Publication Date: October 1955. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the article's first page. Click to increase image size Free ...
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Oct. 30, 1935


metallo-protein enzymes which introduce two TABLE I oxygen atoms directly across the aromatic bond ESZVMATIC INCORPORATION O F O Z ’ I~S T O C~S-C~S-MUCONIC adjacent to the phenolic group with simultaneous ACID Experiment I. Catechol (0.6 mmole), 4.8 mg. of purified rupture of the aromatic structure. pyrocatechase (specific activity 112 units/mg. p r ~ t e i n ) , ~NATIONAL INSTITUTE O F ARTHRITIS A S D OSAMU HAYAI5HI 0.6 millimole of glutathione and 4.5 millimoles of potassium METABOLIC DISEASESAND XATIONAL HEART phosphate buffer (pH 7.5) were incubated in a 500-ml. INSTITUTE MASAYUKI KATAGIRI Erlenmeyer flask in a total volume of 60 ml. H2018, 0.701 SATIOWAL ISSTITUTES OF HEALTH, SIMON ROTHBERC atom yoexcess. Experiment 11. A 500-ml. Biichner suction BETHESDA 14, MD. flask was modified with a high vacuum stopcock a t the RECEIVED AUGUST 31, 1955 top; the hose connection was sealed with a rubber vaccine cap. The same reaction components as in Expt. I were employed except that HzO was used instead of H?O1*and t o ’z with DECOMPOSITION OF PRIMARY HYDROPEROXIDES the degassed container was added a O ~ ~ ~ - hmixture an approximate ratio of 02l8/Nz of 18.2%.b In Expt. I1 the Sir : 0 ’ 8 content of the flask was determined before the addition We should like to report that n-butyl hydroof the enzyme and after the completion of the reaction. The atom % excess was 1.354 and 1.331 respectively. peroxide when decomposed by heating the neat The reactions were run a t 25” with gentle mechanical shaking and the reaction rate was followed by the increased liquid a t 85” in absence of added catalyst gives, as absorption a t 260 mp. Aliquots were removed by syringe the primary gaseous product, hydrogen. Furtherthrough the rubber vaccine cap in Expt. 11. After two more this behavior is also general for the higher hours of incubation 2 ml. of 2 N HzS04 was added to the re- primary hydroperoxides; isobutyl, n-amyl, isoaction mixture. cis-cis-hluconic acid was isolated and was amyl, n-heptyl, n-octyl and n-decyl hydroperoxides recrystallized from absolute ethanol. The recrystallized material was pyrolyzed by the method of W. E. Doering all give hydrogen as the major gaseous component Oxygen was not produced in and E. Dorfman (THIS JOURNAL,75, 5595 (1953)c. The on heating to 100’. 0l8content was determined by a Consolidated Nier Model significant amounts in any case. 21-201 Mass Spectrometer, measuring C016018/C02(46/44) Milas’ states that ‘‘atrelatively low temperatures ratio. primary hydroperoxides decompose to give aldeAtom yo 0 1 8 in CLS-CISAtom % ’ excess hydes and water, while secondary and tertiary Muconic acidd


0.207 0.207

0.000 0.000

oxygen transferase rather than a dehydrogenase and no hydration reaction is involved in the over-all process. cis-cis-Muconic acid semialdehyde is therefore excluded as an intermediate since any known mechanism of enzymatic aldehyde oxidation involves hydration. A compound such as (111) appears to be a more likely intermediate in the pyrocatechase reaction. Orthobenzoquinone appears unlikely as an intermediate since HzOz was previously shown not to participate in the react i ~ n . ’ , ~This compound, however, cannot be completely ruled out as an intermediate because of the possibility of a tightly bound enzyme-HzOz complex acting as a peroxidase. The similarity of pyrocatechase to other enzymes which catalyze oxidative rupture of aromatic rings of certain phenolic compounds was recently reviewed by CrandalL5 I n addition to pyrocatechase, hornogentisicase,6 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid o x i d a ~ e ~and . ~ protocatechuic acid oxidase4 appear t o belong to this new class of

