 column (Figure 3). There is


possibly a fourth dechlorinated syn-DP species if the dechlorination of the syn isomer follows the


same trend as anti-DP. We have yet to successfully synthesize or isolate this elusive species, but


it will be reported in due course.

173 174

Figure 3. Comparison of the gas chromatograms for all syn-DP derivatives: syn-DP (▬), 4 (▬),


5 (▬), and 6 (▬).


The EI mass spectra of the dechlorinated analogues have subtle differences between the Cl11


and Cl10 species. All of the Cl11 and Cl10 (except aCl10DP) compounds exhibit a dominant


pentachlorinated cluster at m/z 238 and a low intensity tetrachlorinated cluster at m/z 203.26


Undecachlorinated DP analogues also show a minor cluster at m/z 272,26 indicative of


hexachlorocyclopentadiene (HCCP).


cluster at m/z 204, and a weak isotope pattern centred at m/z 237.

The EI mass spectrum for aCl10DP has a prominent

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A cluster at m/z 237 10

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corresponds to the fragmentation of a C5Cl6 moiety, while that at m/z 238 originates from a


C5HCl5 unit. However, a cluster at m/z 203 can represent the fragmentation of a C5Cl6 or C5HCl5


moiety to C5HCl4+, while that at m/z 204 exclusively originates from a C5H2Cl4 unit. There are


no discernible differences in the EI mass spectra of the dechlorinated species to distinguish


between anti and syn isomers, or compounds containing exo or endo hydrodechlorination.


DP analogues identified in an environmental sample


A mixture of the synthesized DP analogues was compared to an environmental sample taken


from a stream sediment in a rural area of Ontario (sample 10 in reference 26). This was one of


six rural sediment samples from widely separated regions in Southern Ontario that were


observed, by non-targeted methods, to contain unidentified dechlorinated DP analogues.26


Figure 4 depicts a stacked plot for comparison of relevant channels (m/z 271.8102, 237.8491 and


203.8881) by EI-HRMS for the two samples. It is evident that the two samples have correlating


peaks for the dechlorinated DP products, indicating that the same species are present in both.


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196 197

Figure 4. Stacked plot for relevant masses comparing synthesized DP analogues to those found


in an environmental sample.


Six identified hydrodechlorinated DP species were found in the above representative DP


contaminated sediment sample. However, given that compounds 4 and 5 co-elute there are likely


seven hydrodechlorinated DP species in the environmental sample.


replacement of chlorine at the methylene bridge carbon atom by hydrogen is an environmentally


dominant mechanism of hydrodechlorination. Carbon atoms containing geminal chlorines are


often susceptible to replacement of chlorine by hydrogen. This has been observed in anaerobic


microbial hydrodehalogenation of DP,28 toxaphene,41,43,53


photolysis of aldrin;54 and the reduction by tri-n-butyl tin hydride and AIBN50 or alkoxide


bases51 for aldrin, isodrin, dieldrin and endosulfan.

208 209

This indicates that

mirex45 and dieldrin;42,45 the

The only current commercially available reference standards for dechlorinated DPs are aCl11DP and aCl10DP from Wellington Laboratories.

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Of the articles investigating


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dechlorinated DP products in the literature, most report the occurrence of aCl11DP,6-11,15,17,21,24-




used above does not contain a detectable quantity of aCl10DP, therefore the mechanisms of


producing a C5H2Cl4 versus a C5HCl5 moiety are likely different.

however only a few confirm the presence of aCl10DP.8,15,17,21 The environmental sample


In summary, six new and environmentally relevant dechlorinated DP species have been


synthesized and comprehensively characterized. Hydrodechlorination of the geminal chlorides


on the methylene bridge of DP was found to be a major degradation route in sediment samples.


Identifying these DP degradation products is an important step towards monitoring the fate of


this ubiquitous chemical in the environment.

219 220



Supporting Information. GCs of corresponding syn- and anti-DP isomers, detailed NMR


analysis, stacked plots of 1H NMR spectra for anti- and syn-DP dechlorinated derivatives,


summary of XRD details for 1-6. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at





Corresponding Author


*[email protected]




The authors declare no competing financial interest.



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Wellington Laboratories Inc. gratefully acknowledges the Natural Sciences and Engineering


Research Council of Canada (NSERC) for financial support through an Industrial Research and


Development Fellowship (IRDF) for AB (Application number: 6037-2014-468206).


