Decomposition of Ozone in Water: Rate of Initiation ... - ACS Publications

supplied by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. (Contract NA79-RACOOl26) and the National Science Foun- dation (Contract OCE-7909249)...
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Environ. Scl. Technol. 1982, 16, 676-681

Printing Office No. 040-000-00337-1. U.S.Environmental Protection Agency-Region 11, Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Hudson River PCB Demonstration Reclamation Project, May 1981. Fed. Regist. 1976, 41, 7552. Choi, P. S. K.; Nack, H.; Flinn, J. E. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 1974, 1 1 , 12-7. Law, L. M.; Goerlitz, D. F. Pestic. Monitor. J. 1974,8,33-6. Carey, k E.; Gower,J. A.; Tai, H.; Mitchell, W. G.; Wiersma, G. B. Pestic. Monitor. J. 1979, 12, 209-29.

Carey, A. E.; Douglas, P.; Tai, H.; Mitchell, W. G.; Wiersma,

G. B. Pestic. Monitor. J. 1979, 13, 17-22. Received for review November 11,1981. Accepted May 19,1982. LDGO Contribution No. 3356. Support for this research was supplied by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Contract NA79-RACOOl26) and the National Science Foundation (Contract OCE-7909249). Additional support was provided by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (Contract NYS-C-125638) to implement Section 3 of an agreement between the DEC and the General Electric Co. related to the discharge of PCBs into the Hudson River.

Decomposition of Ozone in Water: Rate of Initiation by Hydroxide Ions and Hydrogen Peroxide Johannes Staehelln and Jurg HolgnQ” Federal Institute for Water Resources and Water Pollution Control (EAWAG), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, CH-8600 Dubendorf, Switzerland

The initiation of ozone decomposition in “pure water” is first order in O3 and OH- concentration and k03,0Hbecomes 70 f 7 M-l s-l when a sequence of reactions is assumed by which three molecules of O3 are eliminated per primary event. The difference between this value and higher values reported in the earlier literature may be explained by interferences by radical chain reactions which have not been totally inhibited in those studies. H202also reacts with O3 when present as an anion, H02-. k03,HOzis (2.8 f 0.5) X lo6 M-l s-l when it is assumed that two molecules of O3 are eliminated per primary event. Therefore, whenever [H,02] > lo-’ M (pH