hydroperoxides give the corresponding alcohols and oxygen.” That hydrogen was the gas evolved in the decomposition of n-butyl hydroperoxide was therefore totally unexpected. A preliminary study on n-butyl hydroperoxide reveals two major reactions : approximately 50% goes t o hydrogen and butyric acid and 4070 goes to n-butyl n-butyrate and water. The remaining minor products are carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, propane, propyl butyrate, butyl propionate, propionic acid and an unknown compound, probably an hydroxy acid. Redistilled n-butyl hydroperoxide,2 0.605 g. (0.0067 mole), which was shown by gas-liquid partition chromatography3 to contain no appreciable amounts of impurities, was heated in the vapor of boiling trichloroethylene (b.p. 86”) for 47 hours until gas evolution had ceased and the peroxide titer was zero. The gas, 83.9 ml. a t standard conditions, was collected over mercury; i t showed the following analysis: hydrogen, 80.0% (0.0030 mole) ; carbon dioxide, 4.4% (0.00016 mole) ; carbon monoxide, 0.1%; propane, 6.8% (0.00025 mole); oxygen, 0.5%; residue 8.2%. The identity of the propane, as well as carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, was confirmed by its infrared spectrum. The liquid products, 0.532 g., were separated by gas-liquid partition chromatography3 on a silicone oil-Celite column and identified by infrared spectra. The composition of the liquid mixture was determined, by direct comparison of the partitionograms of the unknown with a synthetic m i x t ~ r e ,to~ be as follows: water, 9.9% (0.0029

( 5 ) D. I.. Crandall, “A Symposium on Amino Acid Metabolism.” ed. by D. McElroy and R . Glass, Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore. M d . , 1935. p. 8fi7. (0) M . Suda and Y . Takeda, J . B;ochem. ( J a p a n ) , 57, 381 (1950). (7) I,. 51. Henderson, rZbstract of paper, Amrr. Chem. Sot. I ? l s t hleetinn, Ililwaiikee. l!IBL’. p. Y3C. ( S ) A . l l i y a k ? , .4 I{. Ibckman : ~ n d11. S. Srh\+rig.ert,AI,str:ict 111 Taper, Anirr. Clirm S w 1 ? 1 i h RlPrtinp Chirag,,, I!I:n, p. 11C.

(1) N. A. Milas, “Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology,” Vol. 10, Interscience Encvclopedia Tnc., S e w York, 1954,p. 63. ( 2 ) H. R . Williams and H . S. Mosher, THIS IOURNAL, 76, 2984 11954). (3) (a) A . T. James and A. J. P. Martin, Analyst, 77, 91.5 (1952); (1,) A J. 1’. RIartin and A . T . James, Biochem. J.,60, 679 (1952). ( I ) (;. I>iihtrx, .T. (>. Kepliler and J. A . Srhols, Rir. / y o ! I . r h i w . , 74, s0.i 110,X)







+ Hz0”

+ HzO1’






1.421 1.217 1.343 1.433 1.239 a M. Katagiri and 0. Hayaishi, unpublished procedure. b 0 2 l 8 was prepared by electrolysis of H2018 obtained from the Stuart Oxygen Co. We are indebted to Mr. S.Ishihara of the National Bureau of Standards for use of the pyrolysis equipment. Calculated for the oxygen atoms incorporated. e Theoretical atom % excess when two oxygen atoms are derived from 0l8.

mole) ; n-butyric acid, 35.9% (0.0034 mole) ; n-butyl n-butyrate, 27.3% (0.0010 mole) ; nbutanol, 3.770 ; n-butyraldehyde, 0.8% ; propionic acid, 0.9Yc; n-butyl propionate and n-propyl nbutyrate, traces; and an unknown hydroxy (?) acid, 1.37,. The analysis of the major component was confirmed by conventional chemical separation and identification. We wish to thank the California Research Corporation for support which made this investigation possible.

On this basis, we suggest this fortiiula for the structure of formazans obtained from polysaccharides, e.g., from starch, oxidized with periodic acid CH,,





0 b h’



0 b \”

