Deferment of Student Chemists

ditional deferment for a sufficient time to find an opportunity to make use o f his training, either in the armed forces or in a necessary industry. T...
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Deferment of Student Chemists AT LAST the amended Bulletin No. 11 has appeared from Selective Service headquarters. It announces, just as we go to press, that full-time students of chemistry and chemical engineering who are certified by the college or university as in good academic standing, and who will finish their specialized courses not later than July 1, 1945, should be considered for deferment by their local boards. The language of the directive seems to be a little stronger than in

previous cases; previous directives to local boards have usually indicated that candidates "may be considered for deferment." The same Bulletin also points out td local boards that on completion of a student's technical course he should be given additional deferment for a sufficient time to find an opportunity to make use of his training, either in the armed forces or in a necessary industry. This Bulletin should be brought to the attention of students.