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236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277

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15. Guerra, P.; Fernie, K.; Jimenez, B.; Pacepavicius, G.; Shen, L.; Reiner, E.; Eljarrat, E.; Barcelo, D.; Alaee, M., Dechlorane Plus and Related Compounds in Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) Eggs from Canada and Spain. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2011, 45 (4), 1284-1290. 16. Klosterhaus, S. L.; Stapleton, H. M.; La Guardia, M. J.; Greig, D. J., Brominated and chlorinated flame retardants in San Francisco Bay sediments and wildlife. Environ. Int. 2012, 47, 56-65. 17. Möller, A.; Xie, Z.; Sturm, R.; Ebinghaus, R., Large-Scale Distribution of Dechlorane Plus in Air and Seawater from the Arctic to Antarctica. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2010, 44 (23), 8977-8982. 18. Wolschke, H.; Meng, X.-Z.; Xie, Z.; Ebinghaus, R.; Cai, M., Novel flame retardants (NFRs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (DLPCBs) in fish, penguin, and skua from King George Island, Antartica. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 2015, 96, 513-518. 19. Ren, G.; Yu, Z.; Ma, S.; Li, H.; Peng, P.; Sheng, G.; Fu, J., Determination of Dechlorane Plus in Serum from Electronics Dismantling Workers in South China. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2009, 43 (24), 9453-9457. 20. Ben, Y.-J.; Li, X.-H.; Yang, Y.-L.; Li, L.; Di, J.-P.; Wang, W.-Y.; Zhou, R.-F.; Xiao, K.; Zheng, M.-Y.; Tian, Y.; Xu, X.-B., Dechlorane Plus and its dechlorinated analogs from an ewaste recycling center in maternal serum and breast milk of women in Wenling, China. Environ. Pollut. 2013, 173, 176-181. 21. Zhang, Y.; Wu, J.-P.; Luo, X.-J.; Wang, J.; Chen, S.-J.; Mai, B.-X., Tissue distribution of Dechlorane Plus and its dechlorinated analogs in contaminated fish: High affinity to the brain for anti-DP. Environ. Pollut. 2011, 159 (12), 3647-3652. 22. Kim, J.-T.; Son, M.-H.; Kang, J.-H.; Kim, J.-H.; Jung, J.-W.; Chang, Y.-S., Occurence of Legacy and New Persistent Organic Pollutants in Avian Tissues from King George Island, Antartica. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2015, 49, 13628-13638. 23. Sverko, E.; Tomy, G. T.; Marvin, C. H.; Zaruk, D.; Reiner, E.; Helm, P. A.; Hill, B.; McCarry, B. E., Dechlorane Plus Levels in Sediment of the Lower Great Lakes. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2008, 42 (2), 361-366. 24. Chen, S.-J.; Tian, M.; Wang, J.; Shi, T.; Luo, Y.; Luo, X.-J.; Mai, B.-X., Dechlorane Plus (DP) in air and plants at an electronic waste (e-waste) site in South China. Environ. Pollut. 2011, 159 (5), 1290-1296. 25. Zhao, Z.; Zhong, G.; Möller, A.; Xie, Z.; Sturm, R.; Ebinghaus, R.; Tang, J.; Zhang, G., Levels and distribution of Dechlorane Plus in coastal sediments of the Yellow Sea, North China. Chemosphere 2011, 83 (7), 984-990. 26. Pena-Abaurrea, M.; Jobst, K. J.; Ruffolo, R.; Shen, L.; McCrindle, R.; Helm, P. A.; Reiner, E. J., Identification of Potential Novel Bioaccumulative and Persistent Chemicals in Sediments from Ontario (Canada) Using Scripting Approaches with GCxGC-TOF MS Analysis. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2014, 48 (16), 9591-9599. 27. Zhou, S. S.; Fu, J.; He, H.; Fu, J. J.; Tang, Q. Z.; Dong, M. F.; Pan, Y. Q.; Li, A.; Liu, W. P.; Zhang, L. M., Spatial distribution and implications to sources of halogenated flame retardants in riverine sediments of Taizhou, an intense e-waste recycling area in eastern China. Chemosphere 2017, 184, 1202-1208. 28. Sverko, E.; McCarry, B.; McCrindle, R.; Brazeau, A.; Pena-Abaurrea, M.; Reiner, E.; Smyth, S. A.; Gill, B.; Tomy, G. T., Evidence for Anaerobic Dechlorination of Dechlorane Plus in Sewage Sludge. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2015 49 (23), 13862-13867.

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