Procedure.-The polysaccharide samples were oxidized at room temperature with 3 to 5y0sodium metaperiodate for 24 and 48, and in the case of inTHE FORMAZAN REACTION IN PROVING THE soluble polysaccharides (e.g., cellulose or xylan) for STRUCTURE OF PERIODATE OXIDIZED POLYSACCHARIDES 120 hours, respectively. The corresponding phenSir: ylhydrazones were prepared as described by Barry Iiie have reported’ that the aldehydo-phenyl- and Mitchell. The bright yellow phenylhydrahydrazones of sugars couple with diazo compounds zones were then dissolved or suspended in pyrito build formazans, but that the phenylhydrazones dine or a 1 : 1 mixture of pyridine and ethanol. of ring structures derived from the hemiacetal Dropwise addition with ice-cooling, of a diazotized form do not. U’e now propose to make use of aniline solution led to coupling to give the formathis observation in a study of the precise structures zan. The vividly red solution or suspension was of polysaccharides oxidized with periodic acid and poured into ice water, and the polysaccharide formazans separated. With concentrated sulfuric of the phenylhydrazones obtainable from them.2 , a with polysaccharides oxidized with periodic acid they yielded the dark-blue color-reaction acid, each indi~idualoxidized monosaccharide re- characteristic of the formazans. By regulating the rate of oxidation it is possible acts with only one mole of aromatic amine, e.g., of phenylhydrazine.4 In the literature the following to determine how many formazan groups form per three formulas are suggested for the tnonosac- monosaccharide group. For instance, if a cellulose wad is oxidized for 120 hours as described by c h a r i ~ l e s , and ~ , ~ their p h e n y l h y d r a z ~ n e s ,respec~~~ Tawne and Satre,3 it will contain only one formatively. _ _ + zan group to three monosaccharides, and retain its original fibrous structure. Anal. Calcd. for the phenylhydrazone (C24H34014N2)z: N, 4.88. Found: N, 5.04. 0c cH Calcd. for the formazan (C30H&4N4)p: ,,,\ o OH N - N H - 0 HO N OH N, 5.26. Found: N, 7.42. If potato starch is oxidized with 3‘); I 11 111 sodium metaperiodate for 24 hours, or inulin with 470 sodium metageriodate (1) is an aldehyde-heniiacetalpheriylhydrazone, for 48 hours, the resuiting product will ~ 0 1 1 I I, a hemiacetal-aldehydo-phenylhydrazone,aiid tain two forniazan groups to three monosacchnI 11, a “hemialdal” structure. Of these, only I1 rides. contains an aldehydo-phenylhydrazone structure A n d . Calcd. for the phenylhydrazone (C30Haasuitable for yielding a formazan. N 4 0 1 ~ ) ~N, : 8.46. Found: N for starch, 8.31; On coupling with diazotized aniline in ice-cold for inulin 8.40. Calcd. for the formazan (C42H46pyridine solution, the phenylhydrazones of several NsOIJs: N, 12.87. Found: N for starch, 11.80; polysaccharides (cellulose, starch, inulin, xylan and for inulin, 12.50. dextrin) oxidized wirh periodic acid, we obtained A xylan sample oxidized with 3 7 , periodate solubright-red diphenyl-formazans, and thereby ob- tion for 120 hours and a dextrin sample oxidized tained unambiguous proof of the presence of struc- for 48 hours applying the above-described proreture I1 in these compounds. [lure likewise yielded the corresponding poly(1) I,. Mester and A. Major, T H I S J O U R N A L , 77, 42W (19%). saccharide formazans. (Found: N for xylatl 1 2 ) E. I,. Jackson and C. S. Hudson, ibid., 59, 2049 (1937). 11.10; N for dextrin, 12.03). (3) G. Jayme and >I, Satre, Rei.., 77, 242. 248 11044). This new reaction, yielding sparingly soluble ( 4 ) V. C. Barry and P. W. D . Mitchell, .I. Chein. Soc , %020(1954) ( 5 ) V. C . Barry, J. E. McCormick and P. W. D. hIitchell, ibid , 3642 formazans of vivid red color and high nitrogen con11454). tent, will facilitate establishing as yet undecided (6) J . H. Mitchell and C. B. Purves, THIS J O U R N A L , 64, 589 (1942). structures of polysaccharides. ( 7 ) J. VJ, Rowell, P.H. Forziati and R . E . Reeves, ibid., 73, 4484 (1951). Experiments to form new active groups (tetrazo(8) Z. A . Rogovin, A , G. Jasunskaia and Ti. M. Hogoslovskii, liums, thioaldonic-acid-phcnylhyrazides,metallic .I PviklotI;i~17( ‘ / i , m i j , i , 23, G R I fl950). ( Y ) \. c I i u r r v I ) \\’ I \ l i t < , l ~ ~ l 1. l , Tlrrni .S)’ , T1.831 ~ 1 ~ I - i ~( ~ ~ n ~ p l e u iens )tlir riiolrculc o f polys~iccliaridesbv




